5 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of mission in Serbian companies

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    Izjava o misiji je personifikacija identiteta organizacije i služi kao osnova za sve zaposlene da se identifikuju sa organizacijom. Dobro definisana misija obezbeđuje stabilnost organizacije jer daje jasan pravac kretanja i predstavlja značajan kohezioni faktor. PonaÅ”anje zaposlenih, koje ona proizvodi, značajno je za ostvarivanje krajnjih rezultata u poslovanju, pa je zato sa pravom smatraju moćnim alatom u upravljanju organizacijom. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati, kroz empirijsko istraživanje, u kojoj meri su zaposleni upoznati sa misijom kompanije u kojoj rade i uočavanje razlika u shvatanju misije između zaposlenih u javnim preduzećima i privatnim kompanijama. Za potrebe istraživanja pomenute teme formulisan je upitnik u skladu sa Denisonovim modelom i distribuiran je ispitanicima u direktnom kontaktu, kao i putem druÅ”tvene mreže "Facebook". Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani i tumačeni koriŔćenjem deskriptivne statistike i t-testa za nezavisne uzorke. Rezultati ukazuju na to da kompanije u Srbiji treba da se trude da bolje upoznaju zaposlene sa misijom kompanije i da postoje značajne razlike između javnih i privatnih preduzeća u tom smislu.A mission statement is the personification of the organizational identity and serves as the central point for each employee to identify him-/herself with the organization. A well-defined mission ensures the stability of an organization's business as it provides a clear direction for actions and represents an important cohesion factor. Employees' behavior implied by mission is important for the achievement of the end business results; so, it is not surprising that it is considered to be a powerful tool in the management of an organization. This paper is aimed at showing the extent to which employees are familiar with the mission of the company they work for and at pointing out the differences in understanding mission between employees in public and privately-owned companies in Serbia through carrying out an empirical research study. For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire was defined according to the Denison model and distributed indirect contact with the respondents and via the Facebook social network. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive analysis and the independent sample t-test. The results revealed that companies in Serbia still need to work on familiarizing their employees with mission and that there is a significant difference between state and privately-owned companies in that respect

    Srbija i aktuelni geopolitički procesi na Balkanu

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    The phenomenon of mission in Serbian companies

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    Izjava o misiji je personifikacija identiteta organizacije i služi kao osnova za sve zaposlene da se identifikuju sa organizacijom. Dobro definisana misija obezbeđuje stabilnost organizacije jer daje jasan pravac kretanja i predstavlja značajan kohezioni faktor. PonaÅ”anje zaposlenih, koje ona proizvodi, značajno je za ostvarivanje krajnjih rezultata u poslovanju, pa je zato sa pravom smatraju moćnim alatom u upravljanju organizacijom. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati, kroz empirijsko istraživanje, u kojoj meri su zaposleni upoznati sa misijom kompanije u kojoj rade i uočavanje razlika u shvatanju misije između zaposlenih u javnim preduzećima i privatnim kompanijama. Za potrebe istraživanja pomenute teme formulisan je upitnik u skladu sa Denisonovim modelom i distribuiran je ispitanicima u direktnom kontaktu, kao i putem druÅ”tvene mreže "Facebook". Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani i tumačeni koriŔćenjem deskriptivne statistike i t-testa za nezavisne uzorke. Rezultati ukazuju na to da kompanije u Srbiji treba da se trude da bolje upoznaju zaposlene sa misijom kompanije i da postoje značajne razlike između javnih i privatnih preduzeća u tom smislu.A mission statement is the personification of the organizational identity and serves as the central point for each employee to identify him-/herself with the organization. A well-defined mission ensures the stability of an organization's business as it provides a clear direction for actions and represents an important cohesion factor. Employees' behavior implied by mission is important for the achievement of the end business results; so, it is not surprising that it is considered to be a powerful tool in the management of an organization. This paper is aimed at showing the extent to which employees are familiar with the mission of the company they work for and at pointing out the differences in understanding mission between employees in public and privately-owned companies in Serbia through carrying out an empirical research study. For the purpose of this research, a questionnaire was defined according to the Denison model and distributed indirect contact with the respondents and via the Facebook social network. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive analysis and the independent sample t-test. The results revealed that companies in Serbia still need to work on familiarizing their employees with mission and that there is a significant difference between state and privately-owned companies in that respect

    Risk management of machines in open pit mines

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    Fenomen rizika treba najpre definisati, a da bi se njime upravljalo, potrebno ga je i meriti. Merenje je neophodno da bi se utvrdili ciljevi koji se žele postići i stepen ostvarenja ciljeva. Merenje može biti kvalitativno i kvantitativno, zasnovano na statistici, merenju fizičkih veličina, ili na procenama datim od stručnih lica. U ovom radu je prikazan model upravljanja rizikom maÅ”ina koje rade na povrÅ”inskom kopu, sa posebnim osvrtom na uticaj ljudskog faktora.The phenomenon of risk should first be defined, and in order to be managed it is necessary to be measured. The measurement is necessary to determine the objectives to be achieved and the degree achievement of the objectives. Measurement can be qualitatively and quantitatively, based on statistics, the measurement of physical quantities, and the estimations given by experts. This paper deals with models of risk management of machinery of open coal mines, with special focus on human resource influence

    Energy strategy of Russia and Serbia: Echo of the ā€œSouth Streamā€

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    The paper views Russiaā€™s contemporary energy strategy with an emphasis on oil and gas energy, in the situation of geopolitical confrontation with the United States. It analyzes also the energy and economic position of Serbia in the absence of transit energy network in the Balkans. After the introduction, where the research scope and theoretical-epistemological approach are defined, the first part deals with the four sectors of Russiaā€™s national energy policy. It specifically analyzes the question of the Energy Charter and the relations with the EU. The second part looks at the importance of building new Russian oil and gas pipelines and bilateral energy agreements. The third part provides an analytical clarification, from the view of geopolitics, of how the suspension of the ā€œSouth Streamā€ gas pipeline construction and the so-called ā€œTurkish Streamā€ affected Serbia. Also examined is the question of whether it is an interest of Serbia to relate its energy policy to the energy strategy of Russia. Russian strategy of resources is directed towards building new economic alliances with Eurasian countries and towards preventing the geopolitical containment of Russia by the United States. On the other hand, Serbia must very quickly set out to consider the economic and geopolitical importance of linking to the energy policy of Russia. This is the only strategy that can respond to the issue of further Serbian economic development