59 research outputs found
Bioavailibility of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in Sediment in Garapan, Cibungur, and Ciliman Rivermouth
Garapan, Cibungur, and Ciliman Rivermouths are known as places for fishing. Those areas are surrounded by human activities such as human settlement, agricultural and industrial activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the bioavailibility of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in sediment for biota (clams) from related location. Bioavailibility was determined using sequential extraction technique consisted of residual and nonresidual fractions. Samples of sediments taken using Ekman grab, while clams Anadara pilula taken using âgaroâ. Heavy metals content was analyzed using AAS. Regression linear was used to see relationship between bioavalibility and heavy metal content in clams. Result showed that heavy metal content Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in sediment were highest in Garapan so were the content of Pb, Cu, and Zn in Anadara pilula. Result also showed that Cd and Pb were mostly bound to nonresidual fraction 100% and 54,65 â 64,69% respectively, while Cu and Zn were mostly bound to residual fraction 54,63 â 54,79% and 67,28 â 79,37%, respectively, except in Garapan for Cu. Relationship between each fraction of heavy metal in sediment with heavy metal content in Anadara pilula showed ascending pattern except, for Cd
Geochemical Fractionation of Toxic Trace Heavy Metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) From the Estuarine Sediments of 5 River Mouths at Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
Jakarta Bay is located at the north coast of Jakarta bordered by 106 03'00'' Longitude and 6 10'30'' Latitude. Administratively bordered by Bekasi Regency on the east and Tangerang Regency on the west. There are 13 -19 rivers flow to the bay with 2050 industries that produce hazardous waste, including heavy metals. Metal concentrations in surface sediments and their spatial distributions have increased, recently. Concentration of Pb during 10 years period increase from 23.3 mg kg-1 to 118.2 mg kg-1. The objectives of this study is to know the distribution of Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), and Zinc (Zn) of Jakarta Bay, Indonesia and their geochemical partition in marine sediments that are bound to âExchangeable Fractionâ, âReducible Fractionâ, âFe-Mn Oxide Fractionâ, âOxidize able Fractionâ, and âResidual Fractionâ. The result showed that the concentration of heavy metals in the sediments in most locations were above the Canadian Standard for Contaminated sediments. Concentration of Cr ranged from 48.68â292.09 ppm, Cu ranged between 18.62â151.82 ppm, Pb ranged from 39.7â303.42 ppm, and Zn ranged between 165.83â487.69 ppm. Standard for Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn are 22 ppm, 30 ppm, 25 ppm, and 60 ppm, respectively. Percent fraction of Cr in labile fraction (F1, F2, and F3) ranged from 30-60 %, while for Cu, its percent fraction mostly bound to lithogenic fraction as much as 38â78%. Percent of labile fraction of Pb ranged from 22-54 %, while for Zn as much as 15-72%. These meant that not only Cr but also Pb and Zn were possible to be easily released in the environment as bioavailable metals for biota, especially, benthic invertebrates
Kandungan Kalsium Dan Karbohidrat Bakso Daging Sapi Dengan Penambahan Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus sp)
The purpose of this study was to determine calcium and carbohydrate contents in beef meatballs with oyster mushrooms. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 1 factor pattern. Data was collected by performing experiment on each treatment, T0 (control treatment 100% of beef); T1 (40% of oyster mushrooms 60% of beef); T2 (50% of oyster mushrooms 50% of beef, and T3 (60% of oyster mushrooms 40% of beef). Calcium and carbohydrate contents were measured using spectrophotometer method. Calsium content of each treatments was 60 mg; 71,33 mg; 96,33 mg; 111,67 mg/ 100 g meatball for T0, T1, T2, T3 respectively. The highest calciumâs content is found in T3 (111,67 mg) and the lowest calciumâs content is found in T0 (60 mg). Carbohydrate content of each treatment was 2,72 g; 3,93 g; 4,02 g; 6,67 g/100 g meatball for T0, T1, T2, T3 respectively. The highest carbohydrate content is found in T3 (6,67) g and the lowest carbohydrate content is found in T0 (2,72 g)
