4,888 research outputs found

    Flavor Mixing in the Gauge-Higgs Unification

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    Gauge-Higgs unification is the fascinating scenario solving the hierarchy problem without supersymmetry. In this scenario, the Standard Model (SM) Higgs doublet is identified with extra component of the gauge field in higher dimensions and its mass becomes finite and stable under quantum corrections due to the higher dimensional gauge symmetry. On the other hand, Yukawa coupling is provided by the gauge coupling, which seems to mean that the flavor mixing and CP violation do not arise at it stands. In this talk, we discuss that the flavor mixing is originated from simultaneously non-diagonalizable bulk and brane mass matrices. Then, this mechanism is applied to various flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) processes via Kaluza-Klein (KK) gauge boson exchange at tree level and constraints for compactification scale are obtained.Comment: 5 pages, prepared for the proceedings of the International Workshop on Grand Unified Theories (GUT2012) held at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, March 15-17 2012, Kyoto, Japa

    EXAFS Study on Local Structure of Iron Crystal by the Use of Asymmetrical Monochromator and PSPC

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    The EXAFS spectroscopy equipment constructed from an asymmetrical cut flat monochromator and PSPC is applied to the structural determination of pure α-iron which has small difference (0.038nm) in the first and second nearest neighbour distance. The efficiency of the curve fitting method for the two shell model of known structure material (α-iron) is discussed, in addition to describing the details of the experimental procedure of our new type of spectrometer and of the EXAFS data analysis

    Validation of CFD Codes for the Helicopter Wake in Ground Effect

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    When a helicopter takes off, lands, or makes hovering or taxiing flights in ground effect, its downwash interferes with the ground. Encounters with such highly turbulent helicopter wakes have been blamed for two fixed-wing aircraft crashes in the United Kingdom. Additional incidents including tents blown away are reported in Japan. Due to these accidents, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the University of Glasgow (UoG) are investigating the helicopter wake structure in ground effect, especially during taxiing, by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In this study, CFD codes of UoG and JAXA are validated through comparing numerical results of each party and flight experiment data. As a result, it is found that the CFD codes show qualitatively the same results each other and they are also close to the experiment

    Combined immunosuppressive therapy with low dose FK506 and antimetabolites in rat allogeneic heart transplantation

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    Following rat heterotopic heart allotransplantation, low to lethal doses of the antimetabolites mizoribine (MIZ), RS-61443 (RS), and AZA were given alone or in combination with subtherapeutic doses of FK506 (0.04 mg/kg/day) for 14 days after transplantation. With the median effect analysis of Chou and Kahan for quantitative drug interactions, substantial therapeutic synergism was demonstrated between FK506 and nontoxic doses of MĪZ (2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day) or AZA (5, 30, and 45 mg/kg/day), which was particularly evident with the lowest dose MIZ (2.5 mg/kg/day). When FK506 was used in combination with MIZ or AZA but not with RS, the maximum effect (peak median graft survival) was enhanced significantly from 15 days (MIZ alone) to 26 days (P<0.05), and from 19 days (AZA alone) to 32 days (P<0.0l). In contrast, RS interacted with FK506 no more than additively. Although RS was the most powerful single antimetabolite, the best overall survival was obtained by combining AZA and FK506. The addition of FK506 did not significantly increase the percent mortality and LD50 of the antimetabolites. © 1994 by Williams and Wilkins

    Hamster-to-rat heart and liver xenotransplantation with FK506 plus antiproliferative drugs

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    Heterotopic hamster hearts transplanted to unmodified LEW rats underwent humoral rejection in 3 days. Survival was prolonged to a median of 4 days with 2 mg/kg/day FK506. As monotherapy, 15 mg/kg/day cyclophosphamide greatly prolonged graft survival-far more than could be accomplished with RS-61443, brequinar (BQR), mizoribine, methotrexate, or deoxyspergualin. However, when FK506 treatment, which was ineffective alone, was combined with a short induction course (14 or 30 days) of subtherapeutic BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide, routine survival of heart xenografts was possible for as long as the daily FK506 was continued. In addition, a single large dose of 80 mg/kg cyclophosphamide 10 days preoperatively allowed routine cardiac xenograft survival under FK506. The ability of these antimetabolites to unmask the therapeutic potential of FK506 correlated, although imperfectly, with the prevention of rises of preformed heterospecific cytotoxic antibodies immediately postoperatively. As an adjunct to FK506, azathioprine was of marginal value, whereas mizoribine, methotrexate, and deoxyspergualin (DSPG) were of intermediate efficacy. After orthotopic hepatic xenotransplantation, the perioperative survival of the liver with its well-known resistance to antibodies was less dependent than the heart on the antimetabolite component of the combined drug therapy, but the unsatisfactory results with monotherapy of FK506, BQR, RS-61443, or cyclophosphamide were changed to routine success by combining continuous FK506 with a short course of any of the other drugs. Thus, by breaking down the antibody barrier to xenotransplantation with these so-called antiproliferative drugs, it has been possible with FK506 to transplant heart and liver xenografts with consistent long-term survival of healthy recipients
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