26 research outputs found

    Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders

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    Composites based on polymers with conductive fillers have been gaining more and more significant roles in a variety of technological domains and are in the research focus of numerous studies as a part of growing research trend. Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of chosen materials can be directly used as contemporary materials by electrochemical methods. This article is concerned with the preparation characterization of the basic components: electrodeposited copper powder and lignocellulose as well as composite materials prepared by the compression molding of lignocellulose and galvanostatically obtained copper powder mixtures. Analysis of the most significant properties of individual components and prepared composites included quantitative structural analysis, morphological analysis, determination of density and porosity and measurements of electrical conductivity. Different investigation techniques including SEM, TGA, DSC, X-ray, FTIR, particle size distribution and conductivity measurements were used. The electrical conductivity of the composites is LT 10(-15) MS/m, unless the metal content reaches the percolation threshold of 14.4% (v/v), beyond which the conductivity increases markedly by as much as 14 orders of magnitude. It was found that this transition occurs at lower volume fractions than stated in the literature which can be due to the filler with high specific area

    Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders. Part III. Influence of Particle Morphology on Appearance of Electrical Conductive Layers

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    The electrical conductivity of the system based on lignocellulose (LC) biopolymer matrix filled with electrodeposited copper powder has been studied. Galvanostatically produced copper powder, having highly porous, highly dendritic particles with high values of specific area was used as filler. Volume fraction of the electrodeposited copper powder was varied from 2.0-29.8 vol%. Analysis of the most significant properties of prepared composites and its components included measurements of electrical conductivity, impedance spectroscopy (IS) behavior, structural and morphological analysis. The composite preparation conditions allowed the formation of a random distribution of metallic particles in the polymer matrix volume. It was shown that percolation threshold depends on both particle shape and type of spatial distribution. IS measurements have shown that particle morphology having pronounced grain boundaries has great effect on appearance of electric conductive layers, i.e.. movement. of percolation threshold towards lower filler volume fractions. IS response of the composites showed existence of electrical conductive layers, each having different resistivity which increases towards interior of the composite

    Elektroprovodni kompozitni materijali na bazi lignoceluloze i bakarnog praha

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    Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of chosen materials can be directly used as contemporary materials by electrochemical methods. This article is concerned with the preparation and characterization of composite materials prepared by the compression molding of mixtures of copper and lignocelluloses (LC) powders. Characterization of the elaborated composites involved analysis and defining of parameters that have the major influence on the electrical conductivity (σ) of the investigated composites. Morphologies of the constituents, filler and matrix as well as prepared composites were investigated. The electrical conductivity of the composites was measured in the function of mass fraction of the copper powder in the composite material. It was determined that the composites show transition conducting region between 50 mass % and 70 mass % of copper, and act as a conductive material with σ ≥ 0.935 MS/m above 70 mass % of copper fraction. Furthermore, significant increase of the electrical conductivity by as much as six orders of magnitude can be observed within the investigated region.Prirodni polimeri nа bаzi obnovljivih sirovinа mogu se elektrohemijskim metodаmа, uz dodаtаk izаbrаnih puniocа direktno koristiti kаo sаvremeni polimerni mаterijаli. U ovom radu su prikazani uslovi dobijanja kompozitnih materijala na bazi različitih smeša bakarnog praha i lignoceluloze (LC) metodom presovanja i njihova karakterizacija. Karakterizacija konstitutenata obuhvatila je analizu i definisanje parametara koji prvenstveno utiču na elektroprovodnost ispitivanih kompozita. Ispitivana je morfologija konstituenta, kao i ispitivanih kompozita. Određena je električna provodljivost (σ) kompozitnih materijala u funkciji masenog udela bakarnog praha. Utvrđeno je da se ispitivani kompoziti sa udelom bakarne frakcije između 50 i 70 mas.%, nalaze u prelaznom provodnom regionu, a kompoziti sa udelom bakarne frakcije iznad 70 mas.% se ponašaju kao provodnici sa σ ≥ 0.935 MS/m. U ispitivanom regionu, provodljivost je značajno povećana, čak i do šest redova veličine

    Evaluation of Process Orientation Dimensions in the Apparel Industry

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    The dimensions that influence the establishment of business process management (BPM) practices and the progression to higher levels of process maturity derive from exploring the dimensions of process orientation of organizations. Small and medium-sized clothing enterprises (SME’s) are characterized by various specifics that can affect the degree of process orientation adoption and the pace of transition from lower to higher levels of process maturity. According to these specifics, the acceptance of the process approach may be differently affected. For the purpose of adequate evaluation and prioritization of the most influential dimensions, a new integrated multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model that combines classical and fuzzy theory was developed. First, the full consistency method (FUCOM) method was applied, followed by the fuzzy pivot pairwise relative criteria importance assessment (fuzzy PIPRECIA) method to obtain more accurate criteria values. Prioritization of the most influential BPM dimension contributes to highlighting the area of business that needs to be primarily strengthened by appropriate actions for successful establishment of BPM in apparel industry SMEs. Within this research, the prioritized dimension refers to human resource management in accordance with the specific aspects of business within the apparel industry.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders

