30 research outputs found
International Masterâs degree studentsâ well-being at a Finnish university during COVID-19
The rapid developments and consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for university studentsâ well-being are presently being studied across the world. This study contributes to the growing discourse on university studentsâ well-being by exploring changes in international Masterâs degree studentsâ well-being in relation to the move to online teaching and learning at a Finnish university during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study draws on 37 answers to an open-ended question about remote teaching and learning at the end of a survey on university studentsâ stress. The text data were analysed conducting a preliminary quantitative content analysis and a more detailed thematic analysis, from which two themes were developed. The first theme concerned respondentsâ well-being with regard to their friends and family, including the desire for human connection, ways of coping and health concerns. The second theme concerned respondentsâ well-being with regard to their studies, including the importance of social life on campus, affected concentration and motivation, degree-related complications, and online teaching and supervision. The findings suggest that sociocultural well-being may extend beyond acculturation and that decreased psychological well-being has repercussions for international studentsâ studies. The study concludes with a discussion of the studyâs limitations and practical implications.Peer reviewe
Links between teachersâ planning, assessment and development time and implementation of curriculum in early childhood education
This study aimed to examine how Finnish early childhood education (ECE) teachers use planning, assessment and development (PAD) hours across different areas of the national ECE curriculum. The PAD of pedagogy carried out by ECE teachers is an important quality factor in ECE. In Finland, the working hours reserved for planning, assessment and development tasks for ECE teachers were increased from 8% to 13% by ECE law in 2018. Based on the mixed-methods approach, 325 ECE teachers participated in the study. The results of the study indicated that ECE teachers emphasize and benefit most from the planning, assessment and development of pedagogical activities and learning areas in the use of PAD hours. Furthermore, the distribution of PAD hours between different curriculum areas depends on how well PAD hours are implemented in practice.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line, BRCi009-A, derived from a patient with glycogen storage disease type 1a
Glycogen storage disease type 1a (GSD1a) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations of the glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC) gene. Mutations of the G6PC gene lead to excessive accumulation of glycogen in the liver, kidney, and intestinal mucosa due to the deficiency of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase.Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) enable the production of patient-derived hepatocytes in culture and are therefore a promising tool for modeling GSD1a. Here, we report the establishment of human iPSCs from a GSD1a patient carrying a G6PC mutation (c.648G > T; p.Leu216 = )
Prosociality in Shared Leadership from the Finnish Principalsâ Viewpoint
This chapter aims to explore the role of prosociality when exercising shared leadership in Finnish schools. Educational professionals work collectively to generate expertise conducive for shared leadership. Importantly, shared leadership could be deeply related to helping each other, which is referred to as prosociality. Potential development of shared leadership is achieved with help from others. However, no previous study has investigated the role of prosociality in exercising shared leadership. Therefore, research question is formed as following: How do the principals represent prosociality in shared leadership? This study explored prosociality through the lens of three aspects of prosociality: prosocial motivation, behaviour, and impact. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview from 12 Finnish principals in primary and lower secondary schools. The data were analysed with a thematic analysis in a deductive manner according to the three prosocial aspects. The findings showed that the principals acknowledge the prosocial elements that are deeply related to shared leadership. Moreover, the role of prosocial impact was highlighted by the principals.peerReviewe
Social contagion of autonomous motivation among professional educators : as a resource of leadership in schools
Enhancement of motivation among members in educational organizations is a crucial aspect for leaders to make the organizations more effective. However, when leadership is considered as a process, which makes leadership accessible to every member in an educational organization, the previous studies are still based on the thought that leaders determine leadership styles that motivate fol-lowers. While distributed leadership suggest some implications, it is still un-clear how each member takes on autonomous motivation and it is distributed.
Social contagion is the concept that the motivation of the model person spreads to the perceiver. The purpose of this study is to reveal social contagion of autonomous motivation among professional educators including educational leaders and teachers.
A sample of 359 Japanese primary and secondary professional educators filled in a questionnaire comprising the adapted editions of the Subscales As-sessing Four Types of Motivation for Teaching (SAFTMT) scale (Roth, Assor, Kanat-Maymon & Kaplan, 2007) and the Perceived Social Power Scale (PSPS) (Imai, 1993).
The results indicate that autonomous motivation of professional educators spreads from one to another through social power which consists of attractive, reference, and expert power. In addition, the model persons of the professional educators who have autonomous motivation were mostly the other teachers, not educational leaders such as principals or vice-principals.
