4 research outputs found

    Antarctic primitive achondrites Yamato-74025, -75300, and -75305:Their mineralogy, thermal history and the relevance to winonaite

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    Three Antarctic primitive achondrites, Yamato (Y)-74025,-75300,and -75305 were mineralogically and chemically studied. They consist of anhedral to subhedral silicate and opaque minerals. The major constituent minerals are typical of equilibrated ordinary chondrites. However, they do not have any relic of chondrule, and the presence of various accessory minerals, such as K-feldspar, schreibersite, daubreelite, phosphate, Nb-bearing rutile, and magnesiochromite, characterizes these meteorites. Y-75305 has a composite grain containing Cu, Mn, and S, probably consisting of alabandite, an unknown Mn-bearing Cu-sulfide, and digenite. Y-74025 has a REE pattern typical of chondrite. Siderophile elements in Y-74025 are depleted relative to Cl chondrites, which is consistent with poor abundance of Fe-Ni metal in Y-74025. Holocrystalline texture, homogeneous mineral compositions, and high equilibration temperatures for pyroxenes, suggest that these primitive achondrites experienced high-temperature metamorphism. Mineralogical and chemical characteristics suggest that they resemble Winona-like meteorites (winonaites). The compositions of pyroxene and olivine, and accessory minerals suggest that winonaites formed under an intermediate redox condition between E-chondrites and Acapulco-like primitive achondrites. The abundance of troilite and Fe-Ni metal varies widely. The metal-sulfide fractions of winonaites probably melted and fractionated, although silicate fractions of winonaites do not have any evidence for melting

    A Theoretical Study of the Insertion of Atoms and Ions into Titanosilsequioxane (Ti-POSS) in Comparison with POSS

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    The insertion reaction of various guest species, such as rare gases (He, Ne, and Ar), cations of group 1 (Li+, Na+, and K+), and anions of group 17 (F− and Cl−) elements, into the Ti analogues of POSS (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes), Ti-POSS, [HTiO1.5]n ( and 10), has been investigated by ab initio molecular orbital and density functional methods. For each case, the properties of the exohedral and endohedral complexes and transition-state structure connecting them on the potential energy surface and energetics are discussed in comparison with the case of POSS. Furthermore, in order to understand the origin of the stability of these structures, the binding energy () and the energy barrier of the encapsulation are analyzed by an energy decomposition method. As a result, some similarities and differences between Ti-POSS and POSS were explored