44 research outputs found

    How to Extend the Life of Die-Casting Tools

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    The paper explores some possibilities of extending the life of die-casting tools for non-ferrous metals, particu-larly aluminium, magnesium, and their alloys. In the first part of the paper is shown theoretical background of the problem. The major part treats the tools: tool life, tool manufacture, tool certificate, tool operation and repair of tools by welding. Welding is the only technology fit for repair of tools and thus to extend their service life. In the paper is shown some welding processes, which are suitable for repair welding of tools

    Analysis of Lack of Fusion in Welds at Water Heaters

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    The paper treats a weld discontinuity called lack of fusion, which is frequently a cause of leakage of a water heater. The heater was produced by MAG welding using two wires (twin arc welding). The paper states some reasons for the occurrence of lack of fusion, i.e. the arc blow effect, an inappropriate gun position, uncontrolled movement of the weld pool, too low energy input, an improper joint preparation. The defect is illustrated in a macrograph of a weld produced at the water heater with twin wires in a shielding gas. Welding with twin wires is schematically represented with a circumferential welded joint between the end and shell of the water heater

    A new method to determine the elastopalstic properties of ductile materials by conical indentation

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    Based on load-displacement curves, indentation is widely used to extract the elastoplastic properties of materials. It is generally believed that such a measure is non-unique and a full stress-strain curve cannot be obtained using plural sharp and deep spherical indenters. In this paper we show that by introducing an additional dimensionless function of DA / A (the ratio of residual area to the area of an indenter profile) in the reverse analysis, the elastoplastic properties of several unknown materials that exhibit visually indistinguishable load-displacement curves can be uniquely determined with a sharp indentation

    Effect of Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Relationship on Superficial Rockwell Hardness

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