13 research outputs found

    The perception of guidance and counselling to the grade- IX and grade-XII pupils – an investigation of Petauke district schools of eastern province of Zambia

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    This study looked at the impact of guidance and counselling services to grade nine (9) and twelve (12) pupils in high and basic schools in Petauke District in the Eastern Province of Zambia. This study targeted twenty five grade nine pupils and twenty five grade twelve pupils a total of fifty respondents. These respondents were sampled from Mizyu basic, Petauke basic, Inusa private basic, Kawere basic schools, Petauke high school and Petauke Day school. The questionnaire is consisting of 20 questions from 2 sections. The collected information is converted to table form in order to analyze the impacts. The software SPSS used for the analysis and to draw the results. The suitable recommendations are given according to the results were drawn from the study. The recommendations will help the students of Grade IX and Grade XII to enhance utility of guidance and counselling service provided by the schools. The findings also will help the Government through the Ministry of Education to improve organisation of guidance and counselling services and activities in schools. In view of this most pupils revealed that very little was done in the areas of guidance and counselling especially on career and heath information. The findings indicated that there is need for a comprehensive professional program for pupils on guidance and counselling education.&nbsp

    A study on performance evaluation of mutual funds with reference to Cochin stock exchange Ltd

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    This study is an attempt to identify overpriced and underpriced shares chosen. It can be used as a guide for the investors to make a purchase or sell decision for a particular security. The sample of securities of 8 private sector banks were selected and using either anticipation approach to estimate the value of a shares are calculated. As per anticipation approach future price of a share is estimated through trend analysis which will be compared with actual share price on a particular date to find whether the share is underpriced or overpriced

    A study on organisational culture and it’s impact on employees’ behaviour in automobile industry

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    The study brings out the behavioural aspect of the employees working in Hyundai Motors India Ltd. The main objective of the study is to find the overall performance of the employees. The study is descriptive research with the sample of 100 employees working in Hyundai Motors India Ltd. Data was collected by survey method through structured questionnaire with close ended questions. The primary data was obtained through questionnaire and secondary data from the company records and websites. The purpose of the survey process is to provide a more accurate assessment of the existing culture from the employees’ point-of-view and also to assess their behaviours with respect to that of the existing culture. The culture of an organization consists of the values and beliefs of the people in an organisation. The organisational culture usually has values and beliefs that support the organisational goals. Organizational culture has an impact on employee’s satisfaction. The analysis was done through simple percentage analysis and weighted average method. From the analysis it was found that the employees of HMIL were much satisfied with their interpersonal relationships, co-ordination and integration between various departments of the organization, and also the rewards & incentives given by their management. But the management has to provide more practical sessions in training programmes to improve their performance in their respective fields. Such training programmes will help them to enhance their knowledge in the respective fields.&nbsp

    Recoganisation and security guidance of data integrity in cloud storage

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    Cloud computing has been envisioned as the de-facto solution to the rising storage costs of IT Enterprises. With the high costs of data storage devices as well as the rapid rate at which data is being generated it proves costly for enterprises or individual users to frequently update their hardware. Storage outsourcing of data to cloud storage helps such firms by reducing the costs of storage, maintenance and personnel. It can also assure a reliable storage of important data by keeping multiple copies of the data thereby reducing the chance of losing data by hardware failures. The study deal with the problem of implementing a protocol for obtaining a proof of data possession in the cloud sometimes referred to as Proof of irretrievability (POR). The problem tries to obtain and verify a proof that the data that is stored by a user at remote data storage in the cloud (called cloud storage archives or simply archives) is not modified by the archive and thereby the integrity of the data is assured. The verification systems prevent the cloud storage archives from misrepresenting or modifying the data stored at it without the consent of the data owner by using frequent checks on the storage archives.&nbsp

    Credit policy and credit appraisal of canara bank using ratio analysis

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    Credit appraisal is an important activity carried out by the credit department of the bank to determine whether to accept or reject the proposal for finance. The article deals in banking such as working capital and its management, working capital methods of assessment, compilation of credit reports. The study included working capital, working capital cycle and working capital management of Canara Bank. The methods that are used by the banks in order to calculate the loan limits are Turnover method, MBPF system and Cash budget system. The financial statements were taken for a period of five years from 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2012. The Profit and loss account and Balance sheet were analyzed. The firm’s financial performance is analyzed through ratio analyses. The study shows Canara bank has sound system for credit appraisal and the bank has good parameters to appraise the project

