5 research outputs found

    Installation of geodetic control point at the National Institute of Polar Research

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    A geodetic control point (named NIPR main-point) was installed in September 1985,on the roof of the Administrative Building of the National Institute of Polar Research. The geodetic coordinates are obtained by measuring distances and angles from the third-order triangulation points Shimo-Itabashi and Oji, and the net adjustment method is applied. The height of NIPR main-point is determined from the levelling between the first-order levelling point 017-009 and the bench mark of the Administrative Building, and the height difference measurement between the roof and the bench mark by using a metal measure. The above observations were made according to the standard operating procedure of the Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction. The obtained coordinates are 35°45′1.801″N for latitude, 139°43′12.763″E for longitude and 43.25m for height above mean sea level. In order to make satellite receiving experiments, supplementary points A and B are also installed on the roof for antenna location

    コクリツ キョクチ ケンキュウジョ ニ セッチ サレタ ソクチ キジュン テン

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    1985年9月, 国立極地研究所管理・資料棟屋上に測地基準点を設置した。三等三角点下板橋および王子からの測距, 測角により, 国立極地研究所本点の経緯度座標を網平均により求めた。海抜高度は一等水準点017-009から管理・資料棟ベンチマークまでの直接水準測量と鋼巻尺による棟の高低差測定から求めた。観測は国土地理院基準点測量作業規程に準じて実施した。得られた基準点成果は北緯35°45′1.801″, 東経139°43′12.763″, 標高43.25mである。なおNNSS衛星など, 人工衛星受信観測のためのアンテナ設置点として屋上に補助点A, Bをもうけた。A geodetic control point (named NIPR main-point) was installed in September 1985,on the roof of the Administrative Building of the National Institute of Polar Research. The geodetic coordinates are obtained by measuring distances and angles from the third-order triangulation points Shimo-Itabashi and Oji, and the net adjustment method is applied. The height of NIPR main-point is determined from the levelling between the first-order levelling point 017-009 and the bench mark of the Administrative Building, and the height difference measurement between the roof and the bench mark by using a metal measure. The above observations were made according to the standard operating procedure of the Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Construction. The obtained coordinates are 35°45′1.801″N for latitude, 139°43′12.763″E for longitude and 43.25m for height above mean sea level. In order to make satellite receiving experiments, supplementary points A and B are also installed on the roof for antenna location

    Report on the geological, geomorphological and geodetic field party in the Sør Rondane Mountains, 1986 (JARE-27)

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    The 27th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-27) carried out the geological, geomorphological and geodetic field work in the central part of the Sør Rondane Mountains for 33 days from January 5 to February 6,1986. The field work was conducted by two parties with four persons each in order to investigate the vast area. They carried out expected investigations on spite of meeting with many crevasses. They used four snow vehicles and six snowmobiles. The snowmobiles were very useful to the field work in the area. This report gives detailed of operation including logistics, a summary of the field work, and information on the weather and the surface condition of snow and ice observed in this period

    セールロンダーネ サンチ チガク チョウサ タイ ホウコク 1986 (JARE-27)

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    第27次南極地域観測隊のセールロンダーネ山地地学調査は, 山地中央部地域において, あすか観測拠点の発電棟建設作業終了後, 1月5日から2月6日にかけて実施された。現在は山地の概査を行っている期間であり, 広域を対象とするため調査は2班に分かれて実施した。数多くのクレバスがあって調査活動は必ずしも容易ではなかったが, 2月の天候不順が懸念されたので, 早めに日程を消化するよう努めた。調査予定地域のほぼ全域を調査できたが, これはスノーモービルを十分に活用できたことによるところが大きい。ここでは設営面を含めた行動の概要とその問題点を中心に記述する。また, 今後の調査行動に資するため, 気象・雪氷状況を主として図表によりやや詳しく報告する。地学調査の成果については, 現在, 整理研究中であるので, 野外調査の概略を記すにとどめる。The 27th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-27) carried out the geological, geomorphological and geodetic field work in the central part of the Sør Rondane Mountains for 33 days from January 5 to February 6,1986. The field work was conducted by two parties with four persons each in order to investigate the vast area. They carried out expected investigations on spite of meeting with many crevasses. They used four snow vehicles and six snowmobiles. The snowmobiles were very useful to the field work in the area. This report gives detailed of operation including logistics, a summary of the field work, and information on the weather and the surface condition of snow and ice observed in this period