482 research outputs found

    Superconductivity at 5.2 K in ZrTe3 polycrystals and the effect of Cu, Ag intercalation

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    We report the occurrence of superconductivity in polycrystalline samples of ZrTe3 at 5.2 K temperature at ambient pressure. The superconducting state coexists with the charge density wave (CDW) phase, which sets in at 63K. The intercalation of Cu or Ag, does not have any bearing on the superconducting transition temperature but suppresses the CDW state. The feature of CDW anomaly in these compounds is clearly seen in the DC magnetization data. Resistivity data is analysed to estimate the relative loss of carriers and reduction in the nested Fermi surface area upon CDW formation in the ZrTe3 and the intercalated compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Correlation of high energy muons with primary composition in extensive air shower

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    An experimental investigation of high energy muons above 200 GeV in extensive air showers has been made for studying high energy interaction and primary composition of cosmic rays of energies in the range 10 to the 14th power approx. 10 to the 15th power eV. The muon energies are estimated from the burst sizes initiated by the muons in the rock, which are measured by four layers of proportional counters, each of area 5 x 2.6 sq m, placed at 30 m.w.e. deep, Funasaka tunnel vertically below the air shower array. These results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations based on the scaling model and the fireball model for two primary compositions, all proton and mixed

    Quantum noise in ideal operational amplifiers

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    We consider a model of quantum measurement built on an ideal operational amplifier operating in the limit of infinite gain, infinite input impedance and null output impedance and with a feddback loop. We evaluate the intensity and voltage noises which have to be added to the classical amplification equations in order to fulfill the requirements of quantum mechanics. We give a description of this measurement device as a quantum network scattering quantum fluctuations from input to output ports.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Confined Phase In The Real Time Formalism And The Fate Of The World Behind The Horizon

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    In the real time formulation of finite temperature field theories, one introduces an additional set of fields (type-2 fields) associated to each field in the original theory (type-1 field). In hep-th/0106112, in the context of the AdS-CFT correspondence, Maldacena interpreted type-2 fields as living on a boundary behind the black hole horizon. However, below the Hawking-Page transition temperature, the thermodynamically preferred configuration is the thermal AdS without a black hole, and hence there are no horizon and boundary behind it. This means that when the dual gauge theory is in confined phase, the type-2 fields cannot be associated with the degrees of freedom behind the black hole horizon. I argue that in this case the role of the type-2 fields is to make up bulk type-2 fields of classical closed string field theory on AdS at finite temperature in the real time formalism.Comment: v2: cases divided into sections with more detailed explanations. considerably enlarged with examples and a lot of figures. sec 4.1.2 for general closed cut-out circuits and appendix A for a sample calculation newly added. many minor corrections and clarifying comments. refs added. v3: refs and related discussion added. 1+46 pages, 26 figures. published versio