The current study concludes that educational leaders should pay attention to how their teachers are autonomously motivated and make the most of it
Exploring prosociality and collective competence in exercising shared educational leadership in Finland and Japan
This dissertation aims to explore prosociality and collective competence when
educational leadership is exercised as a shared endeavour in collaboration. It
addresses the following specific research questions: 1) What is the relationship
between prosociality, in the form of motivation, behaviour, impact, and
collaboration, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? 2) What is the
relationship between prosociality and collective competence, as collective
efficacy, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? 3) What is the
relationship between collaboration and collective competence, as collective
efficacy, in educational leadership as a shared endeavour? The sub-studies
presented here utilised previous publications as data for a systematic narrative
review, quantitative survey data from teachers in Japan (N = 260), and qualitative
interview data gathered from 12 Finnish principals. First, the findings of this
study revealed that many prosocial phenomena concern relationships with
others, such as empathy, caring, and knowledge sharing. In addition, prosociality
was evoked by the experience of benefitting others when collaborating, which
indicated that prosociality could be both essential for and lead to collaboration.
Second, the findings demonstrated that existing literature has implicitly
discussed prosocial elements without noticing that they are essential for
collective competence in educational leadership as a shared endeavour. In
addition, it was found that prosociality encouraged the sense of collective
competence among organisational members because it is valuable for
overcoming their tendency to fragment. Moreover, when organisational
members recognise themselves as competent, their willingness to use their
expertise for social purposes might increase. Third, the findings indicated that,
when organisational members have experienced successful collaboration in
challenging situations, they tend to perceive themselves to be collectively
competent. Overall, these findings enrich our knowledge of how prosociality,
collective competence, and collaboration are related to one another in shared
educational leadership contexts by representing a new concept of collective
educational leadership efficacy.
Keywords: prosociality, collective competence, collaboration, collective efficacy,
educational leadershipTÀmÀn vÀitöstyön tavoitteena oli tutkia prososiaalisuutta ja kollektiivista kompetenssia
koulutusjohtamisen yhteisenÀ pyrkimyksenÀ yhteisöllisyyden kautta.
VÀitöstyö kÀsittelee seuraavia erityisiÀ tutkimuskysymyksiÀ: 1) MikÀ on prososiaalisuuden
(motivaation, kÀyttÀytymisen ja vaikutuksen muodossa) suhde yhteisöllisyyteen
koulutusjohtamisen toteuttamisessa yhteisenÀ pyrkimyksenÀ? 2)
MikÀ on prososiaalisuuden ja kollektiivisen kompetenssin (kollektiivisen tehokkuuden
muodossa) suhde koulutusjohtamisen toteuttamisessa yhteisenÀ pyrkimyksenÀ?
3) MikÀ on yhteisöllisyyden ja kollektiivisen kompetenssin suhde koulutusjohtamisen
toteuttamisessa yhteisenÀ pyrkimyksenÀ? Alatutkimuksissa
hyödynnettiin aiempien prososiaalisuutta kÀsittelevien julkaisujen systemaattista
analyysia, japanilaisilta opettajilta kerÀttyÀ kvantitatiivista tutkimusaineistoa
(N = 260) ja 12 suomalaisen rehtorin laadullisia teemahaastatteluja. Ensiksi
tÀmÀn vÀitöstutkimuksen tulokset paljastivat, ettÀ monet prososiaaliset ilmiöt
koskevat suhteita muihin toimijoihin. TÀrkeitÀ ilmiöitÀ olivat empatia, vÀlittÀminen
ja huolehtiminen sekÀ tiedon jakaminen. Erityisesti kokemus muiden hyvÀksi
toimimisesta yhteisöllisesti sai aikaan prososiaalisuutta. TÀmÀ tulos osoitti,
ettÀ prososiaalisuus voi olla sekÀ vÀlttÀmÀtöntÀ yhteisöllisyydelle, ettÀ se voi johtaa
siihen. Toiseksi tulokset osoittivat, ettÀ olemassa oleva tutkimuskirjallisuus
kÀsittelee kyllÀ epÀsuorasti prososiaalisia tekijöitÀ kuitenkaan osoittamatta, ettÀ
ne ovat olennaisia kollektiiviselle kompetenssille silloin, kun koulutusjohtamista
toteutetaan yhteisenÀ pyrkimyksenÀ. LisÀksi vÀitöstyössÀ paljastui, ettÀ prososiaalisuus
rohkaisee organisaation jÀsenten kollektiivisen kompetenssin tunnetta,
mikÀ on merkityksellistÀ koulutusjohtamisen pirstaloitumisen ja hajaannuksen
voittamisessa. Kun organisaation jÀsenet tunnistavat itsensÀ pÀteviksi, heidÀn
halukkuutensa kÀyttÀÀ asiantuntemustaan sosiaalisiin tarkoituksiin kasvaa. Kolmanneksi
tulokset osoittivat, ettÀ kun organisaation jÀsenet kokevat yhteisöllisyyden
onnistuneen haastavissa tilanteissa, he yleensÀ kokevat olevansa kollektiivisesti
pÀteviÀ. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, ettÀ vÀitöstyössÀ saadut tulokset
rikastuttavat ymmÀrrystÀmme siitÀ, kuinka prososiaalisuus, kollektiivinen kompetenssi
ja yhteisöllisyys liittyvÀt toisiinsa jaetuissa koulutusjohtamisen konteksteissa
ja miten nÀmÀ yhteydet kiteytyvÀt uuden, tÀssÀ tutkimuksessa luodun kollektiivisen
koulutusjohtamisen kompetenssin kÀsitteen kautta.
