20 research outputs found

    Mechanistic Evidence for a Radical-Radical Recombination Pathway of Flavin-based Photocatalytic Tyrosine Labeling

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    We recently introduced flavin-based photocatalysts such as riboflavin tetraacetate (RFT) as a robust platform for light- mediated protein labeling via phenoxyl radical-mediated tyrosine-biotin phenol coupling on live cells. To gain insight into this coupling reaction, we conducted detailed mechanistic analysis for RFT-photomediated activation of phenols for tyrosine labeling. Contrary to previously proposed mechanisms, we find that the initial covalent binding step between the tag and tyrosine is not radical addition, but rather radical-radical recombination. Radical addition to a phenol, while often proposed in the literature, is prohibitively unfavorable according to DFT calculations. Radical-radical recombination, followed by rearomatization, is the preferred pathway for the phenol-phenol coupling presented herein, but may also explain the mechanism of other tyrosine-tagging approaches described in the literature. Competitive kinetics experiments show that phenoxyl radicals are generated by the reaction of phenols with several reactive intermediates in the proposed mechanism: primarily with the riboflavin-photocatalyst excited state or singlet oxygen, but also possibly with the semi-reduced photocatalyst or hydroperoxyl radicals produced at key steps in the mechanism

    Staphylococcus aureus Leukocidin LukED and HIV-1 gp120 Target Different Sequence Determinants on CCR5

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    Leukocidin ED (LukED) is a bicomponent pore-forming toxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus that lyses host cells by targeting the chemokine receptors CC chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5), CXCR1, CXCR2, and DARC. In addition to its role as a receptor for LukED, CCR5 is the major coreceptor for primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and has been extensively studied. To compare how LukED and HIV-1 target CCR5, we analyzed their respective abilities to use CCR5/CCR2b chimeras to mediate cytotoxicity and virus entry. These analyses showed that the second and third extracellular loops (ECL) of CCR5 are necessary and sufficient for LukED to target the receptor and promote cell lysis. In contrast, the second ECL of CCR5 is necessary but not sufficient for HIV-1 infectivity. The analysis of CCR5 point mutations showed that glycine-163 is critical for HIV-1 infectivity, while arginine-274 and aspartic acid-276 are critical for LukED cytotoxicity. Point mutations in ECL2 diminished both HIV-1 infectivity and LukED cytotoxicity. Treatment of cells with LukED did not interfere with CCR5-tropic HIV-1 infectivity, demonstrating that LukED and the viral envelope glycoprotein use nonoverlapping sites on CCR5. Analysis of point mutations in LukE showed that amino acids 64 to 69 in the rim domain are required for CCR5 targeting and cytotoxicity. Taking the results together, this study identified the molecular basis by which LukED targets CCR5, highlighting the divergent molecular interactions evolved by HIV-1 and LukED to interact with CCR5

    Design of a Multi-Use Photoreactor to Enable Visible Light Photocatalytic Chemical Transformations and Labeling in Live Cells

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    Despite the growing utilization of visible light photochemistry in both chemistry and biology, a general low-heat photoreactor for use across these different disciplines does not exist. Herein, we describe the design and utilization of a standardized photoreactor for visible light driven activation and photocatalytic chemical transformations. Using this single benchtop photoreactor, we perform photoredox reactions across multiple visible light wavelengths, a high throughput photocatalytic cross coupling reaction, and in vitro labeling of proteins and live cells. Given the success of this reactor in all tested applications, we envision that this multi-use photoreactor will be widely used in biology, chemical biology, and medicinal chemistry settings.</p

    CCR5 is a receptor for Staphylococcus aureus leukotoxin ED

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    Pore-forming toxins are critical virulence factors for many bacterial pathogens and are central to Staphylococcus aureus-mediated killing of host cells. S. aureus encodes pore-forming bi-component leukotoxins that are toxic towards neutrophils, but also specifically target other immune cells. Despite decades since the first description of staphylococcal leukocidal activity, the host factors responsible for the selectivity of leukotoxins towards different immune cells remain unknown. Here we identify the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-receptor CCR5 as a cellular determinant required for cytotoxic targeting of subsets of myeloid cells and T lymphocytes by the S. aureus leukotoxin ED (LukED). We further demonstrate that LukED-dependent cell killing is blocked by CCR5 receptor antagonists, including the HIV drug maraviroc. Remarkably, CCR5-deficient mice are largely resistant to lethal S. aureus infection, highlighting the importance of CCR5 targeting in S. aureus pathogenesis. Thus, depletion of CCR5 1 leukocytes by LukED suggests a new immune evasion mechanism of S. aureus that can be therapeutically targeted

    \u3cem\u3eStaphylococcus aureus\u3c/em\u3e Coordinates Leukocidin Expression and Pathogenesis by Sensing Metabolic Fluxes via RpiRc

