32 research outputs found

    Functional role of G9a-induced histone methylation in small heterodimer partner-mediated transcriptional repression

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    Site-specific modification of nucleosomal histones plays a central role in the formation of transcriptionally active and inactive chromatin structures. These modifications may serve as specific recognition motifs for chromatin proteins, which act as a signal for the adoption of the appropriate regulatory responses. Here, we show that the orphan nuclear receptor SHP (small heterodimer partner), a coregulator that inhibits the activity of several nuclear receptors, can associate with unmodified and lysine 9-methylated histone-3, but not with the acetylated protein. The naturally occurring SHP mutant (R213C), which exhibits decreased transrepression potential, interacts less avidly with K9-methylated histone 3. We demonstrate that SHP can functionally interact with histone deacetylase-1 and the G9a methyltransferase and that it is localized exclusively in nuclease-sensitive euchromatin. The results point to the involvement of a multistep mechanism in SHP-dependent transcriptional repression, which includes histone deacetylation, followed by H3-K9 methylation and stable association of SHP itself with chromatin

    SUMO-Dependent Compartmentalization in Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Nuclear Bodies Prevents the Access of LRH-1 to Chromatin

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    Posttranslational modification by SUMO elicits a repressive effect on many transcription factors. In principle, sumoylation may either influence transcription factor activity on promoters, or it may act indirectly by targeting the modified factors to specific cellular compartments. To provide direct experimental evidence for the above, not necessarily mutually exclusive models, we analyzed the role of SUMO modification on the localization and the activity of the orphan nuclear receptor LRH-1. We demonstrate, by using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) assays, that sumoylated LRH-1 is exclusively localized in promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies and that this association is a dynamic process. Release of LRH-1 from nuclear bodies correlated with its desumoylation, pointing to the pivotal role of SUMO conjugation in keeping LRH-1 in these locations. SUMO-dependent shuttling of LRH-1 into PML bodies defines two spatially separated pools of the protein, of which only the soluble, unmodified one is associated with actively transcribed target genes. The results suggest that SUMO-PML nuclear bodies may primarily function as dynamic molecular reservoirs, controlling the availability of certain transcription factors to active chromatin domains

    Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Mediated Disruption of Enhancer-Promoter Communication Inhibits Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4α Expression

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    Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF-4) is a key member of the transcription factor network regulating hepatocyte differentiation and function. Activation of the HNF-4 gene involves physical interaction between a distant enhancer and the proximal promoter region, bound by distinct sets of transcription factors. Here we report that, upon mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation, HNF-4 expression is downregulated in human hepatoma cells. This effect is mediated by the loss of CEBPα expression. During MAP kinase signaling, the recruitment of HNF-3β and HNF-1α to the HNF-4 enhancer and RNA polymerase II to the proximal HNF-4 promoter was compromised. CBP, Brg1, and TFIIB were also dissociated from the HNF-4 regulatory regions, and the enhancer-promoter complex was disrupted. Interestingly, the extent of nucleosome acetylation did not decrease at either regulatory region, and HNF-6 and HNF-1α, as well as components of the TFIID, remained associated with the proximal promoter during the repressed state. The results point to an absolute requirement of enhancer-promoter communication for maintaining the active state of the HNF-4 gene and provide evidence for a molecular bookmarking mechanism, which may contribute to the prevention of permanent silencing of the locus during the repressed state

    Kmt5a Controls Hepatic Metabolic Pathways by Facilitating RNA Pol II Release from Promoter-Proximal Regions

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    H4K20 monomethylation maintains genome integrity by regulating proper mitotic condensation, DNA damage response, and replication licensing. Here, we show that, in non-dividing hepatic cells, H4K20Me1 is specifically enriched in active gene bodies and dynamically regulated by the antagonistic action of Kmt5a methylase and Kdm7b demethylase. In liver-specific Kmt5a-deficient mice, reduced levels of H4K20Me1 correlated with reduced RNA Pol II release from promoter-proximal regions. Genes regulating glucose and fatty acid metabolism were most sensitive to impairment of RNA Pol II release. Downregulation of glycolytic genes resulted in an energy starvation condition partially compensated by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation and increased mitochondrial activity. This metabolic reprogramming generated a highly sensitized state that, upon different metabolic stress conditions, quickly aggravated into a senescent phenotype due to ROS overproduction-mediated oxidative DNA damage. The results illustrate how defects in the general process of RNA Pol II transition into a productive elongation phase can trigger specific metabolic changes and genome instability

    Spontaneous development of hepatocellular carcinoma with cancer stem cell properties in PR‐SET7‐deficient livers

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    PR-SET7-mediated histone 4 lysine 20 methylation has been implicated in mitotic condensation, DNA damage response and replication licensing. Here, we show that PR-SET7 function in the liver is pivotal for maintaining genome integrity. Hepatocyte-specific deletion of PR-SET7 in mouse embryos resulted in G2 phase arrest followed by massive cell death and defect in liver organogenesis. Inactivation at postnatal stages caused cell duplication-dependent hepatocyte necrosis, accompanied by inflammation, fibrosis and compensatory growth induction of neighboring hepatocytes and resident ductal progenitor cells. Prolonged necrotic regenerative cycles coupled with oncogenic STAT3 activation led to the spontaneous development of hepatic tumors composed of cells with cancer stem cell characteristics. These include a capacity to self-renew in culture or in xenografts and the ability to differentiate to phenotypically distinct hepatic cells. Hepatocellular carcinoma in PR-SET7-deficient mice displays a cancer stem cell gene signature specified by the co-expression of ductal progenitor markers and oncofetal genes