519 research outputs found

    Secure Sensor Design Against Undetected Infiltration: Minimum Impact-Minimum Damage

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    We propose a new defense mechanism against undetected infiltration into controllers in cyber-physical systems. To this end, we cautiously design the outputs of the sensors that monitor the state of the system. Different from the defense mechanisms that seek to detect infiltration, the proposed approach seeks to minimize the damage of possible attacks before they have been detected. Controller of a cyber-physical system could have been infiltrated into by an undetected attacker at any time of the operation. Disregarding such a possibility and disclosing system's state without caution benefits the attacker in his/her malicious objective. Therefore, secure sensor design can improve the security of cyber-physical systems further when incorporated along with other defense mechanisms. We, specifically, consider a controlled Gauss-Markov process, where the controller could have been infiltrated into at any time within the system's operation. In the sense of game-theoretic hierarchical equilibrium, we provide a semi-definite programming based algorithm to compute the optimal linear secure sensor outputs and analyze the performance for various scenarios numerically.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Persuasion-based Robust Sensor Design Against Attackers with Unknown Control Objectives

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    In this paper, we introduce a robust sensor design framework to provide "persuasion-based" defense in stochastic control systems against an unknown type attacker with a control objective exclusive to its type. For effective control, such an attacker's actions depend on its belief on the underlying state of the system. We design a robust "linear-plus-noise" signaling strategy to encode sensor outputs in order to shape the attacker's belief in a strategic way and correspondingly to persuade the attacker to take actions that lead to minimum damage with respect to the system's objective. The specific model we adopt is a Gauss-Markov process driven by a controller with a (partially) "unknown" malicious/benign control objective. We seek to defend against the worst possible distribution over control objectives in a robust way under the solution concept of Stackelberg equilibrium, where the sensor is the leader. We show that a necessary and sufficient condition on the covariance matrix of the posterior belief is a certain linear matrix inequality and we provide a closed-form solution for the associated signaling strategy. This enables us to formulate an equivalent tractable problem, indeed a semi-definite program, to compute the robust sensor design strategies "globally" even though the original optimization problem is non-convex and highly nonlinear. We also extend this result to scenarios where the sensor makes noisy or partial measurements. Finally, we analyze the ensuing performance numerically for various scenarios

    Deception-As-Defense Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    We introduce deceptive signaling framework as a new defense measure against advanced adversaries in cyber-physical systems. In general, adversaries look for system-related information, e.g., the underlying state of the system, in order to learn the system dynamics and to receive useful feedback regarding the success/failure of their actions so as to carry out their malicious task. To this end, we craft the information that is accessible to adversaries strategically in order to control their actions in a way that will benefit the system, indirectly and without any explicit enforcement. Under the solution concept of game-theoretic hierarchical equilibrium, we arrive at a semi-definite programming problem equivalent to the infinite-dimensional optimization problem faced by the defender while selecting the best strategy when the information of interest is Gaussian and both sides have quadratic cost functions. The equivalence result holds also for the scenarios where the defender can have partial or noisy measurements or the objective of the adversary is not known. We show the optimality of linear signaling rule within the general class of measurable policies in communication scenarios and also compute the optimal linear signaling rule in control scenarios

    A Novel Spectrally-Efficient Scheme for Physical Layer Network Coding

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    In this paper, we propose a novel three-time-slot transmission scheme combined with an efficient embedded linear channel equalization (ELCE) technique for the Physical layer Network Coding (PNC). Our transmission scheme, we achieve about 33% increase in the spectral efficiency over the conventional two-time-slot scheme while maintaining the same end-toend BER performance.We derive an exact expression for the endto- end BER of the proposed three-time-slot transmission scheme combined with the proposed ELCE technique for BPSK transmission. Numerical results demonstrate that the exact expression for the end-to-end BER is consistent with the BER simulation results

    On Correlation of Features Extracted by Deep Neural Networks

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    Redundancy in deep neural network (DNN) models has always been one of their most intriguing and important properties. DNNs have been shown to overparameterize, or extract a lot of redundant features. In this work, we explore the impact of size (both width and depth), activation function, and weight initialization on the susceptibility of deep neural network models to extract redundant features. To estimate the number of redundant features in each layer, all the features of a given layer are hierarchically clustered according to their relative cosine distances in feature space and a set threshold. It is shown that both network size and activation function are the two most important components that foster the tendency of DNNs to extract redundant features. The concept is illustrated using deep multilayer perceptron and convolutional neural networks on MNIST digits recognition and CIFAR-10 dataset, respectively

