33 research outputs found
Penyebab Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga Nelayan Di Wilayah Tangkap Lebih Jawa Timur
Anas TainStaf Pengajar Jurusan Agrobisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Joyo grand Q7 MalangEmail: [email protected] aims of this research were to find dominant factors which cause poverty among theoutboard fishermen's households who lives in the overfishing areas of East Java. The results of thisresearch reveals that 61.79 percents of fishermen's households have other sources of income besidefishing. Fishermen's households with per capita income under poverty line were 61.79 percents.There were 15 dominant factors causing poverty in fishermen's households, consisted of: (1) aninstitutional which inflicts a loss, (2) a program which doesn't take sides with traditional fishermen's,(3) philosophy of life which is oriented with the beyond, (4) limit of resources, (5) unsuitablecatching tools, (6) low investment, (7) debt, (8) wasteful habit, (9) limits of catching fish period,(10) ecosystem damage, (11) occupancy of catching areas, (12) upholding the fragile law, (13) acompetition to make a fishermen more superior than the others, (14) illegal tools/materials, (15)catching behavior. Poverty that bound fishermen's households was multidimensional includedstructural and cultural poverty. In the programs to eradicate poverty, institutional factor was thefirst and main factor to be arranged.Key words: poverty, multidimensional, overfishing
Penyebab Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga Nelayan di Wilayah Tangkap Lebih Jawa Timur
Anas TainStaf Pengajar Jurusan Agrobisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Joyo grand Q7 MalangEmail: [email protected] aims of this research were to find dominant factors which cause poverty among theoutboard fishermen\u27s households who lives in the overfishing areas of East Java. The results of thisresearch reveals that 61.79 percents of fishermen\u27s households have other sources of income besidefishing. Fishermen\u27s households with per capita income under poverty line were 61.79 percents.There were 15 dominant factors causing poverty in fishermen\u27s households, consisted of: (1) aninstitutional which inflicts a loss, (2) a program which doesn\u27t take sides with traditional fishermen\u27s,(3) philosophy of life which is oriented with the beyond, (4) limit of resources, (5) unsuitablecatching tools, (6) low investment, (7) debt, (8) wasteful habit, (9) limits of catching fish period,(10) ecosystem damage, (11) occupancy of catching areas, (12) upholding the fragile law, (13) acompetition to make a fishermen more superior than the others, (14) illegal tools/materials, (15)catching behavior. Poverty that bound fishermen\u27s households was multidimensional includedstructural and cultural poverty. In the programs to eradicate poverty, institutional factor was thefirst and main factor to be arranged.Key words: poverty, multidimensional, overfishing
Kemiskinan nelayan dinilai meluas dengan tingkat kedalaman kemiskinan yang memprihatinkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan faktor dominan penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan motor tempel di wilayah tangkap lebih Jawa Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan maksud untuk menemukan deskripsi general dan universal atas faktor-faktor penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Multi Stage Cluster Sampling. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sebanyak 61,79 persen rumah tangga nelayan mempunyai sumber pendapatan lain selain dari melaut. Rumah tangga nelayan yang memiliki pendapatan per kapita kurang dari garis kemiskinan sebanyak 61,79 persen. Terdapat 15 faktor dominan penyebab kemiskinan rumah tangga nelayan yang meliputi faktor: (1) kelembagaan yang merugikan nelayan kecil, (2) program yang tidak memihak nelayan kecil, (3) pandangan hidup yang berorientasi akherat saja, (4) keterbatasan sumberdaya, (5) ketidak sesuaian alat tangkap, (6) rendahnya investasi, (7) terikat utang, (8) perilaku boros, (9) keterbatasan musim penangkapan, (10) kerusakan ekosistem, (11) penyerobotan wilayah tangkap, (12) lemahnya penegakan hukum, (13) kompetisi untuk mengungguli nelayan lain, (14) penggunaan alat/bahan terlarang serta (15) perilaku penangkapan. Kemiskinan yang membelenggu rumah tangga nelayan bersifat multidimensional yang menyangkut kemiskinan struktural maupun kemiskinan kultural. Dalam rangka program pengentasan kemiskinan faktor kelembagaan merupakan faktor pertama dan utama yang harus dibenahi