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a formidable human pathogen that uses secreted cytolytic factors to injure immune cells and promote infection of its host. Of these proteins, the bicomponent family of pore-forming leukocidins play critical roles in S. aureus pathogenesis. The regulatory mechanisms governing the expression of these toxins are incompletely defined. In this work, we performed a screen to identify transcriptional regulators involved in leukocidin expression in S. aureus strain USA300. We discovered that a metabolic sensor-regulator, RpiRc, is a potent and selective repressor of two leukocidins, LukED and LukSF-PV. Whole-genome transcriptomics, S. aureus exoprotein proteomics, and metabolomic analyses revealed that RpiRc influences the expression and production of disparate virulence factors. Additionally, RpiRc altered metabolic fluxes in the trichloroacetic acid cycle, glycolysis, and amino acid metabolism. Using mutational analyses, we confirmed and extended the observation that RpiRc signals through the accessory gene regulatory (Agr) quorum-sensing system in USA300. Specifically, RpiRc represses the rnaIII promoter, resulting in increased repressor of toxins (Rot) levels, which in turn negatively affect leukocidin expression. Inactivation of rpiRc phenocopied rot deletion and increased S. aureus killing of primary human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the pathogenesis of bloodstream infection in vivo. Collectively, our results suggest that S. aureus senses metabolic shifts by RpiRc to differentially regulate the expression of leukocidins and to promote invasive disease. IMPORTANCE: The bicomponent pore-forming leukocidins play pivotal roles in the ability of S. aureus to kill multiple host immune cells, thus enabling this pathogen to have diverse tissue- and species-tropic effects. While the mechanisms of leukocidin-host receptor interactions have been studied in detail, the regulatory aspects of leukocidin expression are less well characterized. Moreover, the expression of the leukocidins is highly modular in vitro, suggesting the presence of regulators other than the known Agr, Rot, and S. aureus exoprotein pathways. Here, we describe how RpiRc, a metabolite-sensing transcription factor, mediates the repression of two specific leukocidin genes, lukED and pvl, which in turn has complex effects on the pathogenesis of S. aureus Our findings highlight the intricacies of leukocidin regulation by S. aureus and demonstrate the involvement of factors beyond traditional virulence factor regulators

    Staphylococcus aureus Coordinates Leukocidin Expression and Pathogenesis by Sensing Metabolic Fluxes via RpiRc

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a formidable human pathogen that uses secreted cytolytic factors to injure immune cells and promote infection of its host. Of these proteins, the bicomponent family of pore-forming leukocidins play critical roles in S. aureus pathogenesis. The regulatory mechanisms governing the expression of these toxins are incompletely defined. In this work, we performed a screen to identify transcriptional regulators involved in leukocidin expression in S. aureus strain USA300. We discovered that a metabolic sensor-regulator, RpiRc, is a potent and selective repressor of two leukocidins, LukED and LukSF-PV. Whole-genome transcriptomics, S. aureus exoprotein proteomics, and metabolomic analyses revealed that RpiRc influences the expression and production of disparate virulence factors. Additionally, RpiRc altered metabolic fluxes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, and amino acid metabolism. Using mutational analyses, we confirmed and extended the observation that RpiRc signals through the accessory gene regulatory (Agr) quorum-sensing system in USA300. Specifically, RpiRc represses the rnaIII promoter, resulting in increased repressor of toxins (Rot) levels, which in turn negatively affect leukocidin expression. Inactivation of rpiRc phenocopied rot deletion and increased S. aureus killing of primary human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and the pathogenesis of bloodstream infection in vivo. Collectively, our results suggest that S. aureus senses metabolic shifts by RpiRc to differentially regulate the expression of leukocidins and to promote invasive disease

    Near-Infrared Photoredox Catalyzed Tryptophan Functionalization for Peptide Stapling and Protein Labeling in Complex Tissue Environments

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    The chemical transformation of aromatic amino acids has emerged as an attractive alternative to non-selective lysine or cysteine labeling for the modification of biomolecules. However, this strategy has largely been limited by the scope of functional groups and biocompatible reaction conditions available. Herein, we report the implementation of near-infrared-activatable photocatalysts, TTMAPP and n-Pr-DMQA+, capable of generating fluoroalkyl radicals for selective tryptophan functionalization within simple and complex biological systems. At the peptide level, a diverse set of iodo-perfluoroalkyl reagents were used to install bioorthogonal handles for downstream applications or link inter- or intramolecular tryptophan residues for peptide stapling. We also found this photoredox transformation amenable to biotinylation of intracellular proteins in live cells for downstream confocal imaging and mass spectrometry-based analysis. Given the inherent tissue penetrant nature of near-infrared light we further demonstrated the utility of this technology to achieve photocatalytic protein fluoroalkylation in physiologically relevant tissue and tumor environments

    Stepwise differentiation of follicular helper T cells reveals distinct developmental and functional states

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    Abstract Follicular helper T (Tfh) cells are essential for the formation of high affinity antibodies after vaccination or infection. Although the signals responsible for initiating Tfh differentiation from naïve T cells have been studied, the signals controlling sequential developmental stages culminating in optimal effector function are not well understood. Here we use fate mapping strategies for the cytokine IL-21 to uncover sequential developmental stages of Tfh differentiation including a progenitor-like stage, a fully developed effector stage and a post-effector Tfh stage that maintains transcriptional and epigenetic features without IL-21 production. We find that progression through these stages are controlled intrinsically by the transcription factor FoxP1 and extrinsically by follicular regulatory T cells. Through selective deletion of Tfh stages, we show that these cells control antibody dynamics during distinct stages of the germinal center reaction in response to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Together, these studies demonstrate the sequential phases of Tfh development and how they promote humoral immunity