31 research outputs found

    Genes adopt non-optimal codon usage to generate cell cycle-dependent oscillations in protein levels

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    Most cell cycle-regulated genes adopt non-optimal codon usage, namely, their translation involves wobbly matching codons. Here, the authors show that tRNA expression is cyclic and that codon usage, therefore, can give rise to cell-cycle regulation of proteins

    Protein Dynamics in Individual Human Cells: Experiment and Theory

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    A current challenge in biology is to understand the dynamics of protein circuits in living human cells. Can one define and test equations for the dynamics and variability of a protein over time? Here, we address this experimentally and theoretically, by means of accurate time-resolved measurements of endogenously tagged proteins in individual human cells. As a model system, we choose three stable proteins displaying cell-cycle–dependant dynamics. We find that protein accumulation with time per cell is quadratic for proteins with long mRNA life times and approximately linear for a protein with short mRNA lifetime. Both behaviors correspond to a classical model of transcription and translation. A stochastic model, in which genes slowly switch between ON and OFF states, captures measured cell–cell variability. The data suggests, in accordance with the model, that switching to the gene ON state is exponentially distributed and that the cell–cell distribution of protein levels can be approximated by a Gamma distribution throughout the cell cycle. These results suggest that relatively simple models may describe protein dynamics in individual human cells

    Dynamic Proteomics: a database for dynamics and localizations of endogenous fluorescently-tagged proteins in living human cells

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    Recent advances allow tracking the levels and locations of a thousand proteins in individual living human cells over time using a library of annotated reporter cell clones (LARC). This library was created by Cohen et al. to study the proteome dynamics of a human lung carcinoma cell-line treated with an anti-cancer drug. Here, we report the Dynamic Proteomics database for the proteins studied by Cohen et al. Each cell-line clone in LARC has a protein tagged with yellow fluorescent protein, expressed from its endogenous chromosomal location, under its natural regulation. The Dynamic Proteomics interface facilitates searches for genes of interest, downloads of protein fluorescent movies and alignments of dynamics following drug addition. Each protein in the database is displayed with its annotation, cDNA sequence, fluorescent images and movies obtained by the time-lapse microscopy. The protein dynamics in the database represents a quantitative trace of the protein fluorescence levels in nucleus and cytoplasm produced by image analysis of movies over time. Furthermore, a sequence analysis provides a search and comparison of up to 50 input DNA sequences with all cDNAs in the library. The raw movies may be useful as a benchmark for developing image analysis tools for individual-cell dynamic-proteomics. The database is available at http://www.dynamicproteomics.net/

    Generation of double-labeled reporter cell lines for studying co-dynamics of endogenous proteins in individual human cells.

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    Understanding the dynamic relationship between components of a system or pathway at the individual cell level is a current challenge. To address this, we developed an approach that allows simultaneous tracking of several endogenous proteins of choice within individual living human cells. The approach is based on fluorescent tagging of proteins at their native locus by directed gene targeting. A fluorescent tag-encoding DNA is introduced as a new exon into the intronic region of the gene of interest, resulting in expression of a full-length fluorescently tagged protein. We used this approach to establish human cell lines simultaneously expressing two components of a major antioxidant defense system, thioredoxin 1 (Trx) and thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1), labeled with CFP and YFP, respectively. We find that the distributions of both proteins between nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments were highly variable between cells. However, the two proteins did not vary independently of each other: protein levels of Trx and TrxR1 in both the whole cell and the nucleus were substantially correlated. We further find that in response to a stress-inducing drug (CPT), both Trx and TrxR1 accumulated in the nuclei in a manner that was highly temporally correlated. This accumulation considerably reduced cell-to-cell variability in nuclear content of both proteins, suggesting a uniform response of the thioredoxin system to stress. These results indicate that Trx and TrxR1 act in concert in response to stress in regard to both time course and variability. Thus, our approach provides an efficient tool for studying dynamic relationship between components of systems of interest at a single-cell level

    Generation of a fluorescently labeled endogenous protein library in living human cells

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    We present a protocol to tag proteins expressed from their endogenous chromosomal locations in individual mammalian cells using central dogma tagging. The protocol can be used to build libraries of cell clones, each expressing one endogenous protein tagged with a fluorophore such as the yellow fluorescent protein. Each round of library generation produces 100–200 cell clones and takes about 1 month. The protocol integrates procedures for high-throughput single-cell cloning using flow cytometry, high-throughput cDNA generation and 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends, semi-automatic protein localization screening using fluorescent microscopy and freezing cells in 96-well format

    Longitudinal hair cortisol in bipolar disorder and a mechanism based on HPA dynamics

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    Summary: Bipolar disorder (BD) is marked by fluctuating mood states over months to years, often with elevated cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol can also trigger mood episodes. Here, we combine longitudinal hair cortisol and mood measurements with mathematical modeling to provide a potential mechanistic link between cortisol and mood timescales in BD. Using 12 cm hair samples, representing a year of growth, we found enhanced year-scale cortisol fluctuations whose amplitude averaged 4-fold higher in BD (n = 26) participants than controls (n = 59). The proximal 2 cm of hair correlated with recent mood scores. Depression (n = 266) and mania (n = 273) scores from a longitudinal study of BD showed similar frequency spectra. These results suggest a mechanism for BD in which high emotional reactivity excites the slow timescales in the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis to generate elevated months-scale cortisol fluctuations, triggering cortisol-induced mood episodes