Impact of Heavy Metals Contamination on the Biodiversity of Marine Benthic Organisms in Jakarta Bay
Alteration of land is continuing to increase inorganic matter to marine ecosystems and reduce marine biodiversity. Therefore, we investigated the interplay among land use and heavy metal (Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn) inputs from 8 rivers of Jakarta Bay to the benthic biodiversity. At current time, land uses surrounding Jakarta Bay are fulfilled with industrial activity, settlement, and agriculture. Total concentration of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn were determined using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in order to assess and compare contamination levels among land use types. Results showed that the average concentrations of heavy metals in sediment were generally higher in river-mouth received water from industrial than those in agriculture. Those land use related metal pattern were also reflected in the benthos diversity. Macrobenthic community diversity decreased when inputs of organic matter increased. Decreases in macrobenthic diversity were mainly linked to an increasing abundance of species with specific functional traits, specifically depositâfeeding polychaetes. Our finding confirmed that land use in the form of industrial areas were potential to produce toxic material to ecosystems. Therefore, we recommend that the development need to consider the allocation of physical infrastructure particularly near waterways
Content of Heavy Metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in Macrozoobenthos at Jakarta Bay
Trace metal contamination of marine environments can be determined by measuring trace metalconcentration in sediments, water or biota. Biomonitor organisms have the advantages over othermeasurements that they concentrate the portion of metals that are in a biologically available form, and thisportion which is usually of interest when assessments is being made of trace metal contamination.Correspondingly, whole tissue trace metal concentrations of 4 metals in common Jakarta Bay benthic species(polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans) from contaminated locations were measured. The mean concentrationfor Cu was 17.5 ± 21.8 Όg g-1 dw in polychaetes, 11.9 ± 8.8 Όg g-1 dw in molluscs, and 12.2 ± 5.5 Όg g-1 dw incrustaceans. The mean concentration for Cr was 172.8 ± 262.5 Όg g-1 dw in polychaetes, 31.8 ± 62.8 Όg g-1dw in molluscs, and 28.5 ± 29.0 Όg g-1 dw in crustaceans. The mean concentration for Zn was 152.4 ± 76.4Όg g-1 dw in polychaetes, 132.0 ± 106.3 Όg g-1 dw in molluscs, and 515.8 ± 503.5 Όg g-1 dw in crustaceans.The mean concentration for Pb was 6.3 ± 13.6 Όg g-1 dw in polychaetes and was 2.0 ± 4.5 Όg g-1 dw inmolluscs. The study provides significant contribution to confirm the content of heavy metal in each commonbenthic species inhabits coastal Jakarta Bay
Tindakan medik pelayanan klinik merupakan salah satu fungsi perawat untuk membantu dokter melalui pelimpahan wewenang dari dokter. Pengaturan Pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medik pelayanan klinik oleh dokter telah diatur dalam Pasal 65 ayat (1) Undang-Undang RI No. 36 Tahun 2014 tentang Kesehatan atau UU Tenaga Kesehatan bahwa dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan, Tenaga Kesehatan dapat menerima pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medik pelayanan klinik dari tenaga medis di Tiga Puskesmas Rawat Inap Kabupaten Kendal dilakukan secara tertulis dengan mengikuti Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) baku, dan form pelimpahan wewenang berupa surat pelimpahan wewenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui pelaksanaan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dokter kepada perawat, perlindungan hukum bagi perawat dalam melaksanakan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dokter, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi perawat dalam pelaksanaan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dokter di tiga puskesmas rawat inap Kabupaten Kendal.
Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis dan spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis. Aspek yuridis yang diteliti adalah ketentuan hukum tentang pelaksanaan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dokter kepada perawat dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum bagi perawat dalam pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dokter di tiga puskesmas rawat inap Kabupaten Kendal. Aspek sosiologis yang diteliti, yaitu tanggapan pejabat pemangku kepentingan (Kepala Dinas Kesehatan dan Kepala Puskesmas) dan pelaksana pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medik (Dokter, Perawat, dan masyarakat).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pelaksanaan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medis dari dokter kepada perawat di tiga puskesmas rawat inap Kabupaten Kendal besar sudah terlaksana sesuai dengan penyesuaian pada PMK No. 26 Tahun 2019. Implementasi perlindungan hukum perawat dalam melaksanakan pelimpahan wewenang tindakan medik pelayanan klinik tugas praktik dokter di tiga puskesmas rawat inap Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kendal belum terwujud optimal, jaminan hukum belum interpretatif, efektif dan efisien. Bentuk perlindungan hukum yang bisa diterapkan dalam pelimpahan wewenang Tindakan dokter ini dan diberikan kepada perawat adalah perlindungan preventif dan represif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Perawat Dalam Pelimpahan Wewenang Tindakan Medik Di Tiga Puskesmas Rawat Inap Kabupaten Kendal adalah Faktor Yuridis, Teknik, dan Sosial
Tujuan penelitian mengkaji upaya sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan program Adiwiyata, mengkaji peran serta warga sekolah dalam mewujudkan program Adiwiyata dan mengkaji peran PLH bagi warga sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan nara sumber warga sekolah. Metode pengumpulan data: wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data dengan teknik trianggulasi sehingga data diperoleh valid. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan upaya sekolah dalam mengimplementasikan program Adiwiyata mendapat respon positif dari warga sekolah, peran serta warga sekolah dalam mewujudkan program Adiwiyata dilaksanakan dalam pengelolaan sampah, kegiatan Jumat bersih dan penghijauan dan peran pendidikan lingkungan bagi warga sekolah signifikan, guru mengintegrasikan pendidikan lingkungan pada mata pelajaran tertentu. The purpose of research examines the efforts of schools in implementing Adiwiyata program , examines the role of the school community in realizing Adiwiyata program and examines the role of PLH for the school community The study used qualitative research methods with the school community resource persons. Method of data collection: interviews, observation, and documentation. The validity of the data with triangulation techniques so that the data obtained is valid. Analyzed using an interactive model. Results of the study: Efforts to implement the program Adiwiyata school received a positive response from the school community, The role of the school community in realizing Adiwiyata program implemented in waste management, clean and greening Friday activity, The role of environmental education for the citizens of significant school, teachers integrate environmental education in certain subjects
Satuan Biaya Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besarnya satuan biaya oendidikan atau student unit cost (SUC) mahasiswa Sl Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana populasi penelitian adalah unit kerja kantor pusat Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
meliputi Rektorat, Lembaga Penelitian, Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, dan enam fakultas dengan jumlah program studi Sl sebanyak 53, sedangkan sampel sejumlah l2 program studi ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan judgement sampling yaitu penentuan sampel penelitian didasarkan atas penilaian bahwa program studi tersebut paling baik untuk dijadikan sampel. Instrumen penelitian berupa format isian biaya pendidikan untuk rektorat, lembaga, fakultas, dan program studi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan bantuan Microsoft Excel.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (l) satuan biaya pendidikan tanpa memperhitungkan biaya depresiasi fasilitas dan biaya gaji dan tunjangan PNS adalah sebagai berikut: Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika sebesar Rp7.900.902,00; Pendidikan Biologi Rp8.100.978,00; Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Rp8.218.656,00: Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Rp9.210.805,00; Teknologi Pendidikan Rp7.948.203,00;
