15 research outputs found

    Intense fluoro‑2‑deoxyglucose uptake in high‑grade prostatic adenocarcinoma with negligible prostate‑specific membrane antigen expression

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    While 68Gallium prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography (68Ga-PSMA) has demonstrated increasing utility in the evaluation of prostatic carcinoma, it is essential to be aware of false-negative findings. Further subtype analyses of prostate cancer will be helpful in the understanding of the underlying reasons. We herein present a high-grade prostate adenocarcinoma, with metastatic lesions showing high 18F-labeled fluoro-2-deoxyglucose uptake instead of 68Ga-PSMA

    Does preoperative positron emission tomography help delineate the boost volume after oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer?

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    WOS: 000424788200005OBJECTIVE The tumor bed within the breast shifts during oncoplastic surgery (OPS) for breast cancer (BC). Preoperative imagery is used to determine the boost volume (BV) for patients not implanted with surgical clips. This prospective study was conducted to geometrically compare BVs determined using preoperative imagery and BVs determined utilizing surgical clips. METHODS Patients diagnosed with BC were scanned using PET-CT during 2013-2015. Twenty patients who had undergone OPS but who did not have metastasis underwent CT prior to radiotherapy. Their preoperative images were fused with planning CT images. The tumor volume (CTVboost-pet), as determined from the preoperative PET-CT images, was contoured. Next, CTVboost-clips was determined using surgical clips. Geometric relationships between these two volumes were statistically compared. RESULTS Planar projections of CTVboost-pet and CTVboost-clips were evaluated. Displacements between CTVboost-pet and CTVboost-clips in the axial (XZ) and coronal (XY) planes were 1.17 cm (min-max: 0.03-3.64 cm) and 1.67 cm (min-max: 0.38-4.14 cm), respectively, and were statistically significant (p0.7). CONCLUSION Preoperative imaging alone was not reliable when determining the BV in patients who had undergone OPS and had no clips. Large PTV margins can be an option to overcome this issue. Surgical clips need to be inserted during OPS

    Egzersiz testi sırasında ciddi hipotansiyon gelişen miyokart köprüleşmesi olgusu

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    Outlining the severity of the myocardial bridge (MB) is a critical step for selecting the appropriate option among medical, surgical, or angioplasty-based treatments. Invasive treatments are usually preferred if treatment-resistant symptoms are observed or ischemia is proven by tests such as fractional flow reserve or myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). In this report, we present a patient who developed severe hypotension during treadmill exercise test, even though there were no perfusion defects during adenosine-induced MPS. This case suggests MPS with adenosine is not a good choice for evaluating ischemia in MB patients, as it may cause false negative results.- Tıbbi, cerrahi ve anjiyoplastiye dayalı tedavi seçe- neklerinden uygun olana karar verebilmek için kritik adım miyokart köprüleşmesinin (MK) ciddiyetini belirlemektir. Ge- nellikle tedavide invaziv yöntemler; fraksiyonel akım rezervi ya da miyokart perfüzyon sintigrafisi (MPS) gibi yöntemler- le iskemi kanıtlanırsa veya tedaviye dirençli semptomların varlığında tercih edilir. Bu yazıda, adenozin ile yapılmış MPS'de perfüzyon defekti saptanmamasına rağmen koşu bandı egzersiz testinde ciddi hipotansiyon gelişen bir hasta- yı sunuyoruz. Bu olgu adenozinli MPS'nin, MK'si olan has- talarda iskemi değerlendirmesi için iyi bir seçenek olmaya- cağını düşündürmektedir

    The therapeutic role of lamotrigine and topiramate in a depressive patient with anxiety symptoms and cognitive decline: Neurometabolic correlates

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    Background: Lamotrigine and topiramate are well-known agents with their antiepileptic and mood stabilizing effects. Their therapeutic effect is associated with significant alteration of brain metabolism. In our study, we aimed to investigate the neurometabolic correlates of the therapeutic effects of both agents in a depressive patient with anxiety symptoms and cognitive decline. Methods: In addition to structural Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging, we also have performed Neuropsychometric evaluation and FDG-PET Brain fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F18) (FDG PET-CT) FDG-PET before and after the treatment. Brain fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F18) (FDG PET-CT) images were taken before and after the treatment using Philips Gemini TF PET/CT equipped with 16 slice CT. The raw FDG-PET data was processed using NeuroQ software (Version 3,5. Syntermed, Inc Atlanta. USA). Results: Topiramate and lamotrigine additively reduced the neuropsychiatric symptoms and test scores which were associated with the improvement of cerebral glucose metabolism. Conclusion: Our present findings support that the therapeutic effect of lamotrigine and topiramate involves a modulatory effect on the glucose metabolism in cortico-subcortical network and suggests the functional role of a bi-directional hippocampal-cingulate connectivity

    Role of 18F FDG PETCT in marginal zone lymphomas

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    Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine -- OCT 15-19, 2016 -- Barcelona, SPAINWOS: 000391802400189…European Association of Nuclear Medicin

    Preliminary findings of our institute on initial staging of breast cancer with FDG-18 PET/CT

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    28th Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM) -- October 10-14, 2015 -- Hamburg, GermanyWOS: 000363013203107…European Association of Nuclear Medicin