889 research outputs found

    Determinantal structures in the O'Connell-Yor directed random polymer model

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    We study the semi-discrete directed random polymer model introduced by O'Connell and Yor. We obtain a representation for the moment generating function of the polymer partition function in terms of a determinantal measure. This measure is an extension of the probability measure of the eigenvalues for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) in random matrix theory. To establish the relation, we introduce another determinantal measure on larger degrees of freedom and consider its few properties, from which the representation above follows immediately.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figure

    On the qq-TASEP with a random initial condition

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    When studying fluctuations of models in the 1D KPZ class including the ASEP and the qq-TASEP, a standard approach has been to first write down a formula for qq-deformed moments and constitute their generating function. This works well for the step initial condition, but there is a difficulty for a random initial condition (including the stationary case): in this case only the first few moments are finite and the rest diverge. In a previous work [16], we presented a method dealing directly with the qq-deformed Laplace transform of an observable, in which the above difficulty does not appear. There the Ramanujan's summation formula and the Cauchy determinant for the theta functions play an important role. In this note, we give an alternative approach for the qq-TASEP without using them.Comment: 20 page

    Stationary correlations for the 1D KPZ equation

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    We study exact stationary properties of the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation by using the replica approach. The stationary state for the KPZ equation is realized by setting the initial condition the two-sided Brownian motion (BM) with respect to the space variable. Developing techniques for dealing with this initial condition in the replica analysis, we elucidate some exact nature of the height fluctuation for the KPZ equation. In particular, we obtain an explicit representation of the probability distribution of the height in terms of the Fredholm determinants. Furthermore from this expression, we also get the exact expression of the space-time two-point correlation function.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement generation through an open quantum dot: an exact approach

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    We analytically study entanglement generation through an open quantum dot system described by the two-lead Anderson model. We exactly obtain the transition rate between the non-entangled incident state in one lead and the outgoing spin-singlet state in the other lead. In the cotunneling process, only the spin-singlet state can transmit. To discuss such an entanglement property in the open quantum system, we construct the exact two-electron scattering state of the Anderson model. It is striking that the scattering state contains spin-singlet bound states induced by the Coulomb interaction. The bound state describes the scattering process in which the set of momenta is not conserved and hence it is not in the form of a Bethe eigenstate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Distribution of a tagged particle position in the one-dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process with two-sided Bernoulli initial condition

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    For the two-sided Bernoulli initial condition with density ρ\rho_- (resp. ρ+\rho_+) to the left (resp. to the right), we study the distribution of a tagged particle in the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process. We obtain a formula for the moment generating function of the associated current in terms of a Fredholm determinant. Our arguments are based on a combination of techniques from integrable probability which have been developed recently for studying the asymmetric exclusion process and a subsequent intricate symmetric limit. An expression for the large deviation function of the tagged particle position is obtained, including the case of the stationary measure with uniform density ρ\rho.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Free-hand gas identification based on transfer function ratios without gas flow control

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    Gas identification is one of the most important functions of gas sensor systems. To identify gas species from sensing signals, however, gas input patterns (e.g. the gas flow sequence) must be controlled or monitored precisely with additional instruments such as pumps or mass flow controllers; otherwise, effective signal features for analysis are difficult to be extracted. Toward a compact and easy-to-use gas sensor system that can identify gas species, it is necessary to overcome such restrictions on gas input patterns. Here we develop a novel gas identification protocol that is applicable to arbitrary gas input patterns without controlling or monitoring any gas flow. By combining the protocol with newly developed MEMS-based sensors (i.e. Membrane-type Surface stress Sensors (MSS)), we have realized the gas identification with the free-hand measurement, in which one can simply hold a small sensor chip near samples. From sensing signals obtained through the free-hand measurement, we have developed machine learning models that can identify not only solvent vapors but also odors of spices and herbs with high accuracies. Since no bulky gas flow control units are required, this protocol will expand the applicability of gas sensors to portable electronics and wearable devices, leading to practical artificial olfaction.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Replica approach to the KPZ equation with half Brownian motion initial condition

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    We consider the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation with half Brownian motion initial condition, studied previously through the weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process. We employ the replica Bethe ansatz and show that the generating function of the exponential moments of the height is expressed as a Fredholm determinant. From this the height distribution and its asymptotics are studied. Furthermore using the replica method we also discuss the multi-point height distribution. We find that some nice properties of the deformed Airy functions play an important role in the analysis.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Solvable models in the KPZ class: approach through periodic and free boundary Schur measures

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    We explore probabilistic consequences of correspondences between qq-Whittaker measures and periodic and free boundary Schur measures established by the authors in the recent paper [arXiv:2106.11922]. The result is a comprehensive theory of solvability of stochastic models in the KPZ class where exact formulas descend from mapping to explicit determinantal and pfaffian point processes. We discover new variants of known results as determinantal formulas for the current distribution of the ASEP on the line and new results such as Fredholm pfaffian formulas for the distribution of the point-to-point partition function of the Log Gamma polymer model in half space. In the latter case, scaling limits and asymptotic analysis allow to establish Baik-Rains phase transition for height function of the KPZ equation on the half line at the origin.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Stationary Higher Spin Six Vertex Model and qq-Whittaker measure

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    In this paper we consider the Higher Spin Six Vertex Model on the lattice Z2×Z1\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2} \times \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}. We first identify a family of translation invariant measures and subsequently we study the one point distribution of the height function for the model with certain random boundary conditions. Exact formulas we obtain prove to be useful in order to establish the asymptotic of the height distribution in the long space-time limit for the stationary Higher Spin Six Vertex Model. In particular, along the characteristic line we recover Baik-Rains fluctuations with size of characteristic exponent 1/31/3. We also consider some of the main degenerations of the Higher Spin Six Vertex Model and we adapt our analysis to the relevant cases of the qq-Hahn particle process and of the Exponential Jump Model.Comment: 82 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    Mechanism underlying dynamic scaling properties observed in the contour of spreading epithelial monolayer

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    We found evidence of dynamic scaling in the spreading of MDCK monolayer, which can be characterized by the Hurst exponent α=0.86{\alpha} = 0.86 and the growth exponent β=0.73{\beta} = 0.73, and theoretically and experimentally clarified the mechanism that governs the contour shape dynamics. During the spreading of the monolayer, it is known that so-called "leader cells" generate the driving force and lead the other cells. Our time-lapse observations of cell behavior showed that these leader cells appeared at the early stage of the spreading, and formed the monolayer protrusion. Informed by these observations, we developed a simple mathematical model that included differences in cell motility, cell-cell adhesion, and random cell movement. The model reproduced the quantitative characteristics obtained from the experiment, such as the spreading speed, the distribution of the increment, and the dynamic scaling law. Analysis of the model equation revealed that the model could reproduce the different scaling law from α=0.5,β=0.25{\alpha} = 0.5, {\beta} = 0.25 to α=0.9,β=0.75{\alpha} = 0.9, {\beta} = 0.75, and the exponents α,β{\alpha}, {\beta} were determined by the two indices: ρt\rho t and cc. Based on the analytical result, parameter estimation from the experimental results was achieved. The monolayer on the collagen-coated dishes showed a different scaling law α=0.74,β=0.68{\alpha} = 0.74, {\beta} = 0.68, suggesting that cell motility increased by 9 folds. This result was consistent with the assay of the single-cell motility. Our study demonstrated that the dynamics of the contour of the monolayer were explained by the simple model, and proposed a new mechanism that exhibits the dynamic scaling property.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, and supplemental material