35 research outputs found

    Electronic Properties and Persistent Spin Currents of Nanospring under Static Magnetic Field

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    Relativistic electronic properties of a nanospring under a static magnetic field are theoretically investigated in the present study. The wave equation accounting for the spin-orbit interaction is derived for the nanospring as a special case of the Pauli equation for a spin-1/2 particle confined to a curved surface under an electromagnetic field. We define the helical momentum operator and show that it commutes with the Hamiltonian owing to the helical geometry of the nanospring. The energy eigenstates are hence also the eigenstates of the helical momentum. We solve the equation numerically to obtain the surface wave functions and the energy spectra. The electronic properties are systematically examined by varying the parameters that characterize the system. It is demonstrated that either the nonzero spin-orbit interaction or the nonzero external magnetic field suffices for the occurrence of the persistent spin current on the nanospring. Two different mechanisms are shown to generate the persistent spin current. One employs the spin-orbit interaction coming from the local inversion asymmetry on the surface, while the other employs the curvature coupling with the external magnetic field.Comment: 10 figure

    Pauli Equation on a Curved Surface and Rashba Splitting on a Corrugated Surface

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    The Schroedinger equation for a spinless charged particle on a curved surface under an electromagnetic field has been obtained by adopting a proper gauge which allows the separation of the on-surface and transverse dynamics. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 230403] As its extension, I provide the Pauli equation for a charged spin-1/2 particle confined to a curved surface under an electromagnetic field. Energy spectra of a sphere and a corrugated surface to which a particle is confined are given as simple applications of the equation. The energy levels obtained exhibit splittings due to the relativistic effect known as the Rashba effect

    Quantum Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjoelander approach for interacting inhomogeneous systems under electromagnetic fields: Comparison with exact results

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    For inhomogeneous interacting electronic systems under a time-dependent electromagnetic perturbation, we derive the linear equation for response functions in a quantum mechanical manner. It is a natural extension of the original semi-classical Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjoelander (STLS) approach for an electron gas. The factorization ansatz for the two-particle distribution is an indispensable ingredient in the STLS approaches for determination of the response function and the pair correlation function. In this study, we choose an analytically solvable interacting two-electron system as the target for which we examine the validity of the approximation. It is demonstrated that the STLS response function reproduces well the exact one for low-energy excitations. The interaction energy contributed from the STLS response function is also discussed.Comment: 5 figure

    Second-order Perturbation Formula for Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy using Orbital Angular Momentum Matrix

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    We derive a second-order perturbation formula for an electronic system subject to spin-orbit interactions (SOI). The energy correction originates in the spin-conserving and the spin-flip transitions. The former are represented by the orbital angular momentum (OAM) acquired via the SOI. The latter come from the quantum fluctuation effect. By using our formula, we examine the relativistic electronic structures of a d orbital chain and L1_0 alloys. The appearance of OAM in the chain is understood by using a parabolic-bands model and the exact expressions of the single-particle states. The total energy is found to be accurately reproduced by the formula. The self-consistent fully relativistic first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory are performed for five L1_0 alloys. It is found that the formula reproduces qualitatively the behavior of their exact magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) energies. While the MCA of FePt, CoPt, and FePd originates in the spin-conserving transitions, that in MnAl and MnGa originates in the spin-flip contributions. For FePt, CoPt, and FePd, the tendency of the MCA energy with the variation in the lattice constant obeys basically that of the spin-flip contributions. These results indicate that not only the anisotropy of OAM, but also that of spin-flip contributions must be taken into account for the understanding of the MCA of the L1_0 alloys.Comment: 9 figure

    Implementation of quantum imaginary-time evolution method on NISQ devices: Nonlocal approximation

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    The imaginary-time evolution method is widely known to be efficient for obtaining the ground state in quantum many-body problems on a classical computer. A recently proposed quantum imaginary-time evolution method (QITE) faces problems of deep circuit depth and difficulty in the implementation on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. In this study, a nonlocal approximation is developed to tackle this difficulty. We found that by removing the locality condition or local approximation (LA), which was imposed when the imaginary-time evolution operator is converted to a unitary operator, the quantum circuit depth is significantly reduced. We propose two-step approximation methods based on a nonlocality condition: extended LA (eLA) and nonlocal approximation (NLA). To confirm the validity of eLA and NLA, we apply them to the max-cut problem of an unweighted 3-regular graph and a weighted fully connected graph; we comparatively evaluate the performances of LA, eLA, and NLA. The eLA and NLA methods require far fewer circuit depths than LA to maintain the same level of computational accuracy. Further, we developed a ``compression'' method of the quantum circuit for the imaginary-time steps as a method to further reduce the circuit depth in the QITE method. The eLA, NLA, and the compression method introduced in this study allow us to reduce the circuit depth and the accumulation of error caused by the gate operation significantly and pave the way for implementing the QITE method on NISQ devices.Comment: 9 pages, 3figure