    Discrete-Time Polar Opinion Dynamics with Susceptibility

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    This paper considers a discrete-time opinion dynamics model in which each individual's susceptibility to being influenced by others is dependent on her current opinion. We assume that the social network has time-varying topology and that the opinions are scalars on a continuous interval. We first propose a general opinion dynamics model based on the DeGroot model, with a general function to describe the functional dependence of each individual's susceptibility on her own opinion, and show that this general model is analogous to the Friedkin-Johnsen model, which assumes a constant susceptibility for each individual. We then consider two specific functions in which the individual's susceptibility depends on the \emph{polarity} of her opinion, and provide motivating social examples. First, we consider stubborn positives, who have reduced susceptibility if their opinions are at one end of the interval and increased susceptibility if their opinions are at the opposite end. A court jury is used as a motivating example. Second, we consider stubborn neutrals, who have reduced susceptibility when their opinions are in the middle of the spectrum, and our motivating examples are social networks discussing established social norms or institutionalized behavior. For each specific susceptibility model, we establish the initial and graph topology conditions in which consensus is reached, and develop necessary and sufficient conditions on the initial conditions for the final consensus value to be at either extreme of the opinion interval. Simulations are provided to show the effects of the susceptibility function when compared to the DeGroot model.Comment: Extended version, with complete proofs, of a submission to the American Control Conference 201

    Reliable Smart Road Signs

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    In this paper, we propose a game theoretical adversarial intervention detection mechanism for reliable smart road signs. A future trend in intelligent transportation systems is ``smart road signs" that incorporate smart codes (e.g., visible at infrared) on their surface to provide more detailed information to smart vehicles. Such smart codes make road sign classification problem aligned with communication settings more than conventional classification. This enables us to integrate well-established results in communication theory, e.g., error-correction methods, into road sign classification problem. Recently, vision-based road sign classification algorithms have been shown to be vulnerable against (even) small scale adversarial interventions that are imperceptible for humans. On the other hand, smart codes constructed via error-correction methods can lead to robustness against small scale intelligent or random perturbations on them. In the recognition of smart road signs, however, humans are out of the loop since they cannot see or interpret them. Therefore, there is no equivalent concept of imperceptible perturbations in order to achieve a comparable performance with humans. Robustness against small scale perturbations would not be sufficient since the attacker can attack more aggressively without such a constraint. Under a game theoretical solution concept, we seek to ensure certain measure of guarantees against even the worst case (intelligent) attackers that can perturb the signal even at large scale. We provide a randomized detection strategy based on the distance between the decoder output and the received input, i.e., error rate. Finally, we examine the performance of the proposed scheme over various scenarios

    Evolution of Social Power in Social Networks with Dynamic Topology

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    The recently proposed DeGroot-Friedkin model describes the dynamical evolution of individual social power in a social network that holds opinion discussions on a sequence of different issues. This paper revisits that model, and uses nonlinear contraction analysis, among other tools, to establish several novel results. First, we show that for a social network with constant topology, each individual's social power converges to its equilibrium value exponentially fast, whereas previous results only concluded asymptotic convergence. Second, when the network topology is dynamic (i.e., the relative interaction matrix may change between any two successive issues), we show that each individual exponentially forgets its initial social power. Specifically, individual social power is dependent only on the dynamic network topology, and initial (or perceived) social power is forgotten as a result of sequential opinion discussion. Last, we provide an explicit upper bound on an individual's social power as the number of issues discussed tends to infinity; this bound depends only on the network topology. Simulations are provided to illustrate our results.Comment: Extended version of submitted journal paper. Includes additional simulation detail

    Bayesian Persuasion with State-Dependent Quadratic Cost Measures

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    We address Bayesian persuasion between a sender and a receiver with state-dependent quadratic cost measures for general classes of distributions. The receiver seeks to make mean-square-error estimate of a state based on a signal sent by the sender while the sender signals strategically in order to control the receiver's estimate in a certain way. Such a scheme could model, e.g., deception and privacy, problems in multi-agent systems. Existing solution concepts are not viable since here the receiver has continuous action space. We show that for finite state spaces, optimal signaling strategies can be computed through an equivalent linear optimization problem over the cone of completely positive matrices. We then establish its strong duality to a copositive program. To exemplify the effectiveness of this equivalence result, we adopt sequential polyhedral approximation of completely-positive cones and analyze its performance numerically. We also quantify the approximation error for a quantized version of a continuous distribution and show that a semi-definite program relaxation of the equivalent problem could be a benchmark lower bound for the sender's cost for large state spaces

    Reliable Intersection Control in Non-cooperative Environments

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    We propose a reliable intersection control mechanism for strategic autonomous and connected vehicles (agents) in non-cooperative environments. Each agent has access to his/her earliest possible and desired passing times, and reports a passing time to the intersection manager, who allocates the intersection temporally to the agents in a First-Come-First-Serve basis. However, the agents might have conflicting interests and can take actions strategically. To this end, we analyze the strategic behaviors of the agents and formulate Nash equilibria for all possible scenarios. Furthermore, among all Nash equilibria we identify a socially optimal equilibrium that leads to a fair intersection allocation, and correspondingly we describe a strategy-proof intersection mechanism, which achieves reliable intersection control such that the strategic agents do not have any incentive to misreport their passing times strategically.Comment: Extended version (including proofs of theorems and lemmas) of the paper: M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and T. Basar, "Reliable intersection control in non-cooperative environments", to appear in the Proceedings of American Control Conference, 201