Asiasanat: prososiaalisuus, kollektiivinen kompetenssi, yhteisöllisyys, kollektiivinen
ăăŁăłă©ăłăăźăăŠăă©ăźèŠćŻăăèŠăăăăćœăźć©çšè æŻæŽäșæ„ăźèȘČéĄ ïŒă±ăŒăčăźèŠćŻćăłć©çšè ă€ăłăżăă„ăŒăăïŒ [Issues Related to Japan's User Support Project for Children and Childcare Support System Discovered by Visiting Neuvola in Finland]
The aim of this article is to introduce Neuvola, a childrearing support service in Finland, and to discuss issues related to JapanÊŒs User Support Project for Children and Childcare Support System. The authors visited and sat in on Neuvola sessions for three clients, and they conducted interviews with a client between October 4 and 8, 2015. Clients and Neuvola nurses were relaxed, and clients initiated the topics discussed during the visit. There was rapport between clients and Neuvola nurses, and clients seemed to be at ease in receiving the service. During the interviews, the client mentioned that she was able to talk about sensitive issues because the nurses would help the family to move in the right direction. Moreover, an information sharing system through ICT had been created between related facilities so that clients did not need to repeat their stories whenever they were referred to other facilities. On the other hand, it became clear that, like Japan, there were budgetary issues limiting Neuvola office hours in some communities. Findings made by visiting Neuvola suggest that it is important for the User Support Project to establish a system and an environment that enable clients and workers to develop mutual trust.nonPeerReviewe
ăăŁăłă©ăłăăźæź”éçæŻæŽăšăăŠăźăăăłăŠă«ăăăžă§ăŻăăźć±éăšćźè·” [The Deployment and Practice of Three Tier Support System 'Prokoulu' for Children with Special Educational Needs in Finland]
The purpose of this paper is to overview Prokoulu project in Finland that has been introduced to overcome severe school conditions. We scrutinized lecture materials about Prokoulu written by a principal related Iiterature and results of a visit survey. The data revealed that Prokoulu is a three-tier support system that enhances children's behavior by "positive feedback". Before implementing the project for children, teachers are required to change the relationships among colleagues positively in order to become models for children. Teachers, children and parents share fundamental values, and write up desirable behavior The set of goal behavior is clearly indicated to children in positive form, and immediate evaluations focusing on favorable actions are kept in teachers' mind. Although changing teachers' attitudes are not easy, the teachers are developing each other continuously and consciously under the leadership of the principal. They are cooperating with universities and research institutes to evaluate the project results. Children's behavior change according to which behavior the teachers focus on. One of the crucial principles is that teachers need to change their attitudes by themselves.nonPeerReviewe
Principal self-efficacy and school climate as antecedents of collective teacher efficacy
The importance of collective teacher efficacy (CTE) has been increasingly emphasised, but few studies have focused on how it can be enhanced. Since CTE is assumed to be related to factors that differ between schools, the belief-shaping sources of CTE could be related to principalsâ beliefs of their efficacy. Moreover, a school climate that centralises teachersâ attempts to improve student learning could enhance CTE. This paper examines a proposed analytical model that links principal self-efficacy (PSE) to CTE, as mediated by the school climate. The model is tested via a multilevel analysis with data from 70 Finnish schools and 767 educators. The analysis revealed that PSE is partially and indirectly related to CTE via the school climate at the school level. Based on these results, theoretical and practical implications for future research and teaching development efforts are discussed.peerReviewe