6 research outputs found
Sistem pemeliharaan ternak sapi potong secara ekstensif yang dipelihara oleh Kelompok Tani Kobatunan dan Sukamaju Desa Mundung antara lain menyebabkan rendahnya produktivitas ternak. Selain itu juga kurangnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki oleh anggota Kelompok tentang sistem pemeliharaan ternak sapi potong, tidak tersedia kandang, hijauan pakan berkualitas, system pengelolahan limbah pertanian dan peternakan menyebabkan pengembangan usaha peternakan dikelompok ini berjalan sangat lamban. Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kelompok Tani Kobatunan dan Sukamaju antara lain bertujuan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pakan berkualitas melalui ketersediaan kebun percontohan hijauan pakan unggul, pengelolaan limbah pertanian dan peternakan melalui pengenalan, penyebarluasan, alih teknologi pakan dalam upaya optimalisasi pemenuhan kebutuhan pakan sapi potong. Metode yang digunakan dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut dengan sosialisasi, penyuluhan, pelatihan dan aplikasi pembuatan kandang percontohan, penanaman hijauan pakan unggul, pengolahan limbah pertanian tanaman jagung sebagai pakan alternatif dimusim kemarau, pengolahan limbah pertanian sebagai pupuk organik. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah Peningkatan pengetahuan peternak tentang sistem pemeliharaan ternak dalam kandang percontohan, kebun percontohan hijauan pakan unggul dan ketersediaan hijauan pakan secara berkelanjutan
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the implementation of the mining safety management system (SMKP) and the mining environmental protection management system (SPPLHP), analyze employee perceptions of the system, and analyze priority strategies for system improvement at PT. Sumber Energi Jaya. (SEJ). This research was conducted from October to December 2020. The research method used is a survey method with questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation. Determination of the sample in this study using the purposive sampling method with 50 employees as respondents. The perception data was obtained by using a questionnaire and then tested for validity and reliability with the SPSS 26 program and measured using a Likert scale. The strategy analysis used is SWOT analysis and AHP analysis with the Expert Choice program version 11. The results show that the implementation of SMKP 72% and SPPLHP 80% can be categorized as achievement at the proactive level and measurement of employee perceptions of SMKP and SPPLHP is categorized as high. The priority strategy of SMKP is to optimize company support by allocating a budget for system improvement and SPPLHP's priority strategy is to optimize the management of the mining environment by integrating information, planning, programs, budgets, procedures and structures
This research is aimed at 1) obtaining a picture of socio-cultural profile, community economy, natural resources and environment in relation to design agro-tourism development in East Purworejo village as an agro-tourism destination; 2) to analyze and describe community perception and stakeholder in agro-tourism development in East Purworejo Village, and 3) arranging strategy that can be developed to create East Purworejo Village as a sustainable agro-tourism area. This problem is done by qualitative and quantitative descriptive approach also with SWOT analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method, data collection is based on questionnaire, observation, and in-depth interview on 72 respondents. Results of research indicate that society in East Purworejo Village area is society with good social relation, to become capital for agro development area of East Purworejo Village. The economic activities of the community in East Purworejo Village are dominated by agricultural activities that play an important role in village economic system. The ecosystems around the area of East Purworejo Village range from lakes, active mountain ecosystems, gardens and forests. Geographically, the area of East Purworejo agro is also close to the mountains that have potential to become objects and tourist destinations, such as Tondok Lake and Lake Moaat. The perception value of the respondents' responses to the design of agro-tourism development in East Purworejo area, according to the scale range is at an average of 4.67 for the community and stakeholders of 4.70; so the respondents have a positive perception towards to development of agro Garden Coffee in East Purworejo Village. Policy strategy through SWOT analysis to design agro-tourism development in East Purworejo area, that is internal factor obtained by difference of total score of strength with total score of weakness equal to 27, while external factor obtained by difference opportunity total score with total score of threat equal to 18
Diagnosing Soil and Coconut Root Existence in Lontang Plantation of Manado City
Province of North Sulawesi has been known as wave palm area (coconut). One of the plantations (coconut) potential become the farmer’s income and Locally-Generated Revenue (LGR). Therefore, it is important to maximize the soil function and root system of coconut. This research was aimed to diagnose a soil and coconut root existence in Lontang Plantation of Manado City. Soil observations were carried out on a single stretch of coconut plantations owned by community. The observation was done through the soil profile at a spacing of <1 m; 3 m and 5 m from the main tree of the coconut. The results showed that decreasing of C-Organic content in 1 m depth was not followed by enhancement of soil content weight, because C-Organic has spread equally in middle state and into the depth of >1 m on 3 and 5 m spacing profile from the main tree which categorized as low. Existence of total root length (Lrv) and dry root weight (Drv) shows that deeper soil will be more reduced of the root Lrv and Drv values along with the organic material in the bottom layer (> 1 m) lower than above it. The highest Lrv and Drv average value is located on the depth of 0 – 60 cm. Specrol existence on 1 - 3 m spacing profile have showed many soft roots which grow on these spacing. The soft root has a roles to absorb nutrient and water for the plant and direct contact with the soil
Detection of Ground Water Availability at Buhias Island, Sitaro Regency
The study aims to detect ground water availability at Buhias Island, Siau Timur Selatan District, Sitaro Regency. The research method used the survey method by geoelectrical instrument based on subsurface rock resistivity as a geophysical exploration results with geoelectrical method of Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. Resistivity geoelectrical method is done by injecting a flow into the earth surface, then it is measured the potential difference. This study consists of 4 tracks in which each track is made the stretch model of soil layer on subsurface of ground. Then, the exploration results were processed using software RES2DINV to look at the data of soil layer based on the value of resistivity (2D). Interpretation result of the track 1 to 4 concluded that there is a layer of ground water. State of dominant ground water contains the saline (brackish). Location of trajectory in the basin to the lowland areas is mostly mangrove swamp vegetation. That location is the junction between the results of the runoff of rainfall water that falls down from the hills with sea water. Bedrock as a constituent of rock layer formed from marine sediments that carry minerals salts
Detection of Ground Water Availability at Buhias Island, Sitaro Regency
The study aims to detect ground water availability at Buhias Island, Siau Timur Selatan District, Sitaro Regency. The research method used the survey method by geoelectrical instrument based on subsurface rock resistivity as a geophysical exploration results with geoelectrical method of Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. Resistivity geoelectrical method is done by injecting a flow into the earth surface, then it is measured the potential difference. This study consists of 4 tracks in which each track is made the stretch model of soil layer on subsurface of ground. Then, the exploration results were processed using software RES2DINV to look at the data of soil layer based on the value of resistivity (2D). Interpretation result of the track 1 to 4 concluded that there is a layer of ground water. State of dominant ground water contains the saline (brackish). Location of trajectory in the basin to the lowland areas is mostly mangrove swamp vegetation. That location is the junction between the results of the runoff of rainfall water that falls down from the hills with sea water. Bedrock as a constituent of rock layer formed from marine sediments that carry minerals salts