12 research outputs found

    Potensi Damar Indonesia Sebagai Bahan Baku Material Kedokteran Gigi

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    One of the natural resins in the world market which is dominated by production from Indonesia is damar. Damar is a resin produced by the Shorea javanica tree. This resin is known to have the best quality compared to other types of resin. In Indonesia, this plant grows well in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku, but is mainly produced in the Krui Coastal area of Lampung in an agroforest system known as Repong Damar. From the Shorea javanica tree, two types of resin are produced, namely damar mata kucing and damar batu. Damar mata kucing is obtained by tapping while rock resin is obtained by picking up resin which drips naturally onto the ground. The resin quality standard is stipulated in the Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 2900.1:2012 for  visual test and SNI 2900.2:2013 for for laboratory tests. Resin has properties in accordance with the requirements of dental materials, such as white to yellow colour, non-volatile, and insoluble in water. But it also has unsuitable properties such as brittle, sticky at room temperature, not heat resistant, flammable, and will change color when stored for a long time. It is concluded that resin modification has the potential to be used as raw material for dentistry, but it needs to be modified and its mechanical properties need to be tested

    Perbandingan porselen kedokteran gigi swa-sintesis berbahan baku pasir felspar Pangaribuan dan Sukabumi

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    Comparison self-synthesized dental porcelain between feldspar from Pangaribuan and Sukabumi. Dental porcelain material as one of the esthetic indirect restorations in Indonesia is mostly imported. In fact, Indonesia is really rich of natural raw materials, including feldspar, silica, and kaolinite. The aim of this study is to synthesize the dental porcelain made from Indonesia’s two different originates, which are Pangaribuan and Sukabumi. This study was prepared by fritting and sintering the mixture of 65% wt feldspar (from Sukabumi and Pangaribuan), 25% wt silica, 5% wt kaolinite, and 5% wt potassium salt. The porcelains obtained were evaluated using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results revealed that quartz and leucite were found in the composition of Pangaribuan sand that successfully showed more translucencies compared to Sukabumi sand which only imparted quartz on its component. This study shows that dental porcelain from Pangaribuan sand is successfully self-synthesized, on the other hand Sukabumi sand has not been successfully synthesized. These findings develop on a good prospect of esthetic dental porcelain made from Indonesian natural sand. ABSTRAKBahan porselen kedokteran gigi sebagai salah satu restorasi indirek estetik di Indonesia kebanyakan didatangkan dari luar negeri. Indonesia sebenarnya sangat kaya dengan bahan baku porselen kedokteran gigi seperti felspar, silika, dan kaolin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan sintesis porselen kedokteran gigi dari 2 jenis pasir alam Indonesia yaitu Pangaribuan dan Sukabumi. Komposisi yang digunakan yaitu 65% wt felspar, 25% wt silika, 5% wt kaolin, dan 5% wt garam kalium, dicampur kemudian dilakukan fritting serta sintering. Dua komposisi porselen dibuat dengan bahan dasar berbeda yaitu felspar dari Pangaribuan dan Sukabumi. Kedua porselen yang telah disintering kemudian dievaluasi menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Hasilnya adalah kuarsa dan leusit ditemukan pada porselen dengan komposisi pasir Pangaribuan yang juga memberikan hasil lebih translusen secara visual dibandingkan dengan porselen dengan komposisi pasir Sukabumi yang hanya memperlihatkan hasil kuarsa. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa porselen dengan komposisi bahan dasar pasir Pangaribuan berhasil disintesis dibandingkan komposisi bahan dasar pasir Sukabumi.Penemuan ini dapat memberikan peluang yang baik dalam pembuatan porselen kedokteran gigi yang berasal dari pasir alam Indonesia.

