2 research outputs found

    Usporedba dentalne i skeletne dobi kod hrvatskih ispitanika

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    This study investigated the relationships between the stages of calcification of teeth and cervical vertebral maturation. The sample consisted of 295 subjects (129 male and 166 female), mean age 13.36±2.65 (range 7-18) years. Dental age was evaluated from panoramic radiographs according to the method of Demirjian. Cervical vertebral maturation was determined on lateral cephalometric radiographs using cervical vertebrae maturation stages (CVS). For assessing the relationship between cervical vertebral and dental maturation, percentage distributions of the stages of calcification for each studied tooth were calculated. Only in the first CVS stage, boys and girls were of the same age. In all other stages (CVS 2- CVS 6) girls were by 0.98 (range 0.23-1.86) younger than boys. Gender differences in the mineralization pattern were also observed. It was found that dental maturation was finished earlier in female subjects. The highest correlation coefficient between dental and skeletal maturity was found for second premolars. Mineralization pattern of second premolars could be considered as a guideline for prediction of the pubertal growth spurt. Dental maturation stages might be clinically useful as a reliable indicator of facial growth.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti odnos između stupnjeva mineralizacije zuba i stupnjeva skeletne zrelosti. Uzorak se sastojao od 295 ispitanika (129 muških i 166 ženskih). Srednja dob za uzorak je bila 13.36±2.65 (raspon 7-18) godina. Dentalna zrelost je određena metodom ortopantomograma prema Demirjianu. Skeletna zrelost vratne kralježnice određena je na laterolateralnim snimkama glave pomoću stupnjeva maturacije vratne kralježnice (cervical vertebrae maturation stages, CVS). Za određivanje odnosa između stupnjeva maturacije vratne kralježnice i zuba izračunata je postotna distribucija stupnjeva mineralizacije za svaki zub. Samo u prvom stupnju CVS dječaci i djevojčice su bili iste kronološke dobi. U svim ostalim stupnjevima (CVS 2-CVS 6) djevojčice su bile 0,98 (raspon 0,23-1,86) mlađe od dječaka. Pronađene su spolne razlike u dobu mineralizacije, naime, mineralizacija zuba završava ranije kod ženskih ispitanika. Najveći stupanj korelacije između dentalne i skeletne dobi pronađen je kod drugih premolara. Vrijeme mineralizacije drugih premolara moglo bi pomoći u predviđanju maksimalnog zamaha pubertalnog rasta. Stupnjevi dentalne zrelosti mogli bi biti pokazatelj kraniofacijalnog rasta

    Association between dental and skeletal maturation stages in Croatian subjects

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    This study investigated the relationships between the stages of calcification of teeth and cervical vertebral maturation. The sample consisted of 295 subjects (129 male and 166 female), mean age 13.36±2.65 (range 7-18) years. Dental age was evaluated from panoramic radiographs according to the method of Demirjian. Cervical vertebral maturation was determined on lateral cephalometric radiographs using cervical vertebrae maturation stages (CVS). For assessing the relationship between cervical vertebral and dental maturation, percentage distributions of the stages of calcification for each studied tooth were calculated. Only in the first CVS stage, boys and girls were of the same age. In all other stages (CVS 2- CVS 6) girls were by 0.98 (range 0.23-1.86) younger than boys. Gender differences in the mineralization pattern were also observed. It was found that dental maturation was finished earlier in female subjects. The highest correlation coefficient between dental and skeletal maturity was found for second premolars. Mineralization pattern of second premolars could be considered as a guideline for prediction of the pubertal growth spurt. Dental maturation stages might be clinically useful as a reliable indicator of facial growth