52 research outputs found

    Electrical and magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic semiconductor MnSi2N4 monolayer

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    Two-dimensional antiferromagnetic semiconductors have triggered significant attention due to their unique physical properties and broad application. Based on first-principles calculations, a novel two-dimensional (2D) antiferromagnetic material MnSi2N4 monolayer is predicted. The calculation results show that the two-dimensional MnSi2N4 prefers an antiferromagnetic state with a small band gap of 0.26 eV. MnSi2N4 has strong antiferromagnetic coupling which can be effectively tuned under strain. Interestingly, the MnSi2N4 monolayer exhibits a half-metallic ferromagnetic properties under an external magnetic field, in which the spin-up electronic state displays a metallic property, while the spin-down electronic state exhibits a semiconducting characteristic. Therefore, 100% spin polarization can be achieved. Two-dimensional MnSi2N4 monolayer has potential application in the field of high-density information storage and spintronic devices

    Mécanismes de vieillissement des anodes à base de FeSn2 pour batteries Li-ion

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    Les intermétalliques d’étain ont été proposés comme matériaux d’anode pour batteries Li-ion à forte densité d’énergie car leur capacité spécifique est bien supérieure à celle des anodes commerciales à base de carbone. Le mécanisme électrochimique est basé sur la transformation irréversible de FeSn2 en un composite formé de nanoparticules de fer et de Li3.5Sn lors de la première lithiation, puis de réactions réversibles modifiant la composition de Li3.5Sn, les particules de fer assurant la dispersion de ces particules à base d’étain [1]. Cependant, nous avons observé que l’électrode lithiée était instable dans le temps conduisant à l’autodécharge progressive de la batterie [2]. Ce phénomène de vieillissement a été caractérisé par spectrométrie Mössbauer du 57Fe et de 119Sn, par spectroscopie d’impédance et par mesures magnétiques (Figure 1). On montre que le composite Fe/Li3.5Sn se délithie progressivement au cours du temps conduisant à un composite faiblement lithié Fe/LixSn avec x<1. Les nanoparticules de fer sont stables et ne réagissent pas avec LixSn. Les atomes de lithium libérés réagissent avec l’électrolyte et modifient la morphologie de la couche SEI (Surface Electrolyte Interphase) située à la surface des particules LixSn du composite.[1] M. Chamas, M. T. Sougrati, C. Reibel, P.E. Lippens, Chem. Mater. 25, 2410 (2015). [2] M. Chamas, A. Mahmoud, J. Tang, S. Panero, M. T. Sougrati, P. E. Lippens, J. Phys Chem. C 121, 217 (2017)

    Study on Synergistic Corrosion Inhibition Effect between Calcium Lignosulfonate (CLS) and Inorganic Inhibitors on Q235 Carbon Steel in Alkaline Environment with Cl−

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    The synergistic corrosion inhibition effect between calcium lignosulfonate (CLS) and three kinds of inorganic inhibitors (Na2MoO4, Na2SnO3, and NaWO4) with various molar ratios on Q235 carbon steel in alkaline solution (pH 11.5) with 0.02 mol/L NaCl was investigated by cyclic potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, linear polarization, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Molybdate and stannate in hybrid inhibitor could promote the passivation of steel and form a complex film, which could suppress the corrosion effectively. Moreover, the insoluble metal oxides in the complex film formed by three kinds of inorganic inhibitor could help the adsorption of CLS onto the steel surface. The CLS molecules could adsorb onto the steel surface and metal oxides to form an adsorption film to protect the steel from corrosion. A three-layer protection film formed by a hybrid inhibitor, including passivation film, deposition film, and adsorption film, would effectively inhibit the corrosion reactions on the steel surface. The CLS compound with molybdate with the ratio of 2:3 shows the best inhibition effect on both general corrosion and localized corrosion

    In-Situ Monitoring and Analysis of the Pitting Corrosion of Carbon Steel by Acoustic Emission

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    The acoustic emission (AE) technique was applied to monitor the pitting corrosion of carbon steel in NaHCO3 + NaCl solutions. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurement and corrosion morphology in-situ capturing using an optical microscope were conducted during AE monitoring. The corrosion micromorphology was characterized with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The propagation behavior and AE features of natural pitting on carbon steel were investigated. After completion of the signal processing, including pre-treatment, shape preserving interpolation, and denoising, for raw AE waveforms, three types of AE signals were classified in the correlation diagrams of the new waveform parameters. Finally, a 2D pattern recognition method was established to calculate the similarity of different continuous AE graphics, which is quite effective to distinguish the localized corrosion from uniform corrosion

