8 research outputs found

    Dense-Caption Matching and Frame-Selection Gating for Temporal Localization in VideoQA

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    Videos convey rich information. Dynamic spatio-temporal relationships between people/objects, and diverse multimodal events are present in a video clip. Hence, it is important to develop automated models that can accurately extract such information from videos. Answering questions on videos is one of the tasks which can evaluate such AI abilities. In this paper, we propose a video question answering model which effectively integrates multi-modal input sources and finds the temporally relevant information to answer questions. Specifically, we first employ dense image captions to help identify objects and their detailed salient regions and actions, and hence give the model useful extra information (in explicit textual format to allow easier matching) for answering questions. Moreover, our model is also comprised of dual-level attention (word/object and frame level), multi-head self/cross-integration for different sources (video and dense captions), and gates which pass more relevant information to the classifier. Finally, we also cast the frame selection problem as a multi-label classification task and introduce two loss functions, In-andOut Frame Score Margin (IOFSM) and Balanced Binary Cross-Entropy (BBCE), to better supervise the model with human importance annotations. We evaluate our model on the challenging TVQA dataset, where each of our model components provides significant gains, and our overall model outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin (74.09% versus 70.52%). We also present several word, object, and frame level visualization studies. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/hyounghk/VideoQADenseCapFrameGate-ACL2020Comment: ACL 2020 (11 pages

    Perceiver-VL: Efficient Vision-and-Language Modeling with Iterative Latent Attention

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    We present Perceiver-VL, a vision-and-language framework that efficiently handles high-dimensional multimodal inputs such as long videos and text. Powered by the iterative latent cross-attention of Perceiver, our framework scales with linear complexity, in contrast to the quadratic complexity of self-attention used in many state-of-the-art transformer-based models. To further improve the efficiency of our framework, we also study applying LayerDrop on cross-attention layers and introduce a mixed-stream architecture for cross-modal retrieval. We evaluate Perceiver-VL on diverse video-text and image-text benchmarks, where Perceiver-VL achieves the lowest GFLOPs and latency while maintaining competitive performance. In addition, we also provide comprehensive analyses of various aspects of our framework, including pretraining data, scalability of latent size and input size, dropping cross-attention layers at inference to reduce latency, modality aggregation strategy, positional encoding, and weight initialization strategy. Our code and checkpoints are available at: https://github.com/zinengtang/Perceiver_VLComment: WACV 2023 (first two authors contributed equally

    CoDi-2: In-Context, Interleaved, and Interactive Any-to-Any Generation

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    We present CoDi-2, a versatile and interactive Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) that can follow complex multimodal interleaved instructions, conduct in-context learning (ICL), reason, chat, edit, etc., in an any-to-any input-output modality paradigm. By aligning modalities with language for both encoding and generation, CoDi-2 empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) to not only understand complex modality-interleaved instructions and in-context examples, but also autoregressively generate grounded and coherent multimodal outputs in the continuous feature space. To train CoDi-2, we build a large-scale generation dataset encompassing in-context multimodal instructions across text, vision, and audio. CoDi-2 demonstrates a wide range of zero-shot capabilities for multimodal generation, such as in-context learning, reasoning, and compositionality of any-to-any modality generation through multi-round interactive conversation. CoDi-2 surpasses previous domain-specific models on tasks such as subject-driven image generation, vision transformation, and audio editing. CoDi-2 signifies a substantial breakthrough in developing a comprehensive multimodal foundation model adept at interpreting in-context language-vision-audio interleaved instructions and producing multimodal outputs.Comment: Project Page: https://codi-2.github.io