    <p>Performa porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuh</p><p>Performance of metal fusion and pure porcelain</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Permintaan porselen sebagai salah satu bahan restorasi kedokteran gigi semakin meningkat. Secara umum, praktisi mengetahui bahwa terdapat dua jenis porselen yang dapat dipesan dari laboratorium kedokteran gigi yaitu porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuh. Namun, praktisi sering bingung dalam memilih restorasi yang tepat sesuai kasus. Studi pustaka ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan untuk membantu praktisi dalam memilih penggunaan porselen fusi logam atau porselen penuh. Studi Pustaka: Porselen fusi logam memiliki kekuatan dan kekerasan yang lebih tinggi daripada beberapa jenis porselen penuh. Namun, porselen fusi logam memerlukan ruang yang lebih tebal dan kandungan logamnya mengurangi estetik. Porselen fusi logam juga bertentangan dengan konsep metal-free dentistry. Harga logam yang lebih murah menyebabkan harga restorasi porselen fusi logam juga lebih murah dibanding porselen penuh. Penentuan performa yang lebih baik, dapat dilakukan melalui evaluasi dengan melihat bahan yang digunakan pada suatu restorasi. Evaluasi holistik dan struktural juga perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa pada kesatuan restorasi. Kelebihan dan kekurangan porselen fusi logam dan porselen penuh perlu dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan dan penempatan restorasi yang akan digunakan. Simpulan: Performa yang lebih baik akan ditunjukkan apabila jenis porselen disesuaikan dengan karakteristik gigi asli dan keadaan mukosa oral yang digantikan serta sesuai dengan keinginan dan kemampuan pasien. Kata kunci: Porselen fusi logam, porselen penuh.   ABSTRACT Introduction: The demand for porcelain as one of the restorative materials for dentistry is increasing. Generally, practitioners know that there are two types of porcelain can be ordered from dental laboratories, namely metal fusion porcelain and pure porcelain. However, practitioners often confused in choosing the right restoration for a case. This literature study was aimed to provide the knowledge to help practitioners choose the proper porcelain. Literature Review: Metal fusion porcelain had higher strength and hardness than some full porcelain types. However, metal fusion porcelain required thicker space and reduced metal content. Metal fusion porcelain also contradicted with the concept of metal-free dentistry. Lower metal prices caused the price of metal fusion porcelain restorations to be having the lower cost than pure porcelain. Determination of better performance can be done through evaluation by looking at the materials used in restoration. The holistic and structural evaluation also needs to be done to determine the performance of the restoration unit. The advantages and disadvantages of metal fusion porcelain and full porcelain need to be taken into consideration in the selection and placement of the restoration to be used. Conclusion: Better performance will be shown if the type of porcelain adapted to the characteristics of the original tooth and the oral mucosal conditions replaced as well as by the patient’s wishes. Keywords: Metal fusion porcelain, pure porcelain

    <strong>Centrifugation effect on size distribution of organic dental filler made from glutinous rice flour</strong>

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Organic fillers made from the green-synthesis process can be utilized in dental treatment due to their non-toxic characteristic of the oral environment. Dental fillers must be smaller to improve their mechanical, physical, and biological properties. Material processing and centrifugation contribute to the size of processed materials. This study evaluates the effect of different centrifugation speeds on the size and distribution of glutinous rice flour as organic dental filler. Methods: This experimental study uses glutinous rice flour suspended in water and then centrifuged at different speeds of 3000 and 6000 rpm compared to untreated glutinous rice flour as control. The particle size was examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Next, Fourier Transform Infra Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) were performed to evaluate whether there were structure and crystallinity changes. Finally, the cytocompatibility of fillers was examined by a cell viability test. Results: Centrifugation of glutinous rice flour at 3000 rpm resulted in smaller average size particles, evenly distributed, and higher crystallinity than other groups. There were no changes in functional groups, as shown by FTIR spectra. However, the processed samples were more amorphous compared to the control. Importantly, the processed samples appeared to be non-toxic, with a range of cell viability of 82.75-86.67% after 24 h incubation. Conclusion: Centrifugation speed of 3000 rpm has decreased in size, and a more homogenous particle size of organic filler made from glutinous rice flour. Importantly, it improved the cytocompatibility of particles compared to untreated control. Altogether, we proposed this organic material as a new potential material in the dental application that can be further investigated.  Keywords: centrifugation speed; size distribution; organic dental filler; glutinous rice flou

    Alternative dental impression fillers made of nanorod glutinous rice flour particles through precipitation

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    In this work, nanorod particles were synthesized from a locally available source, glutinous rice flour, using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) through a simple precipitation process. The synthesized nanofillers were then presented as an alternative organic filler for dental impression application to support the making of a diagnostic and working model. Dynamic Light Scattering, Scanning Electron Microscope, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, x-ray Diffraction, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Thermogravimetric Analysis, and Differential Scanning Colorimeter were used to characterize the fillers. The particle size measurement, morphology interaction, and composition of glutinous rice flour nanorod particles were also investigated. The cell viability using 3T3L1 cells was assessed to determine the safety of nanorod particles using the MTT assay and trypan blue solution. All treated samples exhibit a change in particle morphology from polyhedral to rod. Additionally, a decrease in crystallinity, dehydration, and gelatinization temperature was observed. The functional group interacting with sodium hydroxide also changes slightly after size reduction. The samples treated with 3000 centrifugation speed without surfactant addition showed changes from the control sample’s 3931.71 nm to the smallest average width particle size of 73.26 nm with an average length of 865.15 nm. All of the treated samples with NaOH and NaOH-surfactant additions met the non-cytotoxicity acceptance criteria in the range of 73.54%–99.58%, according to the cell viability results. The incorporation of 15 wt% of the synthesized nanorod fillers resulted in a 20 μ m continuous line as the impression materials specimen, yielding a satisfactory detail reproduction test result. In conclusion, nanorod particles with biocompatible properties have been successfully manufactured and can potentially be used in the future as an alternative dental impression filler materials