17 research outputs found

    Effects of Soil Types and Fertilizers on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Edible Amaranthus tricolor lines in Okinawa, Japan

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    Soil types and fertilizer regimes were evaluated on growth, yield, and quality of Amaranthus tricolor lines, IB (India Bengal), TW (Taiwan), BB (Bangladesh B), and BC (Bangladesh C) in developing management practices in Okinawa. Growth and yield of all amaranth lines were higher in gray soil (pH 8.4) than in dark red soil (pH 6.6) and red soil (pH 5.4). The combined NPK fertilizer resulted in highest growth parameters and yield of amaranths in all soils. Nitrogen fertilizer alone did not affect growth parameters and yield of amaranths in dark red and red soils. Growth parameters and yield increased similarly with the 30, 40, and 50 g m−2 of NPK fertilizer in BB line, and with the 20, 30, 40, and 50 g m−2 in BC line. Agronomic efficiency of NPK fertilizer at 50 g m−2 was not prominent on the amaranths, compared to the fertilizer at 40 g m−2. Amaranth lines had higher Na in dark red and red soils, while K and Mg in gray soil, Ca in gray and red soils, and Fe in dark red soil. The NPK fertilizer resulted in higher Na, Ca, Mg, and P in BB line in glasshouse. These minerals in BB line were not clearly affected, but in BC line were lower with NPK fertilizer at 20–50 g m−2 in field. These studies indicate that gray soil is best for amaranth cultivation and combined NPK fertilizer at 20–40 g m−2 is effective in gray soil in Okinawa for higher yield and minerals of amaranth

    Survey on chest CT findings in COVID-19 patients in Okinawa, Japan: differences between the delta and omicron variants

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    Abstract To investigate the frequency of pneumonia and chest computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during the fifth Delta variant-predominant and sixth Omicron variant-predominant waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Okinawa, Japan. A survey on chest CT examinations for patients with COVID-19 was conducted byhospitals with board-certified radiologists who provided treatment for COVID-19 pneumonia in Okinawa Prefecture. Data from 11 facilities were investigated. Indications for chest CT; number of COVID-19 patients undergoing chest CT; number of patients with late-onset pneumonia, tracheal intubation, and number of deaths; and COVID-19 Reporting and Data System classifications of initial chest CT scans were compared by the chi-squared test between the two pandemic waves (Delta vs. Omicron variants). A total of 1944 CT scans were performed during the fifth wave, and 1178 were performed during the sixth wave. CT implementation rates, which were the number of patients with COVID-19 undergoing CT examinations divided by the total number of COVID-19 cases in Okinawa Prefecture during the waves, were 7.1% for the fifth wave and 2.1% for the sixth wave. The rates of tracheal intubation and mortality were higher in the fifth wave. Differences between the distributions of the CO-RADS classifications were statistically significant for the fifth and sixth waves (p < 0.0001). In the fifth wave, CO-RADS 5 (typical of COVID-19) was most common (65%); in the sixth wave, CO-RADS 1 (no findings of pneumonia) was most common (50%). The finding of “typical for other infection but not COVID-19” was more frequent in the sixth than in the fifth wave (13.6% vs. 1.9%, respectively). The frequencies of pneumonia and typical CT findings were higher in the fifth Delta variant-predominant wave, and nontypical CT findings were more frequent in the sixth Omicron variant-predominant wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Okinawa, Japan

    沖縄県における島尻マージ土壌,国頭マージ土壌およびジャーガル土壌で栽培されたベニバナボロギク(Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore)の各生育段階における生育特性と収量およびミネラル含量

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    Redflower ragleaf (Crassocephalum crepidioides) is an herbal vegetable, animal feed as well as a weed in many countries of tropical and subtropical regions. Growth characteristics, yield and mineral content of redflower ragleaf were evaluated at different growth stages, and in dark-red soil (pH 5.5-6.5), red soil (pH 4.0-5.5) and gray soil (pH 6.5-7.3) in Okinawa to develop cultivation measures. Plant height, leaf number, leaf area and branch number increased slowly until 50 days after seed sowing (DAS) and rapidly from 50 to 70 DAS, thereafter slightly. Capitula appeared at 60 DAS and started maturity at 80 DAS. Yield at 70 and 80 DAS was almost similar, and 2-3 times greater than that at 60 DAS. All the plant growth parameters were significantly higher in gray soil, which resulted in around 3 times greater yield compared to those in dark-red soil or red soil. Capitula appeared earlier in red soil followed by dark-red soil. The plant contained higher Na, K, Ca, P, AI, Fe, S and Si within 60 DAS, and Mg with the longer growth period. Sodium, K and Mg in the plant were highest for the red soil followed by dark-red soil, whereas Ca was highest for the dark-red soil followed by gray soil, and P and S for the red soil followed by gray soil. Growth characteristics, yield and mineral content indicate that redflower ragleaf could be cultivated in gray soil and harvested at around 70 DAS for higher yield and better quality in Okinawa.ベニバナボロギクは,熱帯・亜熱帯地域の国々で薬草や食用野菜として,あるいは,家畜飼料として利用されている。本試験では,ベニバナボロギクの生育特性と収量について,異なる生育段階ごとに評価し,さらに沖縄県内に分布する島尻マージ土壌(pH5.5-6.5),国頭マージ土壌(pH4.0-5.5) およびジャーガル土壌(pH6.5-7.3)を用いて栽培試験を行い,生育特性とミネラル含有量について調査した。草高,葉数,葉面積およひ茎数については,播種後,50日目までは緩やかに増加したが, 51日以降から70日目までは顕著な増加を示し, 71日以降は,緩やかな増加を示した。播種後,60日目には頭状花序が出現し, 80日目には成熟が始まった。播種後,70日目と80日目の収量は,ほほ同様の値を示し,60日目の収量よりも2-3倍高い値を示した。ベニバナボロギクの生育に関する全ての測定項目について,ジャーガル土壌を用いた場合に顕著に高い値を示し,収量については島尻マージ土壌あるいは国頭マージ土壌の値と比較して,約3倍高い値を示した。頭状花序の出現はジャーガル土壌が最も早く,次いで国頭マージ土壌,島尻マージ土壌の順であった。播種後60日目における植物体中のNa,K,Ca,P,Al,Fe,SおよびSi含量が最も高く,Mgについては,生育期間が長くなるにつれて増加した。Na,KおよびMgは,国頭マージ土壌で最も高く,次に島尻マージ土壌で高かったが,Caについては島尻マージ土壌で最も高く,次いでジャーガル土壌で高かった。PおよびSについては,国頭マージ土壌で最も高く,次にジャーガル土壌で高かった。本試験により,沖縄県におけるべニバナボロギクの生育特性,収量およびミネラル含量について明らかとなった。特にベニバナボロギクは,ジャーガル土壌で最も良好な生育を示し,播種後70日目に収穫することが望ましいということが示された。また,ベニバナボロギクを雑草として着目する場合は,播種後70日以内に取除くことで,種子生産の抑制が可能であることが示唆された