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    金沢大学総合メディア基盤センター近年のオープンサイエンスの活発化に伴い, 人間と機械の双方に可読性を持つリポジトリシステムの需要が高まっている. このような背景から, 本研究では, 国立情報学研究所が開発したWEKO を用いて, 金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター及び同国際文化資源学研究センターのデータリポジトリの構築を行っている.従来, WEKO へのコンテンツの一括登録には, Windows でのみ動作するソフトウェアが必要であった. 我々は, ICT に精通しているとは限らないデータ所有者が, リポジトリ上のデータ管理を行えるように, OS に非依存なブラウザからファイルをアップロードするだけでコンテンツの一括登録に加え, メタデータやコンテンツの追加登録・更新等が可能なデータ管理システムを構築した. 特に更新機能では, 「更新フラグ」属性を用いて, コンテンツの世代管理とその公開方法の制御を可能にした. 本稿では両センターのデータリポジトリと構築したデータ管理システムの概要を述べる.Along with the recent activation of open science, the demand for a repository system that is readable to both humans and machines is increasing. In this context, we constructed data repositories for Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology and Center for Cultural Resource Studies in Kanazawa University using WEKO, which is a repository platform developed by the National Institute of Informatics. In the original design of the WEKO, it is necessary to utilize software for Windows for batch registration of data contents. In the present study, we developed a new user interface for data management for data owners who are not familiar with ICT. By using this system, it is possible for data owners to operate a batch processing for additional registration, update of the registered contents and modication of the metadata simply by uploading a le via browser without depending on the OS. Particularly, it is innovative that out software supports revision control and data access control of the contents by setting "update ag"attribute. In this paper, we introduce the user interface developed for the data repositories in Kanazawa University

    Gene Cascade Finder: A tool for identification of gene cascades and its application in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the gene regulatory networks, or gene cascades, involved in cell fate determination and cell lineage segregation in Caenorhabditis elegans is a long-standing challenge. Although RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) is a promising technique to resolve these questions, the bioinformatics tools to identify associated gene cascades from RNA-Seq data remain inadequate. To overcome these limitations, we developed Gene Cascade Finder (GCF) as a novel tool for building gene cascades by comparison of mutant and wild-type RNA-Seq data along with integrated information of protein-protein interactions, expression timing, and domains. Application of GCF to RNA-Seq data confirmed that SPN-4 and MEX-3 regulate the canonical Wnt pathway during embryonic development. Moreover, lin-35, hsp-3, and gpa-12 were found to be involved in MEX-1-dependent neurogenesis, and MEX-3 was found to control the gene cascade promoting neurogenesis through lin-35 and apl-1. Thus, GCF could be a useful tool for building gene cascades from RNA-Seq data