178 research outputs found

    Applied Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis for the Dynamics, Guidance, and Control of an Autonomous Undersea Vehicle

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    Model-based analysis and synthesis applied to the dynamics, guidance, and control of an autonomous undersea vehicle are presented. As the dynamic model for describing vehicle motion mathematically, the equations of motion are derived. The stability derivatives in the equations of motion are determined by a simulation-based technique using computational fluid dynamics analysis. The dynamic model is applied to the design of the low-level control systems, offering model-based synthetic approach in dynamics and control applications. As an intelligent navigational strategy for undersea vehicles, we present the optimal guidance in environmental disturbances. The optimal guidance aims at the minimum-time transit of a vehicle in an environmental flow disturbance. In this paper, a newly developed algorithm for obtaining the numerical solution of the optimal guidance law is presented. The algorithm is a globally working procedure deriving the optimal guidance in any deterministic environmental disturbance. As a fail-safe tactic in achieving the optimal navigation in environments of moderate uncertainty, we propose the quasi-optimal guidance. Performances of the optimal and the quasi-optimal guidances are demonstrated by the simulated navigations in a few environmental disturbances

    特集に際して : 海中工学研究センター特集号

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    特集1 海中工学研究センタ

    An Optical Image Transmission System for Deep Sea Creature Sampling Missions Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    The exploration of oceans using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) is necessary for activities, such as the sustainable management of fishery resources, extraction of seafloor minerals and energy resources, and inspection of underwater infrastructure. As the next step in ocean exploration, AUVs are expected to employ end-effectors to make physical contact with seafloor creatures and materials. We propose a scenario for realizing a sampling mission using an AUV that is equipped to sample marine life. In this scenario, the sampling AUV observes the seafloor while concurrently transmitting the observed images to a surface vessel for inspection by the AUV operators. If the received images show an object of interest, the object is selected as a candidate of sampling target by the operators, who send a sampling command to the AUV. After receiving the command, the AUV returns to the target area and attempts to sample it. In this paper, we propose a system for transmitting images of the seafloor as part of the sampling-mission scenario. The proposed image transmission system includes a process for enhancing images of the deep seafloor, a process for selecting interesting images, and processes for compressing and reconstructing images. The image enhancement process resolves imaging problems resulting from light attenuation, such as color attenuation and uneven illumination. The process for selecting interesting images selects those that contain interesting objects, such as marine life. The selection process prevents the transmission of meaningless images that contain only flat sand on the seafloor. The proposed image compression method, which is based on color depth compression, reduces the amount of data. The combined process of selecting an interesting image and compressing it reduces various problems in acoustic communication, such as low information density and data loss. Instead of an overall image, part of an overall image is transmitted by a set of data packet, and each received data packet is reconstructed onboard the vessel. Because of image compression, the colors of a reconstructed image differ from those of an enhanced image. However, the reconstructed image contains similar colors, and the structural similarity index was found to be 91.4% by evaluating images that were subjected to a 4-b color compression. The proposed image transmission system was tested in the Sea of Okhotsk, and these tests were performed four times in different sea areas (minimum depth 380 m, maximum depth 590 m). The results show that the size of the data for a single image was reduced by a factor of 18 using the proposed image compression process, with each image taking 3.7 s to be transmitted via an acoustic modem (20 kb/s). Of the automatically selected images, 63% contained marine life, and the total transmission success rate was 22%

    Distribution of local 137Cs anomalies on the seafloor near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant

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    An estimated 3.5 ± 0.7 × 1015 Bq of 137Cs is thought to have been discharged into the ocean following the melt down at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (F1NPP). While efforts have been made to monitor seafloor radiation levels, the sampling techniques used cannot capture the continuous distribution of radionuclides. In this work, we apply in situ measurement techniques using a towed gamma ray spectrometer to map the continuous distribution of 137Cs on the seafloor within 20 km of the F1NPP. The results reveal the existence of local 137Cs anomalies, with levels of 137Cs an order of magnitude higher than the surrounding seafloors. The sizes of the anomalies mapped in this work range from a few meters to a few hundreds of meters in length, and it is demonstrated that the distribution of these anomalies is strongly influenced by meter scale features of the terrain

    Deployment of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Ice-covered Sea of Okhotsk : The First Japanese Challenge

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域気水圏シンポジウム 11月29日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階多目的

    Deep-Sea Robotic Survey and Data Processing Methods for Regional-Scale Estimation of Manganese Crust Distribution

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    Manganese crusts (Mn-crusts) are a type of mineral deposit that exists on the surface of seamounts and guyots at depths of >800 m. We have developed a method to efficiently map their distribution using data collected by autonomous underwater vehicles and remotely operated vehicles. Volumetric measurements of Mn-crusts are made using a high-frequency subsurface sonar and a 3-D visual mapping instrument mounted on these vehicles. We developed an algorithm to estimate Mn-crust distribution by combining continuous subsurface thickness measurements with the exposed surface area identified in 3-D maps. This is applied to data collected from three expeditions at Takuyo Daigo seamount at depths of ~1400 m. The transects add to ~11 km in length with 12 510 m 2 mapped. The results show that 52% of the surveyed area is covered by Mn-crusts with a mean thickness of 69.6 mm. The mean Mn-crust occurrence is 69.6 kg/m 2 with a maximum of 204 kg/m 2 in the mapped region. The results are consistent with estimates made from samples retrieved from the area, showing more detailed distribution patterns and having significantly lower uncertainty bounds for regional-scale Mn-crust inventory estimation

    Biometric assessment of deep-sea vent megabenthic communities using multi-resolution 3D image reconstructions

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    This paper describes a method to survey the distribution of megabenthos over multi-hectare regions of the seafloor. Quantitative biomass estimates are made by combining high-resolution 3D image reconstructions, used to model spatial relationships between representative taxa, with lower-resolution reconstructions taken over a wider area in which the distribution of larger predatory animals can be observed. The method is applied to a region of the Iheya North field that was the target of scientific drilling during the IODP Expedition 331 in 2010. An area of 2.5 ha was surveyed 3 years and 4 months after the site was drilled. More than 100,000 organisms from 6 taxa were identified. The visible effects of drilling on the distribution of megabenthos were confined to a 20 m radius of the artificially created hydrothermal discharges, with the associated densities of biomass lower than observed in nearby naturally discharging areas

    AUV Navigation with Particle Filter

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    特集1 海中工学研究センタ