756 research outputs found


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    Menurut perkiraan Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika, pada tahun 2014 suhu udara di Semarang berkisar antara 23-36°C. Iklim kerja panas dapat menyebabkan efek heat stress, seperti heat rash, heat cramps, heat syncope, heat exhaustion, dan heat stroke. Untuk mencegah terjadinya efek heat stress pada tubuh, pekerja harus memperhatikan beberapa faktor seperti status aklimatisasi, asupan minuman, beban kerja, dan alat pelindung diri. Koran Tempo menyatakan bahwa pada Oktober 2014 merupakan rekor suhu udara paling ekstrem di Semarang sejak tahun 1972, yaitu mencapai 36°C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status aklimatisasi dan efek heat stress pada pedagang kaki lima di Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 38 orang yang bekerja sebagai pedagang kaki lima dan jumlah sampel yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi adalah 35 orang. Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan status aklimatisasi dan efek heat stress (p = 0,127), tidak ada hubungan asupan minuman dan efek heat stress (p = 0,966), tidak ada hubungan alat pelindung diri dan efek heat stress (p = 0,508). Hasil uji Rank Spearman menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan beban kerja dan efek heat stress (p = 0,265 dan r = 0,193). Peneliti menyarankan pekerja dapat menanggulangi efek heat stress dengan mengkonsumsi minuman sekitar 2,5 liter air setiap hari. selain itu pekerja dapat menggunakan alat pelindung diri dengan pakaian berbahan katun agar menyerap keringat secara maksimal dan menggunakan penutup kepala agar sinar matahari tidak langsung mengenai kulit kepala. Kata Kunci: iklim kerja, status aklimatisasi, heat stress, tekanan panas, pedagang kaki lim

    Copyright for education: a case study of Palestine

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    Palestine is a poor and disrupted territory and education is vital to its future prosperity and wellbeing. Copyright—which regulates access to information—can at times have a negative effect on education; even more so in least developed countries like Palestine. The aim of this thesis is to explain how copyright and education can function more effectively in the Palestinian context to bring about transformational change and meaningful development. To this end, the thesis (after explaining the Palestinian legal and social context) highlights the common ground between copyright and education and challenges them to work together, rather than against each other. It analyses copyright law in Palestine and how it might be reformed to provide better educational outcomes. Acknowledging that law reform is difficult to achieve, the thesis suggests that a more pragmatic and viable option is to employ strategic copyright management, or what is known as voluntary mechanisms (meaning the copyright owner agrees for various reasons to their material being shared through open access). In outlining this option the thesis provides a detailed roadmap for how Palestine can reap the rewards of voluntary mechanisms

    Muhammad Saw dan Peletakan Dasar Peradaban Islam

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    . Sejarah pra-Islam dan pasca datangnya nabi Muhammad di tengah peradaban bangsa Arab tentunya merupakan suatu kondisi yang sangat bipolar. Di satu sisi, peradaban pra-Islam banyak terjadi perilaku buruk seperti permusuhan, perselisihan, ketidakadilan, penindasan bahkan pembunuhan merupakan suatu tradisi dekonstruktif dalam tatanan bangsa Arab. Tentunya, hal ini sangat berbeda ketika Muhammad saw. (keturunan Arab) lahir, terjadi Perubahan tatanan yang sangat signifikan mulai dari konsteks keilmuan, sosial, ekonomi, dan aspek-aspek lainnya. Secara kompeherensif, aspek tersebut di atas direkonstruksi dari mukjizat nabi, yakni Alquran sebagai pedoman dasar dan berupa dari tata cara berperilaku nabi, ucapan dan way of life nabi yang terakumulasi dalam hadits mampu menggeser peradaban yang terbelakang menjadi perabadan yang sangat maju di berbagai lini. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengkonstelasikan dan mengkomparasikan peradaban bangsa Arab pra Nabi hingga Nabi dilahirkan dan membawa misi revolusioner dengan munculnya peradaban baru, peradaban Islam

    Formability of AA-7075 sheets subjected to repetitive bending under tension

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    The fundamental objective of this work is to study the cold formability of AA-7075_O by a testing methodology known as repetitive bending under tension. The repetitive bending under tension is a testing methodology to create a similar deformation condition to that which occurs during incremental sheet forming. In the case of repetitive bending under tension tests, the sheet metal sample is subjected to localised bending under tensile loading. This additional bending during testing is applied by sliding a set of rollers over the gauge length of the tested sample. In order to study the influence of various strain conditions at the plastic deformation zone, specimens with different geometries were investigated. In addition, samples from three different orientations of 0˚, 45˚ and 90˚ with respect to the rolling direction were tested to study the effect of mechanical anisotropy on deformation behaviour. The results confirmed a significant increase in elongation to failure in samples subjected to repetitive bending under tension as compared to those subjected to standard tensile tests under similar conditions. It is shown that this could be due to a delay in localised necking during repetitive bending under tension. Finite element analysis (FEA) has also been used to simulate the process. In agreement with the experimental finding, FEA results show that the maximum force required to deform the material is less than that required during a standard tensile test. Analysis of 3D scanning of samples that went up to fracture during repetitive bending under tension and a standard tensile test revealed that the samples undergoing the former underwent a more uniform reduction in thickness and width along the gauge length, compared to the latter. TEM observations of the microstructure confirms grain refinement in the samples subjected to repetitive bending under tension. This could be due to a strain induced dynamic recrystallisation process occurring during the test. Analysing the crystallographic texture using neutron diffraction revealed that a strong {111}//ND fibre texture had been developed during the repetitive bending under tension test. This could be due plastic shear strain introduced by repetitively bending and unbending through the sheet thickness