232 research outputs found

    Connecting b→sℓℓˉb\to s\ell\bar\ell anomalies to enhanced rare nonleptonic Bˉs0\bar{B}_s^0 decays in Z′Z' model

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    The present data on a number of observables in bβ†’sΞΌ+ΞΌβˆ’b\to s\mu^+\mu^- processes manifest some tensions with the standard model (SM). Assuming that these anomalies have a new physics origin, we consider the possibility that a Zβ€²Z' boson is responsible for them. We further assume that its interactions with quarks also affect rare nonleptonic decays of the BΛ‰s0\bar B_s^0 meson which are purely isospin-violating and tend to be dominated by electroweak-penguin contributions, namely BΛ‰s0β†’(Ξ·,Ξ·β€²,Ο•)(Ο€0,ρ0)\bar B_s^0\to(\eta,\eta',\phi)(\pi^0,\rho^0). Most of these decays are not yet observed, and their rates are expected to be relatively small in the SM. Taking into account constraints from various measurements, including the evidence for BΛ‰s0→ϕρ0\bar B_s^0\to\phi\rho^0 recently seen by LHCb, we find that the Zβ€²Z' effects on BΛ‰s0β†’(Ξ·,Ο•)Ο€0\bar B_s^0\to(\eta,\phi)\pi^0 can make their rates bigger than the SM predictions by up to an order of magnitude. For BΛ‰s0β†’Ξ·β€²Ο€0,(Ξ·,Ξ·β€²)ρ0\bar B_s^0\to\eta'\pi^0,(\eta,\eta')\rho^0, the enhancement factors are at most a few. Since the Zβ€²Z' contributions to the different channels depend on different combinations of its couplings, observations of more of these decays in future experiments, along with improved bβ†’sΞΌ+ΞΌβˆ’b\to s\mu^+\mu^- data, will probe this Zβ€²Z' scenario more thoroughly.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, somewhat revised, comments & references added, matches publicatio

    Flavor-Changing Higgs Decays in Grand Unification with Minimal Flavor Violation

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    We consider the flavor-changing decays of the Higgs boson in a grand unified theory framework which is based on the SU(5) gauge group and implements the principle of minimal flavor violation. This allows us to explore the possibility of connecting the tentative hint of the Higgs decay hβ†’ΞΌΟ„h\to\mu\tau recently reported in the CMS experiment to potential new physics in the quark sector. We look at different simple scenarios with minimal flavor violation in this context and how they are subject to various empirical restrictions. In one specific case, the relative strengths of the flavor-changing leptonic Higgs couplings are determined mainly by the known quark mixing parameters and masses, and a branching fraction B(hβ†’ΞΌΟ„)∼1%{\cal B}(h\to\mu\tau)\sim1\% is achievable without the couplings being incompatible with the relevant constraints. Upcoming data on the Higgs leptonic decays and searches for the ΞΌβ†’eΞ³\mu\to e\gamma decay with improved precision can offer further tests on this scenario.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, somewhat expanded, references added, main conclusions unchanged, matches published versio

    Minimal Lepton Flavor Violation Implications of the b→sb\to s Anomalies

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    The latest measurements of rare bβ†’sb\to s decays in the LHCb experiment have led to results in tension with the predictions of the standard model (SM), including a tentative indication of the violation of lepton flavor universality. Assuming that this situation will persist because of new physics, we explore some of the potential consequences in the context of the SM extended with the seesaw mechanism involving right-handed neutrinos plus effective dimension-six lepton-quark operators under the framework of minimal flavor violation. We focus on a couple of such operators which can accommodate the LHCb anomalies and conform to the minimal flavor violation hypothesis in both their lepton and quark parts. We examine specifically the lepton-flavor-violating decays Bβ†’K(βˆ—)β„“β„“β€²B\to K^{(*)}\ell\ell', Bsβ†’Ο•β„“β„“β€²B_s\to\phi\ell\ell', Bβ†’(Ο€,ρ)β„“β„“β€²B\to(\pi,\rho)\ell\ell', and Bd,sβ†’β„“β„“β€²B_{d,s}\to\ell\ell', as well as KLβ†’eΞΌK_L\to e\mu and Kβ†’Ο€eΞΌK\to\pi e\mu, induced by such operators. The estimated branching fractions of some of these decay modes with ΞΌΟ„\mu\tau in the final states are allowed by the pertinent experimental constraints to reach a few times 10βˆ’710^{-7} if other operators do not yield competitive effects. We also look at the implications for Bβ†’K(βˆ—)Ξ½Ξ½B\to K^{(*)}\nu\nu and K→πννK\to\pi\nu\nu, finding that their rates can be a few times larger than their SM values. These results are testable in future experiments.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, clarifying comments added, references updated, matches journal versio

    Constraints on a New Light Spin-One Particle from Rare b -> s Transitions

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    The anomalously large like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry in semileptonic b-hadron decays recently measured by the D0 Collaboration may be hinting at the presence of CP-violating new physics in the mixing of B_s mesons. It has been suggested that the effect of a nonstandard spin-1 particle lighter than the b quark with flavor-changing couplings to b and s quarks can reproduce the D0 result within its one-sigma range. Here we explore the possibility that the new particle also couples to charged leptons l=e,mu and thus contributes to rare b -> s processes involving the leptons. We consider in particular constraints on its couplings from existing experimental data on the inclusive B -> X_s l^+ l^- and exclusive B -> K^{(*)} l^+ l^- decays, as well as the anomalous magnetic moments of the leptons. We find that there is parameter space of the particle that is allowed by the current data. Future measurements of these B transitions and rare decays of the B_s meson, such as B_s -> (phi,eta,eta') l^+ l^- and B_s -> l^+ l^-, at LHCb and next-generation B factories can probe its presence or couplings more stringently.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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