257 research outputs found

    A tri-axial accelerometer with structure-based voltage operation by using series-connected piezoelectric elements

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    AbstractOutput-voltage operation on a sensor structure is proposed and a tri-axial accelerometer with low cross-axis sensitivities is designed. The output voltage between the electrodes sandwiching piezoelectric thin-films on a deforming structure is proportional to the in-plane stress of the piezoelectric thin-film. If the piezoelectric thin-film is processed to separated elements and the electrodes of the elements are connected in series, the output voltages from the series-connected piezoelectric elements are multiplied or canceled depending on the situations of the internal-stresses (i.e. compressive or tensile) of the elements. Proper design of the electrode connections by taking the deformation shape of structures into consideration can realize expected outputvoltage operations on the device structure. The principle of structure-based output-voltage operation is applied to the design of a tri-axial accelerometer with low cross-axes sensitivities. Finite-element-method (FEM) simulations of the tri-axial accelerometer revealed the cross-axis sensitivity of less than 1.5%

    Interpretable Edge Enhancement and Suppression Learning for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation

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    3D point clouds can flexibly represent continuous surfaces and can be used for various applications; however, the lack of structural information makes point cloud recognition challenging. Recent edge-aware methods mainly use edge information as an extra feature that describes local structures to facilitate learning. Although these methods show that incorporating edges into the network design is beneficial, they generally lack interpretability, making users wonder how exactly edges help. To shed light on this issue, in this study, we propose the Diffusion Unit (DU) that handles edges in an interpretable manner while providing decent improvement. Our method is interpretable in three ways. First, we theoretically show that DU learns to perform task-beneficial edge enhancement and suppression. Second, we experimentally observe and verify the edge enhancement and suppression behavior. Third, we empirically demonstrate that this behavior contributes to performance improvement. Extensive experiments performed on challenging benchmarks verify the superiority of DU in terms of both interpretability and performance gain. Specifically, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in object part segmentation using ShapeNet part and scene segmentation using S3DIS. Our source code will be released at https://github.com/martianxiu/DiffusionUnit

    Differences in Attitudes and Practices of Cancer Pain Management between Medical Oncologists and Palliative Care Physicians

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether there are differences in the attitudes and practices of cancer pain manage-ment between medical oncologists and palliative care physicians. An online nationwide survey was used to collect responses from board-certified medical oncologists and palliative care physicians in Japan. The survey questionnaire comprised 30 questions. The differences in responses between medical oncologists and palliative care physicians were examined. Out of the 1,227 questionnaires sent, 522 (42.5%) were returned. After apply-ing the exclusion criteria, 445 questionnaires (medical oncologists: n = 283; palliative care physicians: n = 162) were retained for analysis. Among the questions about potential barriers to optimal cancer pain man-agement, both medical oncologists and palliative care physicians considered the reluctance of patients to take opioids due to fear of adverse effects as the greatest barrier. Significantly different ratings between medical oncologists and palliative care physicians were observed on 5 of the 8 questions in this area. Significantly differ-ent ratings were observed for all questions concerning pain specialists and their knowledge. For effective cancer pain management, it is important to account for differences in attitudes and practice between medical oncolo-gists and palliative care physicians

    Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy with or without Concurrent Hormone Therapy in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer:NACED-Randomized Multicenter Phase II Trial

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    Although in the neoadjuvant setting for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancers, chemotherapy or hormone therapy alone does not result in satisfactory tumor response, it is unknown whether concurrent chemo-endocrine therapy is superior to chemotherapy alone in clinical outcomes. We conducted a randomized phase II trial to test the responses of ER-positive patients to concurrent administration of chemo-endocrine therapy in the neoadjuvant setting. Women with stage II-III, ER-positive, invasive breast cancer (n=28) received paclitaxel followed by fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide (T-FEC) and were randomized to receive concurrent chemo-endocrine therapy consisting of goserelin administered subcutaneously for premenopausal women or an aromatase inhibitor for postmenopausal women. The primary endpoint was the pathological complete response (pCR) rate after neoadjuvant therapy. Twenty-eight patients were randomized. There were no significant differences in pCR rate between the concurrent group (12.5%;2/16) and the chemotherapy alone group (8.3%;1/12). Tumor size after therapy was significantly reduced in the concurrent therapy group (p=0.035), but not in the chemotherapy-alone group (p=0.622). Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with concurrent hormone therapy provided no significant improvement in pCR rate in ER-positive breast cancers. These preliminary results should be followed up by further studies

