62 research outputs found

    Improvements to Nuclear Data and Its Uncertainties by Theoretical Modeling

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    This project addresses three important gaps in existing evaluated nuclear data libraries that represent a significant hindrance against highly advanced modeling and simulation capabilities for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI). This project will: Develop advanced theoretical tools to compute prompt fission neutrons and gamma-ray characteristics well beyond average spectra and multiplicity, and produce new evaluated files of U and Pu isotopes, along with some minor actinides; Perform state-of-the-art fission cross-section modeling and calculations using global and microscopic model input parameters, leading to truly predictive fission cross-sections capabilities. Consistent calculations for a suite of Pu isotopes will be performed; Implement innovative data assimilation tools, which will reflect the nuclear data evaluation process much more accurately, and lead to a new generation of uncertainty quantification files. New covariance matrices will be obtained for Pu isotopes and compared to existing ones. The deployment of a fleet of safe and efficient advanced reactors that minimize radiotoxic waste and are proliferation-resistant is a clear and ambitious goal of AFCI. While in the past the design, construction and operation of a reactor were supported through empirical trials, this new phase in nuclear energy production is expected to rely heavily on advanced modeling and simulation capabilities. To be truly successful, a program for advanced simulations of innovative reactors will have to develop advanced multi-physics capabilities, to be run on massively parallel super- computers, and to incorporate adequate and precise underlying physics. And all these areas have to be developed simultaneously to achieve those ambitious goals. Of particular interest are reliable fission cross-section uncertainty estimates (including important correlations) and evaluations of prompt fission neutrons and gamma-ray spectra and uncertainties

    Parallel theoretical study of the two components of the prompt fission neutrons: Dynamically released at scission and evaporated from fully accelerated fragments

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    Prompt fission neutrons (PFN) angular and energy distributions for the reaction 235U(nth,f) are calculated as a function of the mass asymmetry of the fission fragments using two extreme assumptions: 1) PFN are released during the neck rupture due to the diabatic coupling between the neutron degree of freedom and the rapidly changing neutron-nucleus potential. These unbound neutrons are faster than the separation of the nascent fragments and most of them leave the fissioning system in few 10−21 sec. i.e., at the begining of the acceleration phase. Surrounding the fissioning nucleus by a sphere one can calculate the radial component of the neutron current density. Its time integral gives the angular distribution with respect to the fission axis. The average energy of each emitted neutron is also calculated using the unbound part of each neutron wave packet. The distribution of these average energies gives the general trends of the PFN spectrum: the slope, the range and the average value. 2) PFN are evaporated from fully accelerated, fully equilibrated fission fragments. To follow the de-excitation of these fragments via neutron and γ-ray sequential emissions, a Monte Carlo sampling of the initial conditions and a Hauser-Feshbach statistical approach is used. Recording at each step the emission probability, the energy and the angle of each evaporated neutron one can construct the PFN energy and the PFN angular distribution in the laboratory system. The predictions of these two methods are finally compared with recent experimental results obtained for a given fragment mass ratio

    Evaluating nuclear data and their uncertainties

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    In the last decade or so, estimating uncertainties associated with nuclear data has become an almost mandatory step in any new nuclear data evaluation. The mathematics needed to infer such estimates look deceptively simple, masking the hidden complexities due to imprecise and contradictory experimental data and natural limitations of simplified physics models. Through examples of evaluated covariance matrices for the soon-to-be-released U.S. ENDF/B-VIII.0 library, e.g., cross sections, spectrum, multiplicity, this paper discusses some uncertainty quantification methodologies in use today, their strengths, their pitfalls, and alternative approaches that have proved to be highly successful in other fields. The important issue of how to interpret and use the covariance matrices coming out of the evaluated nuclear data libraries is discussed

    Analysis of the (n,f) Reaction in the Plutonium Isotopes

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    This paper describes the modified Hauser-Feshbach formalism used to compute accurately fission cross sections for low-energy neutrons (from a few keV up to 5.5 MeV) in presence of intermediate structure in the second well. Application to the large plutonium isotope family (236 to 244) has been made with in particular reliable predictions of the cross sections of the short-lived nuclides. Special attention is paid to the choice of the model parameters entering in the calculations

    Prompt fission neutron and γ ray properties as a function of incident neutron energy

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    The CGMF code provides a complete description of the properties of the prompt neutrons and γ rays, emitted before beta decays. It is based on a Monte Carlo implementation of the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model, which provides an accurate phenomenological description of the de-excitation of the fission fragments toward stable configurations via neutron and γ-ray emissions. This approach allows a detailed description of a large number of observables, such as multiplicity probabilities and correlations between the emitted particles. In this contribution, we briefly review the approach and present selected examples of neutron and γ-ray observables for neutron incident energies from thermal to 20 MeV, and compare against available data for 235U(n,f) reaction
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