3 research outputs found
Visualization of trans-interactions of a protocadherin-α between processes originating from single neurons
Summary: Clustered protocadherin (Pcdh), a cell adhesion protein, is involved in the self-recognition and non-self-discrimination of neurons by conferring diversity on the cell surface. Although the roles of Pcdh in neurons have been elucidated, it has been challenging to visualize its adhesion activity in neurons, which is a molecular function of Pcdh. Here, we present fluorescent indicators, named IPADs, which visualize the interaction of protocadherin-α4 isoform (α4). IPADs successfully visualize not only homophilic α4 trans-interactions, but also combinatorial homophilic interactions between cells. The reversible nature of IPADs overcomes a drawback of the split-GFP technique and allows for monitoring the dissociation of α4 trans-interactions. Specially designed IPADs for self-recognition are able to monitor the formation and disruption of α4 trans-interactions between processes originating from the same neurons. We expect that IPADs will be useful tools for obtaining spatiotemporal information on Pcdh interactions in neuronal self-recognition and non-self-discrimination processes