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    Composites based on polymers with conductive fillers have been gaining more and more significant roles in a variety of technological domains and are in the research focus of numerous studies as a part of growing research trend. Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of chosen materials can be directly used as contemporary materials by electrochemical methods. This article is concerned with the preparation characterization of the basic components: electrodeposited copper powder and lignocellulose as well as composite materials prepared by the compression molding of lignocellulose and galvanostatically obtained copper powder mixtures. Analysis of the most significant properties of individual components and prepared composites included quantitative structural analysis, morphological analysis, determination of density and porosity and measurements of electrical conductivity. Different investigation techniques including SEM, TGA, DSC, X-ray, FTIR, particle size distribution and conductivity measurements were used. The electrical conductivity of the composites is LT 10(-15) MS/m, unless the metal content reaches the percolation threshold of 14.4% (v/v), beyond which the conductivity increases markedly by as much as 14 orders of magnitude. It was found that this transition occurs at lower volume fractions than stated in the literature which can be due to the filler with high specific area

    Struktura i svojstva elektroprovodnih kompozitanih materijala na bazi lignoceluloze i bakarnog praha

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    Composite materials are gaining ever larger industrial applications in the world. None the less, composites based on polymers with conductive fillers are having more and more significant roles in a variety of technological domains and are in the research focus of numerous studies as a part of growing research trend. Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of electrochemically obtained conductive materials can be directly used as contemporary materials. This article is concerned with the experimental results of the investigation and characterization of the copper powder and lignocellulose (LC) composite materials. The content of copper powder was varied from 2-30 vol%, and the samples were prepared by the compression molding. Analysis and characterization of the most significant properties of individual components and prepared composites included morphological analysis, determination of density and porosity and measurements of electrical conductivity. Different investigation techniques including SEM, light microscopy and conductivity measurements were used.Kompozitni materijali dobijaju sve veću industrijsku primenu u svetu. Kompoziti bazirani na polimerima sa provodnim puniocima su u novije vreme u širem istraživačkom fokusu pre svega zbog njihovog rastućeg značaja sa gledišta primene. Prirodni polimeri na bazi obnovljivih sirovina mogu se dodatkom elektrohemijski dobijenih provodnih punioca direktno koristiti kao savremeni kompozitni materijali. U ovom radu prikazan je deo eksperimentalnih rezultata istraživanja svojstava kompozitnih materijala na bazi lignocelulozne matrice (LC) i bakarnog praha dobijenog elektrohemijskim putem. Udeo bakarnog praha u ispitnim uzorcima variran je u opsegu od 2-30 vol%, a uzorci su pripremljeni kompaktiranjem-presovanjem. U eksperimentalnom delu za analizu i karakterizaciju polaznih konstituenata i istraživanih kompozita korišćene su različite eksperimentalne metode i tehnike: mikrostrukturna i morfološka analiza vršena je primenom skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i optičke mikroskopije. Određena je veličina i distribucija čestica konstituenata kao i gustina, poroznost i električna provodljivost kompozita u zavisnosti od udela bakarnog praha

    Strukturne karakteristike kompozitnih materijala lignoceluloze i bakra

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    In recent years, composites based on polymers with conductive fillers have been gaining more and more significant roles in a variety of technological domains and are in the research focus of numerous studies as a part of growing research trend. Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of chosen materials can be directly used as contemporary materials by electrochemical methods. This article is concerned with the characterization of the basic components: copper powder and lignocellulose (LC) as well as composite materials prepared by the compression molding of mixtures with 50-90mass% of copper powder. Analysis of the most significant properties of individual components and prepared composites included morphological analysis, determination of density and porosity and measurements of electrical conductivity. Different investigation techniques including SEM, TGA, light microscopy and conductivity measurements were used.U novije vreme, kompozitni matirajali bazirani na polimerima sa provodnim puniocima nalaze sve značajniju primenu u brojnim tehnološko-tehničkim oblastima i predmet su istraživačkog fokusa čiji je trend u permanentnoj ekspanziji. Prirodni polimeri na bazi obnovljivih sirovina mogu se elektrohemijskim metodama, uz dodatak izabranih punioca, direktno koristiti kao savremeni polimerni materijali. Prezentovan rad obuhvata deo eksperimntalnih rezultata istraživanja svojstava kompozitnih materijala na bazi bakarnog praha dispergovanog u matrici od linoceluloze (LC), za udeo bakarnog praha u opsegu 50-90 mas.%, dobijenih metodom presovanja. Analiza i karakterizacija najznačajnijih karakteristika konstituenata i ispitivanih kompozita obuhvatila je mikrostrukturna ispitivanja, određivanje gustine i poroznosti kao i merenje elektriþne provodljivosti. U eksperimentalnom delu za analizu i karakterizaciju konstituenata i ispitivanih kompozita korisüene su razliþite eksperimentalne metode: SEM, TGA, optiþka mikroskopija, merenje električne provodljivosti

