326 research outputs found

    “Aqui não registramos sobrenome”: o lavrar do registro civil de nascimento na antiga freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Lapa do Ribeirão da Ilha – Florianópolis/SC (1889-1910)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Direito.O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar a forma como materializavase nos registros civis de nascimento lavrados sob a égide do Decreto n. 9.886, de 7 de março de 1888, os vocábulos “nome”, “sobrenome” e “apelido” mencionados na referida normativa como elementos obrigatórios dos assentos. Os registros de eventos vitais no Ocidente cristão foram institucionalizados a partir do Concílio de Trento e incorporados nos ordenamentos jurídicos das nações católicas europeias. Por influência da colonização portuguesa, a prática registral católica foi disseminada em território brasileiro e por muito tempo foi o único sistema registral existente. A partir do processo de imigração europeia durante o Segundo Reinado, vozes clamando pela secularização registral começam a se disseminar no parlamento e, após muito debate e polêmica, acabaram culminando na edição do Decreto n. 9.886, de 7 de março de 1888, que viria a instituir de vez o registro civil no Brasil. Partindo de referido contexto histórico, buscamos em textos jurídicos contemporâneos à vigência da norma a interpretação sobre a sua forma de aplicação no cotidiano do registrador e hipotetizamos, com base na lição doutrinária do jurista Pereira Braga, que os registros de nascimento no período continham apenas o que hoje o direito brasileiro chama de “prenome”. Com intuito de verificar a plausibilidade da hipótese doutrinária analisamos registros de nascimento lavrados na circunscrição da antiga freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Lapa do Ribeirão da Ilha – Florianópolis/SC. A análise quantitativa dos assentos registrados entre o período de 1889 e 1910 permitiu concluir que, apesar da maioria dos assentos conterem somente o “prenome” do registrando, em alguns registros também consta, além do “prenome”, o que hoje chamamos de “sobrenome”, revelando que, apesar da plausibilidade do dito de Pereira Braga, a prática registrária não era uniforme nem mesmo dentro de uma mesma serventia

    Quantum Phase Transition in Lattice Model of Unconventional Superconductors

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    In this paper we shall introduce a lattice model of unconventional superconductors (SC) like d-wave SC in order to study quantum phase transition at vanishing temperature (TT). Finite-TT counterpart of the present model was proposed previously with which SC phase transition at finite TT was investigated. The present model is a noncompact U(1) lattice-gauge-Higgs model in which the Higgs boson, the Cooper-pair field, is put on lattice links in order to describe d-wave SC. We first derive the model from a microscopic Hamiltonian in the path-integral formalism and then study its phase structure by means of the Monte Carlo simulations. We calculate the specific heat, monopole densities and the magnetic penetration depth (the gauge-boson mass). We verified that the model exhibits a second-order phase transition from normal to SC phases. Behavior of the magnetic penetration depth is compared with that obtained in the previous analytical calculation using XY model in four dimensions. Besides the normal to SC phase transition, we also found that another second-order phase transition takes place within the SC phase in the present model. We discuss physical meaning of that phase transition.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, references added, some discussion on the results adde

    Ten Initial Cases of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Treatment of Esophageal Motility Disorders at Okayama University Hospital

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    Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for treatment of esophageal motility disorders has recently been reported to be highly effective and less invasive than other treatment. POEM was recently introduced in Okayama University Hospital under the supervision of a physician from a high-volume center. To verify the safety and efficacy of POEM during its introduction in our institution. We examined 10 cases in whom POEM was performed between January 2016 and April 2017. The patients included 7 men and 3 women, with a median age (range) of 49 years (17-74) and median symptom duration of 6 years (1-21). Seven patients had a straight esophagus, and the remaining 3 had a sigmoid esophagus. According to the Chicago classification, 6 patients were diagnosed with type I achalasia, 2 with type II achalasia, and 2 with distal esophagus spasm. Treatment outcomes and adverse events were evaluated. Treatment success was defined as a > 3 decrease in Eckardt score or a score of <3 at the time of discharge. The treatment success rate was 90%, with the average Eckardt score decreasing significantly, from 4.7 to 0.9 (p<0.05). No mucosal perforation, severe infection, mediastinitis, severe bleeding, or gastroesophageal reflux occurred intraoperatively or postoperatively. POEM was introduced to Okayama University Hospital, and the first 10 cases were accomplished safely and effectively under the supervision of an expert physician from a high-volume center

    Measurement of allergen-specific secretory IgA in stool of neonates, infants and toddlers by protection against degradation of immunoglobulins and allergens

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    Background and aims : Measurement of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) level is important to monitor various disease conditions. However SIgA in gut mucosa is degraded by pancreatic proteases and proteolytic enzymes from enteric microbiota. Currently, there is no reliable quantitation method that measures allergen-specific SIgA levels in stool of neonates, infants and toddlers. Methods : Allergen-specific SIgA levels in stool of 10 healthy neonates, infants and toddlers aged 0 to 36 months were measured by our new allergen microarray with densely carboxylated arms on a glass slide chip. Results : Protease activities in stool of 3-day-old neonates were low and no degradation of SIgA, IgA and allergens was detected. However, immunofluorescence signals of SIgA, IgA and allergen on the chip were markedly reduced by stool extracts obtained from infants and toddlers aged more than one month in dose- and time-dependent manners. Such reduction was almost completely inhibited by serine protease inhibitors, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and partly by leupeptin, but not by a variety of other protease inhibitors tested. Conclusion : Allergen-specific SIgA levels in stool of neonates, infants and toddlers under 36 months of age could be analyzed using protease inhibitors, including PMSF and leupeptin