    Paxion: Patching Action Knowledge in Video-Language Foundation Models

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    Action knowledge involves the understanding of textual, visual, and temporal aspects of actions. We introduce the Action Dynamics Benchmark (ActionBench) containing two carefully designed probing tasks: Action Antonym and Video Reversal, which targets multimodal alignment capabilities and temporal understanding skills of the model, respectively. Despite recent video-language models' (VidLM) impressive performance on various benchmark tasks, our diagnostic tasks reveal their surprising deficiency (near-random performance) in action knowledge, suggesting that current models rely on object recognition abilities as a shortcut for action understanding. To remedy this, we propose a novel framework, Paxion, along with a new Discriminative Video Dynamics Modeling (DVDM) objective. The Paxion framework utilizes a Knowledge Patcher network to encode new action knowledge and a Knowledge Fuser component to integrate the Patcher into frozen VidLMs without compromising their existing capabilities. Due to limitations of the widely-used Video-Text Contrastive (VTC) loss for learning action knowledge, we introduce the DVDM objective to train the Knowledge Patcher. DVDM forces the model to encode the correlation between the action text and the correct ordering of video frames. Our extensive analyses show that Paxion and DVDM together effectively fill the gap in action knowledge understanding (~50% to 80%), while maintaining or improving performance on a wide spectrum of both object- and action-centric downstream tasks. The code and data will be made publicly available for research purposes at https://github.com/MikeWangWZHL/Paxion.git.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 spotligh

    Unifying Vision, Text, and Layout for Universal Document Processing

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    We propose Universal Document Processing (UDOP), a foundation Document AI model which unifies text, image, and layout modalities together with varied task formats, including document understanding and generation. UDOP leverages the spatial correlation between textual content and document image to model image, text, and layout modalities with one uniform representation. With a novel Vision-Text-Layout Transformer, UDOP unifies pretraining and multi-domain downstream tasks into a prompt-based sequence generation scheme. UDOP is pretrained on both large-scale unlabeled document corpora using innovative self-supervised objectives and diverse labeled data. UDOP also learns to generate document images from text and layout modalities via masked image reconstruction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in the field of document AI that one model simultaneously achieves high-quality neural document editing and content customization. Our method sets the state-of-the-art on 8 Document AI tasks, e.g., document understanding and QA, across diverse data domains like finance reports, academic papers, and websites. UDOP ranks first on the leaderboard of the Document Understanding Benchmark.Comment: CVPR 202

    Dense-Caption Matching and Frame-Selection Gating for Temporal Localization in VideoQA

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    Videos convey rich information. Dynamic spatio-temporal relationships between people/objects, and diverse multimodal events are present in a video clip. Hence, it is important to develop automated models that can accurately extract such information from videos. Answering questions on videos is one of the tasks which can evaluate such AI abilities. In this paper, we propose a video question answering model which effectively integrates multi-modal input sources and finds the temporally relevant information to answer questions. Specifically, we first employ dense image captions to help identify objects and their detailed salient regions and actions, and hence give the model useful extra information (in explicit textual format to allow easier matching) for answering questions. Moreover, our model is also comprised of dual-level attention (word/object and frame level), multi-head self/cross-integration for different sources (video and dense captions), and gates which pass more relevant information to the classifier. Finally, we also cast the frame selection problem as a multi-label classification task and introduce two loss functions, In-andOut Frame Score Margin (IOFSM) and Balanced Binary Cross-Entropy (BBCE), to better supervise the model with human importance annotations. We evaluate our model on the challenging TVQA dataset, where each of our model components provides significant gains, and our overall model outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin (74.09% versus 70.52%). We also present several word, object, and frame level visualization studies

    Continuous Language Generative Flow

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    Recent years have witnessed various types of generative models for natural language generation (NLG), especially RNNs or transformer based sequence-to-sequence models, as well as variational autoencoder (VAE) and generative adversarial network (GAN) based models. However, flow-based generative models, which achieve strong performance in image generation due to their invertibility and exact density estimation properties, have been less explored for NLG. In this paper, we propose a flow-based language generation model by adapting previous flow generative models to language generation via continuous input embeddings, adapted affine coupling structures, and a novel architecture for autoregressive text generation. We also apply our framework to Sequence-to-Sequence generation, including text- and video-based Question Generation (QG) and Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and data augmentation for Question Answering (QA). We use our language flow model to provide extra input features for QG and NMT, which achieves improvements over the strong QG baselines on SQuAD and TVQA and NMT baseline on WMT16. We also augment QA data with new context by injecting noise to the latent features of the language flow and show this augmentation leads to a large performance improvement from strong baselines on SQuAD and TVQA