    Electronic Structure of Novel Superconductor Ca4Al2O6Fe2As2

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    We have performed the first-principles electronic structure calculation for the novel superconductor Ca4Al2O6Fe2As2 which has the smallest a lattice parameter and the largest As height from the Fe plane among the Fe-As superconductors. We find that one of the hole-like Fermi surfaces is missing around the Gamma point compared to the case of LaFeAsO. Analysis using the maximally-localized-Wannier-function technique indicates that the xy orbital becomes more localized as the As-Fe-As angle decreases. This induces rearrangement of bands, which results in the change of the Fermi-surface topology of Ca4Al2O6Fe2As2 from that of LaFeAsO. The strength of electron correlation is also evaluated using the constraint RPA method, and it turns out that Ca4Al2O6Fe2As2 is more correlated than LaFeAsO.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Periodicity-free unfolding method of electronic energy spectra: Application to twisted bilayer graphene

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    We propose a novel periodicity-free unfolding method of the electronic energy spectra. Our new method solves a serious problem that calculated electronic band structure strongly depends on the choice of the simulation cell, i.e., primitive-cell or supercell. The present method projects the electronic states onto the free-electron states, giving rise to the {\it plane-wave unfolded} spectra. Using the method, the energy spectra can be calculated as a completely independent quantity from the choice of the simulation cell. We have examined the unfolded energy spectra in detail for three models and clarified the validity of our method: One-dimensional interacting two chain model, monolayer graphene, and twisted bilayer graphene. Furthermore, we have discussed that our present method is directly related to the experimental ARPES (Angle-Resolved Photo-Emission Spectroscopy) spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Comparison of Green's functions for transition metal atoms using self-energy functional theory and coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD)

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    We demonstrate in the present study that self-consistent calculations based on the self-energy functional theory (SFT) are possible for the electronic structure of realistic systems in the context of quantum chemistry. We describe the procedure of a self-consistent SFT calculation in detail and perform the calculations for isolated 3d3 d transition metal atoms from V to Cu as a preliminary study. We compare the one-particle Green's functions (GFs) obtained in this way and those obtained from the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method. Although the SFT calculation starts from the spin-unpolarized Hartree--Fock (HF) state for each of the target systems, the self-consistency loop correctly leads to degenerate spin-polarized ground states. We examine the spectral functions in detail to find their commonalities and differences among the atoms by paying attention to the characteristics of the two approaches. It is demonstrated via the two approaches that calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) can fail in predicting the orbital energy spectra for spherically symmetric systems. It is found that the two methods are quite reliable and useful beyond DFT.Comment: 7 figure

    Quasiparticle energy spectra of isolated atoms from coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD): Comparison with exact CI calculations

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    In this study, we have calculated single-electron energy spectra via the Green's function based on the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (GFCCSD) method for isolated atoms from H to Ne. In order to check the accuracy of the GFCCSD method, we compared the results with the exact ones calculated from the full-configuration interaction (FCI). Consequently, we have found that the GFCCSD method reproduces not only the correct quasiparticle peaks but also satellite ones by comparing the exact spectra with the 6-31G basis set. It is also found that open-shell atoms such as C atom exhibit Mott gaps at the Fermi level, which the exact density-functional theory (DFT) fails to describe. The GFCCSD successfully reproduces the Mott HOMO-LUMO (highest-occupied molecular orbital and lowest-unoccupied molecular orbital) gaps even quantitatively. We also discussed the origin of satellite peaks as shake-up effects by checking the components of wave function of the satellite peaks. The GFCCSD is a novel cutting edge to investigate the electronic states in detail.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    One-particle Green's function of interacting two electrons using analytic solutions for a three-body problem: comparison with exact Kohn--Sham system

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    For a three-electron system with finite-strength interactions confined to a one-dimensional harmonic trap, we solve the Schroedinger equation analytically to obtain the exact solutions, from which we construct explicitly the simultaneous eigenstates of the energy and total spin for the first time. The solutions for the three-electron system allow us to derive analytic expressions for the exact one-particle Green's function (GF) for the corresponding two-electron system. We calculate the GF in frequency domain to examine systematically its behavior depending on the electronic interactions. We also compare the pole structure of non-interacting GF using the exact Kohn--Sham (KS) potential with that of the exact GF to find that the discrepancy of the energy gap between the KS system and the original system is larger for a stronger interaction. We perform numerical examination on the behavior of GFs in real space to demonstrate that the exact and KS GFs can have shapes quite different from each other. Our simple model will help to understand generic characteristics of interacting GFs.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte