173 research outputs found

    Isolation of a point-mutated p47 lacking binding affinity to p97ATPase

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    Abstractp47, a p97-binding protein, functions in Golgi membrane fusion together with p97 and VCIP135, another p97-binding protein. We have succeeded in creating p47 with a point mutation, F253S, which lacks p97-binding affinity. p47 mapping experiments revealed that p47 had two p97-binding regions and the F253S mutation occurred in the first p97-binding site. p47(F253S) could not form a complex with p97 and did not caused any cisternal regrowth in an in vitro Golgi reassembly assay. In addition, mutation corresponding to the p47 F253S mutation in p37 and ufd1 also abolished their binding ability to p97.Structured summaryMINT-7987189, MINT-7987207, MINT-7987303: p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) binds (MI:0407) to p97 (uniprotkb:Q01853) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987226: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) binds (MI:0407) to p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987348: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Ufd1 (uniprotkb:P70362) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7987264: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) and p47 (uniprotkb:O35987) bind (MI:0407) by competition binding (MI:0405)MINT-7987326: p97 (uniprotkb:P46462) binds (MI:0407) to p37 (uniprotkb:Q0KL01) by pull down (MI:0096

    Omeprazole- and Esomeprazole-associated Hypomagnesaemia: Data Mining of the Public Version of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System

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    Objective: Case reports showing that proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), omeprazole and esomeprazole, can cause hypomagnesaemia have been accumulating since 2006. In this study, the reports submitted to the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were evaluated to assess omeprazole and esomeprazole in terms of susceptibility to hypomagnesaemia

    Two novel proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane mediate β-barrel protein assembly

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    Mitochondrial outer and inner membranes contain translocators that achieve protein translocation across and/or insertion into the membranes. Recent evidence has shown that mitochondrial β-barrel protein assembly in the outer membrane requires specific translocator proteins in addition to the components of the general translocator complex in the outer membrane, the TOM40 complex. Here we report two novel mitochondrial outer membrane proteins in yeast, Tom13 and Tom38/Sam35, that mediate assembly of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins, Tom40, and/or porin in the outer membrane. Depletion of Tom13 or Tom38/Sam35 affects assembly pathways of the β-barrel proteins differently, suggesting that they mediate different steps of the complex assembly processes of β-barrel proteins in the outer membrane

    Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Studies on Uptake and Distribution of FITC-Conjugated PLGA Nanoparticles Administered Intratracheally in Rats

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    Polylactide-glycolide (PLGA) nanoparticles have been developed as pulmonary drug delivery carriers. To investigate their behavior, small- (d50 = 74 nm) and large-sized (d50 = 250 nm) FITC-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles were intratracheally administered to rats and were traced for 5, 30 and 60 minutes and 24 hours after administration (HAT). Immunohistochemically, a, FITC-positive reaction was observed in type-I alveolar epithelial cells (type-I AEC), endothelial cells and alveolar macrophages in the lungs from 5 minutes after treatment (MAT) to 24 HAT in both nanoparticle groups. In the kidneys, a positive reaction was observed in proximal tubular epithelial cells at 30 MAT; the reaction peaked at 60 MAT and was reduced at 24 HAT, while no positive reaction was seen in other sites. Ultrascructurally, the number of membrane-bound vesicles, which were approximately 70 nm in size and hard to distinguish from pinocytic vesicles, apparently increased in type-I AEC and endothelial cells at 5 MAT in the small-sized group, in comparison with the control group receiving physiological saline. The number of vesicles in the large-sized group was almost same as that in the control group. On the other hand, in both nanoparticle groups, lysosomes filled with nanoparticles appeared in alveolar macrophages from 30 MAT to 24 HAT. These results indicate that PLGA nanoparticles might be quickly transferred from the alveolar space to the blood vessel via type-I alveolar epithelial cells and excreted into urine, and that there is a threshold for particle size, less than approximately 70 nm in diameter, with regard to absorption through the alveolar wall

    Distribution and Sequence of Pyknotic Cells in Rat Fetuses Exposed to Busulfan

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    Busulfan, an antineoplastic bifunctional-alkylating agent, is known to induce developmental anomalies. In the present study, we examined the distribution and sequence of pyknotic cells in rat fetal tissues exposed to busulfan. Pregnant rats on gestation day 13 were administered intraperitoneally 30 mg/kg of busulfan, and fetal tissues were examined at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 hours after treatment (HAT). Pyknosis of component cells was observed markedly in the brain, moderately in the eyes and spinal cord and mildly in the craniofacial tissue, mandible, limb buds, tail bud, ganglions, alimentary tract, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and liver. In the brain, mitotic inhibition was also detected. Most of the pyknotic cells were considered to be apoptotic cells judging from the results of TUNEL staining and electron microscopic examination. Commonly in the above-mentioned tissues, pyknotic cells began to increase at 24 HAT, peaked at 36 or 48 HAT and disappeared at 96 HAT, which is when the histological picture returned to normal in most tissues except for the brain, spinal cord and eyes. The present study clarified the outline of busulfan-induced apoptosis in rat fetuses