    Geomatic based Urban Sprawl Detection of Salem City, India

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    Urban sprawl refers to the extent of urbanisation, which is a global phenomenon mainly driven by population growth and large scale migration. In developing countries like India, where the population is over one billion, one-sixth of the world’s population, urban sprawl is taking its toll on the natural resources at an alarming pace. Urban planners require information related to the rate of growth, pattern and extent of sprawl to provide basic amenities such as water, sanitation, electricity, etc. In the absence of such information, most of the sprawl areas lack basic infrastructure facilities. Pattern and extent of sprawl could be dectected with the help of  statelite images  and temporal data. This  is used to analysing the growth, pattern and extent of sprawl. This paper brings out the extent of sprawl taking place over a period of nearly four decades using GIS and Remote Sensing

    Youth developement with refrence to life skills in eastern province of Zambia from 2000- 2010

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    Many youths in eastern province of Zambia are poor because they are not schooling and some have only reached high school level only. Most of the them have been expelled from schools as they could not pay their school fees, they have dropped out of school due to various reasons, they are orphans with no forms of support economically, they are unemployed, even if they have good marks to take them up to the college or university levels they could not make it due to lack of financial support and they are adolescent mothers among other forms of impoverishment. The youths in the province are pervasively conditioned by poverty, the situations of unemployment, economic problems, HIV/AIDS pandemic, gender based violence situations, sexual harassment especially for female youths and girl-children. In these situations, many youths have no possibilities of becoming good citizen, capable and able to plan for their own future lives, to live a happy life in the normality of daily life guaranteed by equal dignity. Empowering the youth with life skills have enabled them to withstand the challenges and demands of their daily life. Life skills have equipped the youth in handling the difficulties of the human life. Youth programs have been carried out in rural and urban areas, in compounds as well as in villages, targeting Christian youths and non-Christian youths, youths in schools, youths who have dropped out of schools, youths in colleges and other learning institutions, youths in streets and in communities. In this study analysed the status of youth development from 2000 to 2010. Based on  the analysis report the recommendation and conclusion were made

    Reveiw of effective data encryption and decryption technique

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    The requirements of information security within an organization have undergone two major changes in the last several decades. Before the wide spread use of data processing equipment, the security of information  felt to be valuable to an organization was provided primarily by physical and administrative means. The collection of tools designed to protect data and to thwart hacker is computer security. Network security measures are needed to protect data during their transmission. This technique for encryption and decryption process to combine two methods ceaser cipher and transposition cipher, ceaser cipher is one of the substitution techniques. A substitution technique is one in which the letters of plain text are replaced by other letter or by numbers or symbols. if the plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits, then substitution involves replacing plaintext bit patterns with cipher text bit patterns. The encryption process is two stages first, to convert the given plaintext into cipher text using ceaser cipher text technique, second stage the cipher converted using transposition technique, the final output is cipher text, The Decryption is the reverse process of the Encryption

    Promotion of tourism and available infrastructure facilities in Thanjavur district, Tamil nadu, India

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    Thanjavur district has been choosen for the study.  The district predominantly and an agricultural region lies in the eastern part of Cauvery delta.  It is the Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu.  It has so many Pilgrimage and historical centre.  The big Temple and the other famous temples in the district are known all over the world.  Thanjavur was the cultural capital of the country in 1790, Thanjavur gained prominence during the period of Chola Kings, who made it as their capital.  Thereafter, it was ruled by Nayaks and Maratta kings who natured art and culture.  The cultural, the architectural and the scholarly pursuits of these rulers are reflected in the great monuments like Grand Anaicut, Big Temple and Sarafoji Mahal, library etc.,  in the district.  In this study mainly for infrastructural facilities and other important tourist places are discussed in this study

    Database Management of Vedaranyam Taluk, Nagappattinam District, Tamilnadu using Geographic Information System (GIS)

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    GIS, known as geographical information system, is the latest tool, a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analysis in and displacing data related to positions on the Earth’s surface. Typically, a geographical information system or (spatial information system) is used for handling maps of one or another. These might be represented as several different layers each layer holds about a particular kind of feature is linked to a position on the graphically image of a map. With the help of GIS a data base management  including data or demography, occupation, education, health, drinking water, power, telecommunication, roads/transportation, banks& commercial  institutions, agriculture, sanitation, common property resources ,employment, forestry, industries,  marketing facilities, etc.The scope of the work involves  1, data pertaining to geological and geophysical resources, human resources, social and economic infrastructure, etc. should be collected, collected, updated, and retrieval on regular basis, 2, generation of real time, reliable database on natural resources, socio-economic, agro- climatic condition, financial, institutional and environmental data using geo- informatics and 3, data base to cater to the needs of planning sharing information to various user organizations with necessary data analysis, etc and would act as a centralized data base for state govt. department/ institutions/ institutions involved in  development planning