    Struktura i svojstva elektroprovodnih kompozitanih materijala na bazi lignoceluloze i bakarnog praha

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    Composite materials are gaining ever larger industrial applications in the world. None the less, composites based on polymers with conductive fillers are having more and more significant roles in a variety of technological domains and are in the research focus of numerous studies as a part of growing research trend. Natural polymers based on renewable materials with addition of electrochemically obtained conductive materials can be directly used as contemporary materials. This article is concerned with the experimental results of the investigation and characterization of the copper powder and lignocellulose (LC) composite materials. The content of copper powder was varied from 2-30 vol%, and the samples were prepared by the compression molding. Analysis and characterization of the most significant properties of individual components and prepared composites included morphological analysis, determination of density and porosity and measurements of electrical conductivity. Different investigation techniques including SEM, light microscopy and conductivity measurements were used.Kompozitni materijali dobijaju sve veću industrijsku primenu u svetu. Kompoziti bazirani na polimerima sa provodnim puniocima su u novije vreme u širem istraživačkom fokusu pre svega zbog njihovog rastućeg značaja sa gledišta primene. Prirodni polimeri na bazi obnovljivih sirovina mogu se dodatkom elektrohemijski dobijenih provodnih punioca direktno koristiti kao savremeni kompozitni materijali. U ovom radu prikazan je deo eksperimentalnih rezultata istraživanja svojstava kompozitnih materijala na bazi lignocelulozne matrice (LC) i bakarnog praha dobijenog elektrohemijskim putem. Udeo bakarnog praha u ispitnim uzorcima variran je u opsegu od 2-30 vol%, a uzorci su pripremljeni kompaktiranjem-presovanjem. U eksperimentalnom delu za analizu i karakterizaciju polaznih konstituenata i istraživanih kompozita korišćene su različite eksperimentalne metode i tehnike: mikrostrukturna i morfološka analiza vršena je primenom skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i optičke mikroskopije. Određena je veličina i distribucija čestica konstituenata kao i gustina, poroznost i električna provodljivost kompozita u zavisnosti od udela bakarnog praha

    Electrical Conductivity of Lignocellulose Composites Loaded with Electrodeposited Copper Powders. Part III. Influence of Particle Morphology on Appearance of Electrical Conductive Layers

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    The electrical conductivity of the system based on lignocellulose (LC) biopolymer matrix filled with electrodeposited copper powder has been studied. Galvanostatically produced copper powder, having highly porous, highly dendritic particles with high values of specific area was used as filler. Volume fraction of the electrodeposited copper powder was varied from 2.0-29.8 vol%. Analysis of the most significant properties of prepared composites and its components included measurements of electrical conductivity, impedance spectroscopy (IS) behavior, structural and morphological analysis. The composite preparation conditions allowed the formation of a random distribution of metallic particles in the polymer matrix volume. It was shown that percolation threshold depends on both particle shape and type of spatial distribution. IS measurements have shown that particle morphology having pronounced grain boundaries has great effect on appearance of electric conductive layers, i.e.. movement. of percolation threshold towards lower filler volume fractions. IS response of the composites showed existence of electrical conductive layers, each having different resistivity which increases towards interior of the composite

    Ternary Bi-Cu-Ni alloys – thermodynamics, characterization, mechanical and electrical properties

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    The Bi–Cu–Ni ternary system belongs to the group of potential Cu-Ni-based advanced lead-free solder materials for high temperature application. The paper shows results of the thermodynamic calculations using general solution model along the line with the molar ratio of Cu: Ni = 1:1. The experimental part shows thermal, structural, electrical and mechanical properties based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), electroconductivity and hardness measurements of the alloys selected in the section from bismuth corner with molar ratio Cu: Ni = 1:1, Cu: Ni = 3:1, and Cu: Ni = 1:3