    TNFRSF1B A1466G genotype is predictive of clinical efficacy after treatment with a definitive 5-fluorouracil/cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy in Japanese patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently definitive 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/cisplatin (CDDP) -based chemotherapy is recognized as one of the most promising treatments for esophageal cancer. A series of studies performed found genetic polymorphisms and the plasma concentration of 5-FU to be predictive of acute severe toxicities and clinical response. Genetic polymorphisms of <it>tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -Îą </it>and its surface receptors, <it>TNFRSF1A </it>and <it>TNFRSF1B </it>have been examined in terms of susceptibility to various cancers. In this study, genetic polymorphisms of <it>TNFRSF1B </it>gene were evaluated Japanese esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) patients treated with the definitive 5-FU/CDDP-based chemoradiotherapy and their predictive values of prognosis or severe acute toxicities were assessed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-six patients with ESCC were treated with the definitive 5-FU/CDDP-based chemoradiotherapy, one course of which consisted of the continuous infusion of 5-FU for days 1-5 and 8-12, the infusion of CDDP on days 1 and 8, and the radiation at 2 Gy/day on days 1-5, 8-12, and 15-19, with a second course repeated after 2-week interval. Genetic polymorphisms of a TNF-Îą receptor <it>TNFRSF1B </it>gene were determined by a TaqMan<sup>ÂŽ </sup>MGB probe-based polymerase chain reaction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The genotype of <it>TNFSR1B </it>A1466G, but not M196R/T587G or C1493T, was found to be predictive of clinical response, i.e., a complete response or not (p = 0.040). Clinical response was predicted by tumor size (p = 0,002), lymph node metastasis (p = 0.007), distant metastasis (p = 0.001) and disease stage (p < 0.001), but <it>TNFRSF1B </it>A1466G genotype was independent of these factors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genetic polymorphism of <it>TNFRSF1B </it>A1466G was found to be predictive response in Japanese ESCC patients with a definitive 5-FU/CDDP-based chemoradiotherapy. Further clinical investigation with a large number of patients or experiments in vitro should be performed to assess the predictive value of <it>TNFRSF1B </it>A1466G genotype after chemoradiotherapy.</p

    Îź-opioid Receptor-Mediated Alterations of Allergen-Induced Immune Responses of Bronchial Lymph Node Cells in a Murine Model of Stress Asthma

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundPsychological stress has a recognized association with asthma symptoms. Using a murine model of allergic asthma, we recently demonstrated the involvement of Îź-opioid receptors (MORs) in the central nervous system in the stress-induced exacerbation of airway inflammation. However, the involvement of MORs on neurons and immunological alterations in the stress asthma model remain unclear.MethodsMOR-knockout (MORKO) mice that express MORs only on noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons (MORKO/Tg mice) were produced and characterized for stress responses. Sensitized mice inhaled antigen and were then subjected to restraint stress. After a second antigen inhalation, bronchoalveolar lavage cells were counted. Before the second inhalation, bronchial lymph node (BLN) cells and splenocytes from stressed and non-stressed mice were cultured with antigen, and cytokine levels and the proportions of T cell subsets were measured.ResultsStress-induced worsening of allergic airway inflammation was observed in wild-type and MORKO/Tg mice but not MORKO mice. In wild-type stressed mice, IFN-Îł/IL-4 ratios in cell culture supernatants and the proportion of regulatory T cells in BLN cell populations were significantly lower than those in non-stressed mice. These differences in BLN cells were not observed between the stressed and non-stressed MORKO mice. Restraint stress had no effect on cytokine production or T cell subsets in splenocytes.ConclusionsRestraint stress aggravated allergic airway inflammation in association with alterations in local immunity characterized by greater Th2-associated cytokine production and a reduced development of regulatory T cells, mediated by MORs

    Effects of plasma concentrations of 5-fluorouracil on long-term survival after treatment with a definitive 5-fluorouracil/cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy in Japanese patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A substantial body of literature has accumulated during the past 20 years showing the plasma concentrations of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to correlate with clinical response and/or toxicity in colorectal cancer, and head and neck cancer, but little information is available concerning effects on long-term survival. Here, Japanese patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) were followed up for 5 years after treatment with a definitive 5-FU/cisplatin (CDDP)-based chemoradiotherapy (CRT), and the association between prognosis and the plasma concentration of 5-FU was evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-nine patients with ESCC, who were treated with a definitive 5-FU/CDDP-based CRT, were enrolled. A course consisted of the continuous infusion of 5-FU at 400 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day for days 1-5 and 8-12, the infusion of CDDP at 40 mg/m<sup>2</sup>/day on days 1 and 8, and the radiation at 2 Gy/day on days 1 to 5, 8 to 12, and 15 to 19, with a second course repeated after a 2-week interval. Plasma concentrations of 5-FU were determined by high performance liquid chromatography at 5:00 PM on days 3, 10, 38 and 45, and at 5:00 AM on days 4, 11, 39 and 46.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall 5-year survival rate was 42.9%. Age (P = 0.020), body weight (P = 0.019), and disease stage (P = 0.048) affected the survival, and the survival depended on the clinical response assessed at 1 month after the treatment (P = 0.001). Higher plasma concentrations of 5-FU resulted in a better clinical response (P = 0.043), and trended to prolong survival (P = 0.321).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The long-term survival after treatment with a definitive 5-FU/CDDP-based CRT possibly depends on the plasma concentrations of 5-FU, and further clinical studies with a larger number of cases are needed to clarify the relationship between them.</p
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