5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the impact of the voucher program for improving maternal health behavior and status in Bangladesh

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    Vouchers, a demand-side financing (DSF) instrument for health-care services, were introduced in Bangladesh in 2006. The DSF program grants vouchers to pregnant women to receive free antenatal, delivery, and postpartum care services as well as free medicine, and financial assistance is provided for transportation. Deliveries with skilled service providers are financially incentivized and providers are reimbursed for their services from a special fund. After piloting DSF initially in 21 subdistricts (upazilas), the government expanded it to another 12 upazilas in 2007 (the second phase), and in its third phase in 2010 the program was expanded to another 11 upazilas. To measure DSF’s effect on improved access, quality, and reduced inequity for reproductive health services, during the third phase of the program the Population Council conducted a comprehensive evaluation with both baseline and endline surveys in 11 DSF upazilas and compared their outcomes with those from upazilas served by similar facilities not included in the DSF program. This final report contains key facility and policy program recommendations

    Distance, transportation cost, and mode of transport in the utilization of facility-based maternity services: Evidence from rural Bangladesh

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    Although the maternal mortality ratio in Bangladesh has decreased, significant underutilization of facilities continues to be a persistent challenge to policy makers. Women face long distances and significant transportation cost to deliver at health facilities. This study identifies the distance traveled to utilize facilities, associated transportation cost, and transport mode used for maternal healthcare services. A total of 3,300 mothers aged 18–49 years, who had given birth in the year before the survey, were interviewed from 22 sub-districts in 2010. Findings suggest that facility-based maternal healthcare service utilization was very poor. Only 53% of women received antenatal care, 20% used delivery care. and 10% used postnatal care from health centers. Median distance traveled for antenatal and postnatal check-ups was 2 kilometers but 4 kilometers for complication management care and delivery. Most women used non-motorized rickshaw or van to reach a health facility. On average, women spent Taka 100 (US1.40)astransportationcostforantenatalcare,Taka432(US1.40) as transportation cost for antenatal care, Taka 432 (US6.17) for delivery, and Taka 132 (US1.89)forpostnatalcheckup.Foreachadditionalkilometer,thecostincreasedbyTaka9(US1.89) for postnatal check-up. For each additional kilometer, the cost increased by Taka 9 (US0.13) for antenatal, Taka 31 (US0.44)fordelivery,andTaka8(US0.44) for delivery, and Taka 8 (US0.11) for postnatal care

    Health system gaps in cardiovascular disease prevention and management in Nepal

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of deaths and disability in Nepal. Health systems can improve CVD health outcomes even in resource-limited settings by directing efforts to meet critical system gaps. This study aimed to identify Nepal's health systems gaps to prevent and manage CVDs. METHODS: We formed a task force composed of the government and non-government representatives and assessed health system performance across six building blocks: governance, service delivery, human resources, medical products, information system, and financing in terms of equity, access, coverage, efficiency, quality, safety and sustainability. We reviewed 125 national health policies, plans, strategies, guidelines, reports and websites and conducted 52 key informant interviews. We grouped notes from desk review and transcripts' codes into equity, access, coverage, efficiency, quality, safety and sustainability of the health system. RESULTS: National health insurance covers less than 10% of the population; and more than 50% of the health spending is out of pocket. The efficiency of CVDs prevention and management programs in Nepal is affected by the shortage of human resources, weak monitoring and supervision, and inadequate engagement of stakeholders. There are policies and strategies in place to ensure quality of care, however their implementation and supervision is weak. The total budget on health has been increasing over the past five years. However, the funding on CVDs is negligible. CONCLUSION: Governments at the federal, provincial and local levels should prioritize CVDs care and partner with non-government organizations to improve preventive and curative CVDs services.</p

    Treatments for intracranial hypertension in acute brain-injured patients: grading, timing, and association with outcome. Data from the SYNAPSE-ICU study

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    Purpose: Uncertainties remain about the safety and efficacy of therapies for managing intracranial hypertension in acute brain injured (ABI) patients. This study aims to describe the therapeutical approaches used in ABI, with/without intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, among different pathologies and across different countries, and their association with six&nbsp;months mortality and neurological outcome. Methods: A preplanned subanalysis of the SYNAPSE-ICU study, a multicentre, prospective, international, observational cohort study, describing the ICP treatment, graded according to Therapy Intensity Level (TIL) scale, in patients with ABI during the first week of intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Results: 2320 patients were included in the analysis. The median age was 55 (I-III quartiles = 39-69) years, and 800 (34.5%) were female. During the first week from ICU admission, no-basic TIL was used in 382 (16.5%) patients, mild-moderate in 1643 (70.8%), and extreme in 295 cases (eTIL, 12.7%). Patients who received eTIL were younger (median age 49 (I-III quartiles = 35-62) vs 56 (40-69) years, p &lt; 0.001), with less cardiovascular pre-injury comorbidities (859 (44%) vs 90 (31.4%), p &lt; 0.001), with more episodes of neuroworsening (160 (56.1%) vs 653 (33.3%), p &lt; 0.001), and were more frequently monitored with an ICP device (221 (74.9%) vs 1037 (51.2%), p &lt; 0.001). Considerable variability in the frequency of use and type of eTIL adopted was observed between centres and countries. At six&nbsp;months, patients who received no-basic TIL had an increased risk of mortality (Hazard ratio, HR = 1.612, 95% Confidence Interval, CI = 1.243-2.091, p &lt; 0.001) compared to patients who received eTIL. No difference was observed when comparing mild-moderate TIL with eTIL (HR = 1.017, 95% CI = 0.823-1.257, p = 0.873). No significant association between the use of TIL and neurological outcome was observed. Conclusions: During the first week of ICU admission, therapies to control high ICP are frequently used, especially mild-moderate TIL. In selected patients, the use of aggressive strategies can have a beneficial effect on six&nbsp;months mortality but not on neurological outcome