    Current management strategies for the pain of elderly patients with burning mouth syndrome : a critical review

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    Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS), a chronic intraoral burning sensation or dysesthesia without clinically evident causes, is one of the most common medically unexplained oral symptoms/syndromes. Even though the clinical features of BMS have been astonishingly common and consistent throughout the world for hundreds of years, BMS remains an enigma and has evolved to more intractable condition. In fact, there is a large and growing number of elderly BMS patients for whom the disease is accompanied by systemic diseases, in addition to aging physical change, which makes the diagnosis and treatment of BMS more difficult. Because the biggest barrier preventing us from finding the core pathophysiology and best therapy for BMS seems to be its heterogeneity, this syndrome remains challenging for clinicians. In this review, we discuss currently hopeful management strategies, including central neuromodulators (Tricyclic Antidepressants - TCAs, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors - SNRIs, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - SSRIs, Clonazepam) and solutions for applying non-pharmacology approaches. Moreover, we also emphasize the important role of patient education and anxiety management to improve the patients’ quality of life. A combination of optimized medication with a short-term supportive psychotherapeutic approach might be a useful solution

    Association between Mammographic Breast Density and Lifestyle in Japanese Women

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    A high mammographic breast density is considered to be a risk factor for breast cancer. However, only a small number of studies on the association between breast density and lifestyle have been performed. A cross-sectional study was performed using a survey with 29 questions on life history and lifestyle. The breast density on mammography was classified into 4 categories following the BI-RADS criteria. The subjects were 522 women with no medical history of breast cancer. The mean age was 53.3 years old. On multivariate analysis, only BMI was a significant factor determining breast density in premenopausal women (parameter estimate, -0.403;p value, 0.0005), and the density decreased as BMI rose. In postmenopausal women, BMI (parameter estimate, -0.196;p value, 0.0143) and number of deliveries (parameter estimate, -0.388;p value, 0.0186) were significant factors determining breast density;breast density decreased as BMI and number of deliveries increased. Only BMI and number of deliveries were identified as factors significantly influencing breast density. BMI was inversely correlated with breast density before and after menopause, whereas the influence of number of deliveries on breast density was significant only in postmenopausal women in their 50 and 60s

    Estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA expression and molecular subtype distribution in ER-negative/progesterone receptor-positive breast cancers

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    We examined estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA expression and molecular subtypes in stage I-III breast cancers that are progesterone receptor (PR) positive but ER and HER2 negative by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or fluorescent in situ hybridization. The ER, PR, and HER2 status was determined by IHC as part of routine clinical assessment (N = 501). Gene expression profiling was done with the Affymetrix U133A gene chip. We compared expressions of ESR1 and MKI67 mRNA, distribution of molecular subtypes by the PAM50 classifier, the sensitivity to endocrine therapy index, and the DLDA30 chemotherapy response predictor signature among ER/PR-positive (n = 223), ER-positive/PR-negative (n = 73), ER-negative/PR-positive (n = 20), and triple-negative (n = 185) cancers. All patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with an anthracycline and taxane and had adjuvant endocrine therapy only if ER or PR > 10 % positive. ESR1 expression was high in 25 % of ER-negative/PR-positive, in 79 % of ER-positive/PR-negative, in 96 % of ER/PR-positive, and in 12 % of triple-negative cancers by IHC. The average MKI67 expression was significantly higher in the ER-negative/PR-positive and triple-negative cohorts. Among the ER-negative/PR-positive patients, 15 % were luminal A, 5 % were Luminal B, and 65 % were basal like. The relapse-free survival rate of ER-negative/PR-positive patients was equivalent to ER-positive cancers and better than the triple-negative cohort. Only 20-25 % of the ER-negative/PR-positive tumors show molecular features of ER-positive cancers. In this rare subset of patients (i) a second RNA-based assessment may help identifying the minority of ESR1 mRNA-positive, luminal-type cancers and (ii) the safest clinical approach may be to consider both adjuvant endocrine and chemotherapy