4 research outputs found

    Differentiation of wholesale prices for organic agricultural products

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    The urgency of the study is based on the fact that for a long time, there have been disputes in the scientific world about methods and models for determining the value of prices, on the basis of which the economic accessibility of various kinds of organic products depends. It is especially important to resolve the issue of setting prices for agricultural cooperatives, which have developed in the Russian market economy. The purpose of the study is to find a method for setting wholesale prices for organic products, the consumer demand for which has increased over the past two years and exceeded the level established by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The following methods were used in the study: analytical, systemic, comparative, economic and mathematical, hypothetical, questionnaires, etc. The study conducted an excursus into the field of basic theories of determining prices created by scientists, on the basis of which it was concluded that there is no single approach to determining their values. The prices for organic agricultural products sold by large retailers are analyzed. Using a sample of closest prices of various agricultural producers, average wholesale prices for agricultural products were determined for three regions of the Central Federal District. As a result of the conducted study, the wholesale price for organic agricultural products (on the example of potatoes) purchased by wholesale distribution centers providing the needs of the population of Moscow and the Moscow region was substantiated

    Differentiation of wholesale prices for organic agricultural products

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    The urgency of the study is based on the fact that for a long time, there have been disputes in the scientific world about methods and models for determining the value of prices, on the basis of which the economic accessibility of various kinds of organic products depends. It is especially important to resolve the issue of setting prices for agricultural cooperatives, which have developed in the Russian market economy. The purpose of the study is to find a method for setting wholesale prices for organic products, the consumer demand for which has increased over the past two years and exceeded the level established by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The following methods were used in the study: analytical, systemic, comparative, economic and mathematical, hypothetical, questionnaires, etc. The study conducted an excursus into the field of basic theories of determining prices created by scientists, on the basis of which it was concluded that there is no single approach to determining their values. The prices for organic agricultural products sold by large retailers are analyzed. Using a sample of closest prices of various agricultural producers, average wholesale prices for agricultural products were determined for three regions of the Central Federal District. As a result of the conducted study, the wholesale price for organic agricultural products (on the example of potatoes) purchased by wholesale distribution centers providing the needs of the population of Moscow and the Moscow region was substantiated

    Methodology for making decisions in managing commercial real estate

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop guidelines for the formation and implementation of a decision-making mechanism for managing commercial real estate. As a result of the study, the current trends in the development of the real estate market are revealed, the methods and established practice of the activities of management companies are analyzed, the analysis of theoretical approaches to the management of commercial real estate is carried out. On the basis of theoretical and methodological principles and the specifics of the analyzed area of research, methodological recommendations are proposed for the formation of a mechanism for managing commercial real estate, including a method for assessing their investment attractiveness

    Development of the production cost calculating method in complex industries of the agro-industrial complex

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    This study solves the most important economic problem of developing a method for calculating the cost of each type of product in complex and multi-product industries. The performed analysis of the current legislation and the methods used for calculating the cost has led to the conclusion that today the solution to this problem has no scientific justification. The authors carried out a systematic development of procedures that allow building a scientific idea using objective information. It is implemented in the study by means of appropriate techniques and the construction of an economic and mathematical model that allows the development of an instrumental apparatus for the implementation of the method. With its application, the problem of calculating the production cost of seven types of final products for a conditional technological scheme of integrated production was solved. The results are also compared with the cost calculation obtained by other methods. In addition, a graphical and matrix analysis of the calculation results was carried out. The obtained results of calculating the cost of the final product make it possible to evaluate this method as workable, and the algorithm for its construction - as using the entire array of initial objective information