19 research outputs found

    Extragalactic Science, Cosmology and Galactic Archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)

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    The Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is a massively-multiplexed fiber-fed optical and near-infrared 3-arm spectrograph (N_fiber=2400, 380<lambda<1260nm, 1.3 degree diameter FoV), offering unique opportunities in survey astronomy. Here we summarize the science case feasible for a survey of Subaru 300 nights. We describe plans to constrain the nature of dark energy via a survey of emission line galaxies spanning a comoving volume of 9.3 (Gpc/h)^3 in the redshift range 0.8<z<2.4. In each of 6 redshift bins, the cosmological distances will be measured to 3% precision via BAO, and redshift-space distortions will be used to constrain structure growth to 6% precision. In the GA program, radial velocities and chemical abundances of stars in the Milky Way and M31 will be used to infer the past assembly histories of spiral galaxies and the structure of their dark matter halos. Data will be secured for 10^6 stars in the Galactic thick-disk, halo and tidal streams as faint as V~22, including stars with V < 20 to complement the goals of the Gaia mission. A medium-resolution mode with R = 5000 to be implemented in the red arm will allow the measurement of multiple alpha-element abundances and more precise velocities for Galactic stars, elucidating the detailed chemo-dynamical structure and evolution of each of the main stellar components of the Milky Way Galaxy and of its dwarf spheroidal galaxies. For the extragalactic program, our simulations suggest the wide avelength range will be powerful in probing the galaxy population and its clustering over a wide redshift range. We propose to conduct a color-selected survey of 1<z<2 galaxies and AGN over 16 deg^2 to J~23.4, yielding a fair sample of galaxies with stellar masses above ~10^{10}Ms at z~2. A two-tiered survey of higher redshift LBGs and LAEs will quantify the properties of early systems close to the reionization epoch.Comment: This document describes the scientific program and requirements for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) project. Made significant revision based on studies for the Preliminary Design Review (PRD) held in Feb 2013. The higher-resolution paper file is available from http://member.ipmu.jp/masahiro.takada/pfs_astroph_rv.pd

    Dephosphorization of Granular High-carbon Ferromanganese in Reducing Conditions

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    Theoretical study of intracellular stress fiber orientation under cyclic deformation

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    We studied stress fiber orientation under a wide range of uniaxial cyclic deformations. Wedevised and validated a hypothesis consisting of two parts, as follows: (1) a stress fiber aligns toavoid a mechanical stimulus in the fiber direction under cyclic deformation. This means that, amongall allowable directions, a stress fiber aligns in the direction which minimizes the stimulus, i.e., thesummation of the changes in length of the stress fiber over one stretch cycle; and (2) there is a limitin the sensitivity of the cellular response to the mechanical stimulus. Due to this sensing limit, theorientation angle in stress fibers is distributed around the angle corresponding to the minimumstimulus. To validate this hypothesis, we approximated an anisotropic deformation of the membraneon which cells were to be cultured. We then obtained the relationships between the stretch range andthe fiber angle in the undeformed state which minimize the mechanical stimuli, assuming that themembrane on which stress fibers and cells adhered was homogeneous and incompressible.Numerical simulation results showed that the proposed hypothesis described our previousexperimental results well and was consistent with the experimental results in the literature. Thesimulation results, taking account of the second part of the hypothesis with a small value for thelimit in sensitivity to the mechanical stimulus, could explain why cell orientation is distributed sowidely with cyclic stretch ranges of less than 10%. The proposed hypothesis can be applied tovarious types of deformation because the mechanical stimulus is always sensed and accumulatesunder cyclic deformation without the necessity of a reference state to measure the stimulus

    Monitoring of Fecal Bacteria in Oita River, Oita, Japan

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    Quantitative Method for Analysis of Grain Yield in Rice

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    Insulin action on glucose transport in isolated rat adipocytes was assessed using the method originally reported by Whitesell et al. Insulin increased the Vmax of glucose transport without affecting the Km. So far as concentration dependence of insulin action it had pH and temperature dependency, and analogue specificity quite similar to previous reports. The lag phase (time necessary for full exhibition) of insulin action has never been paid much attention, since suitable system for studying it has never been developed, and since only recently post receptor processes of insulin actions were interested in detecting insulin resistance. Insulin action on glucose transport reached the maximum in 3 min with half maximal response at 1.8 min. Lowering the pH or temperature of incubation medium prolonged the period for half maximal response. On the other hand, various insulin analogues required comparable period with insulin for full exhibition of their actions. When isolated adipocytes were obtained from rats fasted for 48 hours, the period for half maximal response was markedly prolonged (12 min). It might be suggested that in some insulin resistant conditions such as diabetic ketoacidosis and hunger, the delayed initiation of insulin action may be involved