Covid-19 pandemic has restricted social and physical mobility, such as using a mask during outdoor activities, applying hand sanitizer, washing hands, and maintaining health by exercising and controlling body intake. These restrictions also have caused the termination of forage subsidy by the milk processing industries. The “new normal” era requires farmers to secure self-sufficient forage. This research aims to 1; analyze the characteristic situation of the respondents regarding forage preservation technology in “new normal” adaptation, 2; analyze the insight and standpoints of the dairy farmers regarding forage preservation technology in “new normal” adaptation. The researchers used the descriptive analysis method and obtained 50 respondents by purposive sampling in Pujon District. The results showed that 63.70% of the respondents are “moderately informed," and 61.45% have "moderate standpoints". In conclusion, so it was concluded that the level of knowledge about forage feed preservation technology affected the attitude of farmers in applying forage feed preservation technology. the forage preservation technology is well-established and applicable among the dairy farmers in Pujon District.
ANALISIS NILAI TAMBAH MINUMAN SARI BUAH STROBERI (Studi Kasus Di Desa Pandanrejo, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu)
Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman buah – buahan yang tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik diwilayahnya. Umumnya ciri khas produk pertanian yaitu mudah rusak, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengolahan untuk memperpanjang daya simpan. Adapun strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha adalah dengan melakukan pegolahan pasca panen atau agroindustri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besarnya keuntungan dan nilai tambah Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) minuman sari buah stroberi Desa Pandanrejo. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain deskriptif metode kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling atau secara sengaja yaitu di Desa Pandanrejo, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu. Jenis data pada penelitian ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan pencatatan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis usaha untuk mengetahui besarnya keuntungan dan nilai tambah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah besarnya keuntungan yang diperoleh UKM Sahabat Tani Kota Batu, KWT Jasmine, UKM Sumber Barokah dan UKM Mira berturut – turut adalah sebesar Rp 453.273, Rp 229,679, Rp 440.353 dan Rp 269.885. Besarmya nilai tambah yang diperoleh UKM Sahabat Tani Kota Batu KWT Jasmine, UKM Sumber Barokah dan UKM Mira berturut – turut adalah sebesar Rp 96.546/kg, Rp 67.420/kg, Rp 99.159/kg dan Rp 79.971/kg.Kata Kunci : stroberi, sari buah stroberi, keuntungan, nilai tambah
Abstrak: Pada tahun 2017 tercatat sebanyak 53 kejadian luar biasa keracunan pangan yang dilaporkan oleh BPOM di seluruh Indonesia. Penggunaan bahan tambahan pangan (BTP) berbahaya yang sering digunakan yaitu penggunaan pengawet, pewarna, dan pemanis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan edukasi kepada para pedagang PJAS (Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah) agar menjual makanan yang baik dan aman dikonsumsi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam 2 tahapan. Tahap pertama pengujian sampel makanan yang dijual di 17 SD di Kabupaten Malang yang tersebar di tiga Kecamatan di sekitar Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Tahap kedua melakukan edukasi kepada para pedagang PJAS. Berdasarkan hasil uji kandungan boraks, formalin dan rhodamine b terhadap 34 sampel PJAS diketahui bahwa terdapat 46,86% positif menggunakan boraks, sampel (17,7%) positif menggunakan formalin, dan 22,2% positif menggunakan rhodamin b. Hasil survei terhadap kondisi kantin diketahui bahwa 37,43% yang memenuhi standar, 46,52% yang kurang memenuhi dan 16,05% yang tidak memenuhi. Indikator yang paling banyak tidak memenuhi standar yaitu indikator bangunan dengan 7 kantin (41,18%). Berdasarkan hasil edukasi diperoleh data bahwa pada umumnya para pedagang sangat antusias untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut dan termotivasi untuk tidak menggunakan BTP berbahaya pada PJAS yang dijual.Abstract: In 2017, BPOM reported there were 53 cases of food poisoning throughout Indonesia. Food additives, i.e., preservatives, dyes, and sweeteners, are often utilized in Indonesia when preparing food. The purpose of public service was to educate the cross ride traders around the school about healthy food that is safe for consumption. This activity was held