466 research outputs found

    Suppression of backward scattering of Dirac fermions in iron pnictides Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_xAs)2_2

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    We report electronic transport of Dirac cones when Fe is replaced by Ru, which has an isoelectronic electron configuration to Fe, using single crystals of Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_xAs)2_2. The electronic transport of parabolic bands is shown to be suppressed by scattering due to the crystal lattice distortion and the impurity effect of Ru, while that of the Dirac cone is not significantly reduced due to the intrinsic character of Dirac cones. It is clearly shown from magnetoresistance and Hall coefficient measurements that the inverse of average mobility, proportional to cyclotron effective mass, develops as the square root of the carrier number (n) of the Dirac cones. This is the unique character of the Dirac cone linear dispersion relationship. Scattering of Ru on the Dirac cones is discussed in terms of the estimated mean free path using experimental parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic moment of the 2083 keV level of [140]Ce

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    For the magnetic moment of the 2083 keV level of [140]Ce, there are four published data, all obtained by applying an external magnetic field of less than 5 T to a liquid sample containing [140]La using the time-differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) technique. Although these four values are consistent within two times their uncertainties (2σ), the range of values in 2σ extends from μ=+3.0to +5.2 (in units of nuclear magneton, μ[N]). This time, the TDPAC technique was successfully applied to the 2083 keV level of 140Ce implanted in an Fe foil. The magnetic moment of this level was determined to be μ=+4.00(20)μ[N], employing the known hyperfine field at 141Ce in Fe, −41(2) T, which agrees very well with one of the values, μ=+4.06(15)μ[N]. The present value is compared with two shell-model calculations

    First-Principles Electronic Structure of Solid Picene

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    To explore the electronic structure of the first aromatic superconductor, potassium-doped solid picene which has been recently discovered by Mitsuhashi et al with the transition temperatures Tc=720T_c=7 - 20 K, we have obtained a first-principles electronic structure of solid picene as a first step toward the elucidation of the mechanism of the superconductivity. The undoped crystal is found to have four conduction bands, which are characterized in terms of the maximally localized Wannier orbitals. We have revealed how the band structure reflects the stacked arrangement of molecular orbitals for both undoped and doped (K3_3picene) cases, where the bands are not rigid. The Fermi surface for K3_3picene is a curious composite of a warped two-dimensional surface and a three-dimensional one.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure