178 research outputs found

    High-pressure phase equilibria of tertiary-butylamine hydrates with and without hydrogen

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    Thermodynamic stability boundaries of the simple tertiary-butylamine (t-BA) hydrate and t-BA+hydrogen (H2) mixed hydrate were investigated at a pressure up to approximately 100 MPa. All experimental results from the phase equilibrium measurement, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction analysis arrive at the single conclusion that the t-BA hydrates, under pressurization with H2, are transformed from the structure VI simple t-BA hydrate into the structure II t-BA+H2 mixed hydrate. The phase transition point on the hydrate stability boundary in the mother aqueous solutions with the t-BA mole fractions (xt-BA) of 0.056 and 0.093 is located at (2.35 MPa, 267.39 K) and (25.3 MPa, 274.19 K), respectively. On the other hand, in the case of the pressurization by decreasing the sample volume instead of supplying H2, the simple t-BA hydrate retains the structure VI at pressures up to 112 MPa on the thermodynamic stability boundary.Tomohiro Tanabe, Takeshi Sugahara, Kazuma Kitamura et al. High-Pressure Phase Equilibria of Tertiary-Butylamine Hydrates with and without Hydrogen, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 60 (2), 222–227, February 12, © 2015 American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/je500301

    外科的に切除しえた, 肝硬変を伴う維持透析患者に発症した右腎癌下大静脈腫瘍塞栓の1例

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    症例は54歳, 男性。1900年, CGNにて血液透析導入となった。2005年2月に肉眼的血尿が出現。CTにて右腎癌を指摘され, 3月9日当科紹介。当科にて施行したCTでは直径7cm大の右腎腫瘍とともに下大静脈内の肝静脈流入部まで達する腫瘍塞栓を認めた。右腎腫瘍, 下大静脈塞栓, T3bN0M0 stage IIIの診断で4月28日, 根治的右腎摘除ならびに腫瘍塞栓摘除術を施行した。手術時間4時間28分, 出血量1, 400ml, 摘出標本は重量800g, 病理所見はrenal cell carcinoma, G2, pT3bであった。術前の凝固系検査は異常を認めなかったが, 肝硬変が原因と考えられる出血時間の延長と血小板数の低下を認めたため, 周術期は血小板輸血などにて対応した。術後経過は良好で, 後出血などの術後合併症もなく, 術後18日目に退院した。現在IFNα投与にて後療法を施行中であるが, 再発を認めていない。透析患者における下大静脈腫瘍塞栓を伴う腎癌に対して外科的治療を施行した症例についての報告例については比較的少なく, 文献的考察も含めて報告する。(著者抄録)A 54-year-old man who had been under hemodialysis therapy for 16 years presented with gross hematuria at our department in February 2005. Imaging findings revealed right renal tumor of8.2 cm in diameter. In addition, the tumor extended into inferior vena cava at the level of the hepatic vein. There were no findings of distant metastasis. Right radical nephrectomy and thrombectomy were performed on April 2006. Histopathological analysis showed that the tumor was renal cell carcinoma of clear cell type, grade 2. Postoperative course was uneventful, and the adjuvant therapy with interferon alpha was initiated. He has been free from recurrence for 22 months after surgery