81 research outputs found

    Hypolobocera guayaquilensis (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae): A New Crab Intermediate Host of Paragonimus mexicanus in Manabí Province, Ecuador

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    To determine that Paragonimus sp. is actively transmitted in a tropical area of the Pacific region of Ecuador where human cases of pulmonary paragonimiasis have recently been documented, a total of 75 freshwater crabs were collected from 2 different streams in the Pedernales area of Manabí Province, Ecuador. All collected crabs were identified as Hypolobocera guayaquilensis based on morphological characteristics of the male gonopods. The hepatopancreas of each crab was examined by compressing it between 2 glass plates followed by observation under a stereomicroscope. Excysted Paragonimus metacercariae were detected in 39 (52.0%) crabs and their densities varied from 1 to 32 per infected crab. There was a positive relationship between crab size and metacercarial density. Sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the Paragonimus metacercariae obtained in this study were identical to those of Paragonimus mexicanus deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database. Thus, the present study is the first to confirm that the crab species H. guayaquilensis is the second intermediate host of P. mexicanus in Manabí Province, Ecuador. Because this crab might be the possible source of human infections in this area, residents should pay attention to improper crab-eating habits related with a neglected parasitic disease, i.e., paragonimiasis


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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is known to have less brain metastasis, but the reasons are not well established. Herein, we report the case of an 82-year-old man with recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause ; upon brain biopsy, SCC was diagnosed infiltrating peripheral blood vessels of the brain and that it was state of micro-metastasis. It is possible that the blood-brain barrier blocked the infiltration of SCC into the brain parenchyma, and it did not form a mass in the brain parenchyma. In addition, because it did not form a mass, it could not be diagnosed as a metastatic brain tumor by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging or contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Among cases of recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause in a short period, there may be cases of vascular infiltration without crossing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, if similar cases of recurrent cerebral hemorrhage of unknown cause is observed, it is necessary to distinguish metastatic brain tumors even if there is no evidence of suspected tumor on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging scan

    Liver fluke infections by Amphimerus sp. (Digenea: Opisthorchiidae) in definitive and fish intermediate hosts in Manabí province, Ecuador

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Amphimerus sp. is a fluke that dwells in the biliary tracts of vertebrate definitive hosts including humans, domestic, and wild mammals in Latin America. Opisthorchiid liver infections are rarely studied in the Americas confirming its status as a neglected tropical disease. In Ecuador, small trematode eggs were reported in human cases from the province of Manabí in 1949, and recently, Amphimerus sp. adults were recovered from human and reservoir hosts in the province of Esmeraldas. Due to the lack of research on the infectious sources of Amphimerus sp. in the continent, we have developed a series of epidemiological studies with parasitological and molecular techniques to elucidate the endemicity of opisthorchiid fluke infections. We developed a cross-sectional study in three communities at Pedro Pablo Gómez parish in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. We examined a total of 176 fecal samples to detect opisthorchiid eggs, and four fish species to find opisthorchiid metacercariae. To study adult worms, we treated and purged seven patients in a family and dissected the livers of a dog and a cat infected. We observed morphological features of adults and metacercariae and used polymerase chain reaction with restricted fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and DNA sequencing of a section of the ITS2 gene for identification. Small trematode eggs were detected in 63 (35.8%) out of 176 fecal samples of residents in the three study sites. Adult opisthorchiid flukes were recovered from human patients, a dog and a cat, and they were morphologically and molecularly identified as Amphimerus sp. Opisthorchiid metacercariae were also identified molecularly as Amphimerus sp. in four fish species, i.e., Rhoadsia altipinna, Bryconamericus bucay, Andinoacara rivulatus, and Piabucina aureoguttata. Metacercariae of the heterophyid Haplorchis pumilio were also found in the four fish species examined. This is the first study to confirm the current endemicity of Amphimerus sp. in Pedro Pablo Gómez, Manabí, Ecuador. The adult worms isolated here shared morphological characteristics with previous Amphimerus sp. descriptions and were molecularly similar to Amphimerus sp. described in the province of Esmeraldas. Moreover, this study is the first to document four fish species as infection sources of Amphimerus sp. detected via a molecular protocol targeting the metacercariae of the parasite. Fish species identified here should be targeted for public health campaigns to avoid further human liver-fluke infections by Amphimerus sp. or potential intestinal-fluke infections by H. pumilio or others.Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (25305011 and 16H05820)Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japanese government (H23-Shinko-ippan-014 and H26-Shinko-ippan-009)Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (20fk0108136j0101)Dirección General de Investigaciones, Universidad de las Américas, Quit

    Pressure suppression of the excitonic insulator state in Ta2NiSe5 observed by optical conductivity

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    The layered chalcogenide Ta2NiSe5 has recently attracted much interest as a strong candidate for a long-sought excitonic insulator (EI). Since the physical properties of an EI are expected to depend sensitively on the external pressure (P), it is important to clarify the P evolution of a microscopic electronic state in Ta2NiSe5. Here we report the optical conductivity [σ (ω)] of Ta2NiSe5 measured at high P to 10 GPa and at low temperatures to 8 K. With cooling at P = 0, σ (ω) develops an energy gap of about 0.17 eV and a pronounced excitonic peak at 0.38 eV as reported previously. With increasing P, the energy gap becomes narrower and the excitonic peak is diminished. Above a structural transition at Ps ≃ 3 GPa, the energy gap becomes partially filled, indicating that Ta2NiSe5 is a semimetal after the EI state is suppressed by P. At higher P, σ (ω) exhibits metallic characteristics with no energy gap. The detailed P evolution of the energy gap and σ (ω) is presented, and discussed mainly in terms of a weakening of excitonic correlation with P

    Attitudes and Behaviors toward Organ Transplantation and Donation

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