    Influence of a Precursor Film with a Copper Gradient on the Properties of a Copper Indium Gallium Selenide Solar Cell

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    A precursor film with a Cu gradient was prepared in order to improve the quality of the absorber film produced by sputtering CIGS targets when using glass substrates. Two ceramic quaternary targets with different copper content were used for alternatively sputtering to get a bi-layer precursor film with a Cu gradient; meanwhile, the crystallization property and cell performance were studied. This was done in order to study the activities of the Cu element in the precursor layer before and after selenization. The film states of the temperature-rise period and high temperature selenization period were investigated. The appropriate structure of the precursor film was the Cu-rich layer underneath the Cu-poor layer. The Cu&ndash;Se phase, which is important for the crystalline property, can be produced in the Cu-rich layer under the heating period. The Cu-poor layer on the top reacts with the Cu-Se compound in the annealing process at a high temperature, and the big grain size of the absorber layer can be obtained due to Cu diffusion promoted by the gradient in the precursor film, as well as better conversion efficiency. This result shows that constructing the precursor film with a Cu gradient by sputtering different quaternary CIGS targets is a very promising fabrication method to obtain high-performance solar-cell devices with a good crystallization property under an annealing temperature of 550 &deg;C and is suitable for further industrialized application

    Electrodeposition of a Pd-Ni/TiO2 Composite Coating on 316L SS and Its Corrosion Behavior in Hot Sulfuric Acid Solution

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    Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings were elaborated on 316L stainless steel by an electrodeposition method. The specimens were obtained from an electrolytic bath that contained various contents (5, 10, and 15 g L&minus;1) of nanosized TiO2 particles. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization showed that increasing the TiO2 content in the coatings can decrease the crystal grain size. The surface morphology and chemical composition of the composite coatings were modified by the addition of TiO2 particles in the electrolyte, as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) methods, respectively. The TiO2 content also significantly affected the mechanical and electrochemical properties of the Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings. The microhardness of the Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings can be enhanced by increasing the TiO2 content in the coatings. With the addition of 5 g L&minus;1 TiO2 particles to the electrolyte, the deposited Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coating presented a remarkably increased corrosion resistance when exposed to a sulfuric acid solution at 60 &deg;C compared with that of the Pd-Ni alloy coating. Nevertheless, the further addition of TiO2 particles into the electrolytic bath did not further improve the corrosion resistance of the composite coating

    Electrodeposition of a Pd-Ni/TiO2 Composite Coating on 316L SS and Its Corrosion Behavior in Hot Sulfuric Acid Solution

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    Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings were elaborated on 316L stainless steel by an electrodeposition method. The specimens were obtained from an electrolytic bath that contained various contents (5, 10, and 15 g L&minus;1) of nanosized TiO2 particles. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization showed that increasing the TiO2 content in the coatings can decrease the crystal grain size. The surface morphology and chemical composition of the composite coatings were modified by the addition of TiO2 particles in the electrolyte, as shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) methods, respectively. The TiO2 content also significantly affected the mechanical and electrochemical properties of the Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings. The microhardness of the Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coatings can be enhanced by increasing the TiO2 content in the coatings. With the addition of 5 g L&minus;1 TiO2 particles to the electrolyte, the deposited Pd-Ni/TiO2 composite coating presented a remarkably increased corrosion resistance when exposed to a sulfuric acid solution at 60 &deg;C compared with that of the Pd-Ni alloy coating. Nevertheless, the further addition of TiO2 particles into the electrolytic bath did not further improve the corrosion resistance of the composite coating

    SiCp/Al5056 Composite Coatings Applied to A Magnesium Substrate by Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Method for Corrosion Protection

