14 research outputs found

    Public servants working from home during the pandemic: Who gained and who lost?

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    Employees experienced both advantages and disadvantages while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers have examined these impacts on women and those with caring responsibilities; however, little research has examined the impacts on other groups of employees, such as those with a disability or employed on a casual basis. In this article, we focus on the public sector and examine who gained and who lost while working from home, based on a 2020 survey of over 5000 Australian public servants. We have constructed loss and gain indices to measure three elements of a change model, which enables an evaluation of the impacts on various groups of employees. The elements of change management examined are operational areas, performance management, and beliefs and values. To analyse the factors affecting gains and losses, as summarised in the indices, we applied a statistical model estimated using linear regression methods. Our findings reveal that, on average, survey participants experienced a net gain. Families and employees with a disability gained; however, women gained less than men in the first two categories and gained more than men on the beliefs and values category. These findings highlight areas on which public service organisations need to focus as we enter a COVID-normal era

    Can videos affect learning outcomes? Evidence from an actual learning environment

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    We examine the effect of an innovation in an educational context, a class of 500 + first-year economics students at a well-known Australian university. We study whether introducing content in the form of a multimedia presentation has a detectable effect on specific categories of student knowledge. The multimedia presentation has a narrator presenting concepts with images, words, and worked examples. Our key outcome measure is the probability of answering questions correctly on a mid-term test. A quasi-experimental design is followed to offer a causal interpretation of the results. We find that the multimedia presentation markedly increases students’ academic outcomes on the test compared to those that did not view the presentation, especially in regards to procedural and evaluative knowledge. An additional survey reveals gains in students’ metacognitive knowledge. These findings suggest that multimedia presentations contribute to improved student learning outcomes and offer valuable options at a time of increased online course delivery. The findings also highlight the relevance of investing in education and resources to develop the necessary design skills among academics and staff

    Refugees are a valuable but overlooked economic resource, and it is time to update our approach to migration

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    The view that welcoming refugees represents a cost to a country's welfare services has become anachronistic; nowadays refugees are increasingly recognised for their high levels of education and skills, and their ability to make an economic contribution to a host country. Yet, most states' approach to migration management prevents displaced people from migrating based on the human capital that they can supply. Australia is trialling a new approach that enables refugees to access skilled migration through employer sponsorship. This article describes the pilot project and suggests ways to encourage employers to view refugees as a valuable solution to workforce shortages

    Projections of Future Demand and Costs of Aged Care Services in China

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    The growing demand for aged care services has become a pressing challenge worldwide. However, the future changes in demand for aged care services and the corresponding socioeconomic consequences in rapidly aging societies are not yet adequately understood. To achieve a better understanding of the future demand for aged care services, this study provides a set of comprehensive projections of the scale of demand for aged care services and the associated economic burdens between 2010 and 2050 in the context of China. Using a research framework based on the life cycle approach and a modified Personal Social Services Research Unit model, the study projects that the size of Chinese elderly population (i.e., aged ≥ 60) demanding aged care services will grow considerably, reaching 127.4 million in 2050 and costing 2.6 trillion yuan (or 1.01% of Chinese gross domestic product). Home-/community-based care services will be the form of aged care most in demand by the 70.21 million Chinese elderly people in 2050, and the most needed types of aged care services will be feeding assistance. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that demand for and costs of aged care services are sensitive to the assumptions about patterns of elderly disability and the prices of aged care services. The projected growth in the future demand and costs of aged care services warrants more heightened attention from Chinese policymakers and providers of aged care services. The implications for other rapidly aging societies are also discussed

    Defense expenditures, spill-ins and threats in Asia-Pacific

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    International Business Travels and Australia's Skills Endowment

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    14 page(s

    Importing students or exporting higher education?

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    7 page(s

    Outcomes for children with disability in out-of-home care: Evidence from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study in Australia

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    Background: Children with disability are over-represented in out-of-home care (OOHC) in Australia and internationally. Yet we know little about their circumstances, placement types, support needs, and the outcomes of their trajectories and wellbeing through care. Objective: We examine the wellbeing and outcomes of children with and without disabilities in OOHC. Participants and setting: We use panel data from waves 1–4 of the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) collected between June 2011 and November 2018 by the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), Australia. The POCLS sampling framework covers all children aged 0–17 years who entered OOHC in NSW for the first time between May 2010 and October 2011 (n = 4126). A subset of these children (n = 2828) had final Children's Court orders by 30 April 2013. Among these, caregivers of 1789 children agreed to participate in the interview component of the POCLS. Methods: We employ a random effects estimator to analyse the panel data. This is standard practice to exploit a panel database when some of the key explanatory variables are time invariant. Results: Children with disability have poorer wellbeing than children without disability across the three domains of physical health, socio-emotional wellbeing, and cognitive ability. However, children with disability have fewer difficulties at school and better school bonding. The type of placements – namely relative/kinship care, restoration/adoption/guardianship, foster care and residential care – have little or limited association with wellbeing of children with disability. Conclusions: Children with disability tend to have lower levels of wellbeing in OOHC than children without disability, and this is driven mainly by their disability status rather than care factors