Manajemen Pendidikan Rp7.106.879,00; Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis Rp7.416.515,00; Pendidikan Seni Rupa Rp7.544.215,00; Pendidikan Ceografi Rp4.466.437,00; dan
Pendidikan Akuntansi Rp3.962.240,00; (2) satuan biaya pendidikan termasuk biaya depresiasi fasilitas namun tanpa biaya gaji dan tunjangan PNS adalah sebagai berikut:
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika sebesar Rp9.432.701,00; Pendidikan Biologi Rp9.510.1O1,00; Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Rp8.864.077,00; Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Rp10.281.l6l,00; Teknologi Pendidikan Rp9.890.886,00; Manajemen Pendidikan Rp8.838.301,00; Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis Rp8.789.320,00; Pendidikan Seni Rupa Rp8.689.969,00; Pendidikan Geografi Rp5.184.468,00; dan Pendidikan Akuntansi Rp4.651.144,00; (3) satuan biaya pendidikan termasuk biaya depresiasi fasilitas dan biaya gaji dan tunjangan PNS adalah sebagai berikut: Program Studi
Pendidikan Fisika sebesar Rp14.310.120,00; Pendidikan Biologi Rpl3.996.905,00; Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Rp11.407.654,00; Pendidikan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Rp14.499.392,00; Teknologi Pendidikan Rp15.746.136,00; Manajemen Pendidikan Rp14.056.810,00; Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis Rp13.422.366,00; Pendidikan Seni Rupa
Rp12.5 55.550,00; Pendidikan Geografi Rp7.037.393,00; dan Pendidikan Akuntansi Rp6.428.906,00
The role of social forestry in achieving NDC targets: Study cases of Lampung and DI Yogyakarta
Social Forestry (SF) in Indonesia has emerged as a keystone strategy for Sustainable Forest Management. By allocating 12.7 million ha of forest to be managed by local communities, the government has set in motion an ambitious plan for SF to reduce poverty, empower local people, and improve forest conditions. More recently, SF is framed for its opportunity to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study focused on examining the contribution of SF to the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) goals in Yogyakarta and Lampung. By analyzing spatial data of SF areas and land cover changes using ArcView 10.8, the study assessed the carbon stock potential in SF areas. Carbon stock calculations were based on the 2022 National Forest Reference Level (FRL) for the periods before and after SF implementation. The finding of the study indicated that the carbon stock of SF areas in Yogyakarta and Lampung ranged from 9,214,381 to 9,923,420 ton CO2eq prior to SF, while the current carbon stock ranges from 8,703,489 to 9,393,706 ton CO2eq, representing a decrease (around 5.4%) rather than an increase. Overall, the changes in carbon stock were relatively small and localized, and the magnitude of the increase was insufficient to offset the overall decrease. To achieve the objectives of SF, such as meeting emission targets and achieving sustainable land use, it is crucial to carefully manage forest edges and fragmented forests, as they can contribute to carbon stock losses. Additionally, further studies and research are needed to improve the accuracy of carbon stock calculations, particularly for non-forest categories, which have higher uncertainty in the reference level
Spatial Dynamics Model for Sustainability Landscape in Cimandiri Estuary, West Java, Indonesia
AbstractPopulation in Estuary Cimandiri area and the Pelabuhanratu Town increase continuously, which will cause an occurrence of land use changes from open space to built-up area. Due to the need of built up area, while the existing land area is very limited, so the shortage land will occur in the future. In this context, spatial dynamic model based on a combination between system dynamics and Geographic Information System (GIS) has to be elaborated for land availability model in Cimandiri Estuary, West Java. Thus, the existing surface can be a sustainability landscape. Population growth projection has an exponential growth pattern. Built-up area variable has a sigmoid pattern, which means that the land in estuarine area will be occupied for built-up activities in the future. Land availability variable has a decay pattern, which means that the available land will be run out to be used up by human settlement. The relationship between population growth and land availability will be contradictory. The intervention effect 60% ratio land restriction of built-up area will delay the development of built-up area, and after those delays it will remain constant. The projection of populations growth is implemented through projection development of built-up area which adapted by the landscape to be a sustainability landscape
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