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    International audienceCorrosion protection using cold spraying is a promising method to address the shortcomings associated with classical techniques for protecting magnesium alloys from corrosion. In this study, SiCp/Al 5056 composite coatings were prepared on a magnesium substrate using cold spraying. The effects on the microstructure and corrosion properties after adding SiC were analysed. To evaluate the durability of the cold-sprayed Al-based coatings on Mg, galvanic corrosion, immersion and thermal cycling tests were conducted. The results show that cold-sprayed aluminium coatings serve as a reliable cathode for magnesium substrates. The addition of SiC particles increases the galvanic potential and decreases the galvanic reduction current of the coating/substrate couple. The SiCp/Al 5056 composite coatings show better corrosion resistance than that of the Al 5056 coating in extended immersion tests due to the densification of the coating under the peening effect of hard particles. Moreover, SiC particles with an average size of 15.6 µm show more improvement than with SiC particles having an average size of 72.8 µm. The cold-sprayed SiCp/Al 5056 composite coating also presents excellent properties in the thermal cycling tests. After applying failure mode parameters in the thermal cycling tests, the composite coating demonstrates good adhesion as cracking was located in the Mg substrate and not at the interface

    Perspectives in flow-induced vibration energy harvesting

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    Flow-induced vibration (FIV) energy harvesting has attracted extensive research interest in the past two decades. Remarkable research achievements and contributions from different aspects are briefly overviewed. Example applications of FIV energy harvesting techniques in the development of Internet of Things are mentioned. The challenges and difficulties in this field are summarized from two sides. First, the multi-physics coupling problem in FIV energy harvesting still cannot be well handled. There is a lack of system-level theoretical modeling that can accurately account for fluid-structure interaction, the electromechanical coupling, and complicated interface circuits. Second, the robustness of FIV energy harvesters needs to be further improved to adapt to the uncertainties in practical scenarios. To be more specific, the cut-in wind speed is expected to be further reduced and the power output to be increased. Finally, Perspectives on the future development in this direction are discussed. Machine-learning approaches, the versatility of metamaterials, and more advanced interface circuits should receive more attention from researchers, since these cutting-edge techniques may have the potential to address the multi-physics modeling problem of FIV energy harvesters and significantly improve the operation performance. In addition, in-depth collaborations between researchers from different disciplines are anticipated to promote the FIV energy harvesting technology to step out of the lab and into real applications

    Cold-Sprayed AZ91D Coating and SiC/AZ91D Composite Coatings

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    As an emerging coating building technique, cold spraying has many advantages to elaborate Mg alloy workpieces. In this study, AZ91D coatings and AZ91D-based composite coatings were deposited using cold spraying. Coatings were prepared using different gas temperatures to obtain the available main gas temperature. Compressed air was used as the accelerating gas, and although magnesium alloy is oxidation-sensitive, AZ91D coatings with good performance were obtained. The results show that dense coatings can be fabricated until the gas temperature is higher than 500 °C. The deposition efficiency increases greatly with the gas temperature, but it is lower than 10% for all coating specimens. To analyze the effects of compressed air on AZ91D powder particles and the effects of gas temperature on coatings, the phase composition, porosity, cross-sectional microstructure, and microhardness of coatings were characterized. X-ray diffraction and oxygen content analysis clarified that no phase transformation or oxidation occurred on AZ91D powder particles during cold spraying processes with compressed air. The porosity of AZ91D coatings remained between 3.6% and 3.9%. Impact melting was found on deformed AZ91D particles when the gas temperature increased to 550 °C. As-sprayed coatings exhibit much higher microhardness than as-casted bulk magnesium, demonstrating the dense structure of cold-sprayed coatings. To study the effects of ceramic particles on cold-sprayed AZ91D coatings, 15 vol % SiC powder particles were added into the feedstock powder. Lower SiC content in the coating than in the feedstock powder means that the deposition efficiency of the SiC powder particles is lower than the deposition efficiency of AZ91D particles. The addition of SiC particles reduces the porosity and increases the microhardness of cold-sprayed AZ91D coatings. The corrosion behavior of AZ91D coating and SiC reinforced AZ91D composite coating were examined. The SiC-reinforced AZ91D composite coating reveals higher corrosion potential than magnesium substrate; therefore, it serves as a cathode for the magnesium substrate, the same as the AZ91D coating on magnesium substrate. As the SiC powder is semi-conductive, the embedded SiC particles reduce the electrochemical reaction of the AZ91D coating. The addition of SiC particles increases the corrosion potential of the coating, meanwhile increasing the galvanic potential and decreasing the negative galvanic current of the coating-substrate couple
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