in 2 stages. The first stage entailed the testing of food samples in 17 elementary schools in Malang Regency, which consisted of three districts around the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The second stage was in response to educated traders based on an analysis of the results of products made of dangerous additives. There were positive results of 34 samples for borax, formalin, and rhodamine b, which were 46.86%, 17.7%, and 22.2%, respectively. The survey of the canteen indicated that 37.43% met the standards, 46.52% did not fully meet the standards, and 16.05% did not meet the standards at all. The case that did not meet the standards was the building with seven canteens (41.18%). The education data showed that most traders were very enthusiastic about participating in these activities and motivated to avoid using dangerous additives in their food or products
Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Pinang Indonesia Di Pasar India
Areca nut is a plant from Palmaceae that can be utilized as industrial raw materials, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and textile dyes. Areca nut is one of the leading commodities in Indonesia's export activities. One of the countries that has great potential to become an areca export market is India. India is one of the largest areca importing countries in the world due to the high demand for areca in the country. The high level of competition today means that Indonesia must constantly improve its competitiveness to become a market leader. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of competitiveness of Indonesian areca exports from 2003 to 2022 in the Indian market and analyze Indonesia's position as an exporter of areca nut or an importer of areca nut. The methods used for competitiveness analysis are Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Index of Trade Specialization (ISP). The results showed that the highest RCA value was in Myanmar at 146.33, in second place was Indonesia at 18.84, followed by Thailand 9.22, Singapore at 0.75, and in the last position was Malaysia at 0.32, although it has a different value but the five countries have a comparative advantage because the RCA value> 0. In the ISP analysis during 2013-2022 the highest value was in Indonesia at 0.999, followed by Myanmar 0.9786, Thailand 0.7108, Malaysia at 0.2134, and Malaysia at 0.2134, and finally Singapore at -0.0099. Indonesia and Myanmar are at the maturity stage, Thailand at the growth stage, Malaysia at the import substitution stage, and Singapore at the introduction stage. In an effort to increase the competitiveness of areca exports, it is necessary to increase production, in terms of quality and quantity, strengthen the supply chain, maintain price stability, trade policies, export regulations, and the role of the government in negotiating tariffs for entry fees to export destination countries
The changing of consumer behavior is one of the attractive topic in consumer research. The dynamic of consumer behavior could be part that is caused the shorter life cycle product. Then, proper mapping of consumer’s socio-economic class is important thing to enable manufacturers in providing the best product according to customer expectation. The research aims to obtain an explanation about the effect of marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) towards purchase decision of Growing Up Milk (GUM) products on three socio-economic classes (lower, middle and upper class) and to discover the differences among those three classes. The study was conducted in Malang using questionnaire and data processed by using Partial Least Squares as an alternative to the Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that one of the marketing mix whis is product significantly affect purchase decision of GUM across the three classes. Price had significant effect to the purchase decision only at lower and upper class. Furthermore, place and promotion do not significantly affect the purchase decision across all classes. Variation change in endogenous variable (purchase decision) could be explained by exogenous variables (marketing mix), for 64.8% (upper), 48.3% (middle) and 49.9% (lower), respectively. Multi Group Analysis (MGA) showed that there are no significant differences between middle and lower class. A significant differences between upper class and middle class and also between upper class and lower class place on product and price. Upper class tends to purchase GUM due to its quality instead of product design and packaging. Price discount and lower price are not the main factors considered for the upper class