96 research outputs found

    Redefining library learning Facilities in Malaysia: Lesson from Frank Lloyd Wright sustainable approach in spatial and landscape design

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    AbstractThe main objective of this paper is to initiate and open a wider discussion on library design and learning facilities in Malaysia. It tries to take some lesson from one of the greatest modern American Architect which is Frank Lloyd Wright. The discussion itself will consist of four (4) parts. First part will discuss on the current problem and situation in reading and library issues in Malaysia while the second part will try to explore and review on the definition of outdoor learning with its importance and character in learning environment. The third part will focused on the Frank Lloyd Wright's sustainable approaches in spatial and landscape arrangement while the last part will do some analysis and comparison which result on the suggestion and recommendation for outdoor learning facilities design in Malaysia. With some understanding from the established environmental approaches of Frank Lloyd Wright's above it is expected that we can reconstruct and redefine some framework and guideline for future outdoor facilities design in Malaysia

    Frequency Index for Learning Space in Higher Education Institutions

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to measure the learning space usage rate based on the teaching and learning schedule (timetable) provided by the institutions. The Frequency Index of learning space is developed by analyzing the timetable data and the list of learning spaces available at the institution. The Frequency Index is classified according to the level of usage and the interval percentage according to learning space usage frequency. This classification of Frequency Index is expressed in terms of linguistic value and the color-coded key. From this index, the institution can identify whether the existing learning space is best used or vice versa, which in turn can be a reasonable basis for the institution in need of new learning space

    Kajian ruang awam dalam bangunan tinggi didalam aspek penempatan

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti penggunaan rekabentuk ruang awam serta kepentingannya dalam bangunan tinggi. Penerapan rekabentuk ruang awam dalam bangunan tinggi memberi impak dari sudut ekonomi kepada pemaju dan aspek sosial orang awam. Sesetengah pemaju yang terlalu memikirkan keuntungan sehingga mengabaikan rekabentuk ruang awam serta kemudahan-kemudahan yang patut disediakan. Kajian kes dilakukan terhadap reka bentuk dan penerapan ruang awam beberapa bangunan tinggi. Penerangan terhadap ruang awam ini dapat memberi gambaran dan maklumat untuk projek studio senibina seterusnya dan menjadi rujukan bersama para pengkaji bangunan tinggi

    Evaluating the potentials of mosque as a tourist attraction place in Malaysian urban context

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    The main purpose of this study is to identify the potentials of mosque as tourist attraction place in Malaysia. This study uses case study and empirical study as methodology choosing two mosques from outside the world and in Malaysia as a sample that are tourist attraction spots. In this study, discussion whether mosque should become a tourist attraction place and the factors that make a mosque popular among the tourists was discussed by giving some good examples of selected mosque. It is expected that this study can make the public as well as the officials aware of the tourism potentials of the mosque in Malaysia. This paper also presented the potentials and considerations of selected mosques in managing its tourism function as reference for further development of Islamic Architecture (in this case Mosques) in Malaysia

    Kesan terhadap penggunan sistem fasad kaca pada bangunan tinggi

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    Kajian ini dijalankan dengan membuat penelitian bagaimana fasad hijau diterapkan pada bangunan pencakar langit. Kajian ini difokuskan lebih terperinci mengenai pengaplikasian sistem fasad kaca kepada bangunan tinggi. Pelbagai persoalan timbul kebelakangan ini seperti keberkesanan bangunan tinggi di Malaysia yang mengaplikasikan sistem fasad kaca samada untuk menangani permintaan tuntutan tenaga dalam bangunan atau hanya bercirikan estetik. Penghijauan fasad secara umumnya memberikan potensi penyejukan di permukaan bangunan tinggi, yang sangat penting semasa musim panas di iklim panas. Kesan pendinginan fasad hijau juga memberi kesan kepada iklim dalaman di dalam bangunan dengan menghalang pemanasan bangunan. Justeru, tumpuan kajian diberikan kepada pengenalan pelbagai jenis sistem fasad hijau dan analisis kesan sistem fasad kaca pada perubahan suhu dan kesan terma. Kajian ini merupakan keperluan kepada projek Rekabentuk Studio Sarjana Senibina 2 bertemakan bangunan pencakar langit dan bertujuan membantu secara tidak langsung turut memberi gambaran kepada projek studio sarjana senibina 2 bagi projek bangunan pencakar langit dan aplikasi sistem fasad kaca pada sesebuah bangunan tinggi

    The potential of efficient water management system in high-rise design

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    Water is a natural gift upon all life forms since the early civilization of mankind and Malaysia is one of the nation that is rich with water resources. Since decades ago, the development in the water sector spurs the social economic growth of this country (Mohd. Azhar, 2000). As time goes by with rapid urbanisation across Malaysia, the demand for water especially in buildings, increase to accommodate a growing population and their needs. Roodman et al. (1995) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (Al-Tamimi, 2011) highlight that the World watch Institute estimates building consumption to be at least 40% of the world’s energy and 16% of the water used annually. However, issues like increasing wastages and mismanagement of water leads to a problem towards this resources. Hence, the first part of the paper assesses the issues faced globally and locally towards water resources and the principles of water quality cascade in relation to sustainable water management in buildings. The next part are collective reviews of two selected case studies that include sustainable water management in the respective building design approach. The significant of this paper is to encourage the mind set of designers to contemplate and develop a more efficient water management system in high-rise buildings design as well as the importance for regulatory authorities and consultants to integrate the principles of sustainable water management onto development governing


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    Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) performance depends on the properties of bipolar plates (BP). In order to produce the best performance of BP, compression moulding parameters need to be optimized. This study determined the compression moulding parameters of Graphite (G) / Carbon Black (CB) / Carbon Fiber (CF) / Polypropylene (PP) composites using Taguchi method (TM) in order to optimize the properties of BP plate. L9 Orthogonal Array with four factors and three levels was chosen as a design of experiment for G/CB/CF/PP composition with a weight percentage of 50/25/5/20. The factors selected for this study were heating temperature, load, preheating pressing time and pressing time. The electrical conductivity value of each sample was analyzed by signal to noise ratio using TM with the larger-the-better condition in order to determine the optimum parameters. Confirmation experiment was conducted to validate the optimum parameters obtained from the TM. The electrical conductivity result of G/CB/CF/PP composites for confirmation experiment was 393.49 S/cm and it was higher than nine trials and the TM predicted value. Hence, the optimum parameters of compression moulding can be obtained using TM to improve the electrical conductivity of G/CB/CF/PP composites. TM is an effective way to get the optimal moulding parameters for G/CB/CF/PP composites and is very useful to fabricate bipolar plate for PEMFC

    The usage of building information modelling (BIM) in Malaysia's architecture industry

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    Over the last few decades, the architecture field have seen tremendous developments in skills level, work processes and professional culture with the adoption of computer software technologies. Investment in technology has always been to increase effectiveness and overall performance in the design and construction process that results in a return of investment. Today, more and more digital technologies have been developed and created to accommodate the high demands of the market over the years, including Building Information Modelling (BIM). This research paper aims to look into the insight of how architect firms in Malaysia are coping up with the adoption of BIM in the country. This research was originally conducted in 2013-14 and has seen its preliminary findings published over the years. However, this paper uncovers the sequential parts of the research that has yet to be published. The main data collecting instrument used was a nationwide survey that was conducted on all the architectural firms in Malaysia and the findings was used as a foundation for subsequent research phases on the subject matter. From the findings, it is revealed that BIM-based practice is still at an infancy level and that the industry and government bodies need to put on greater effort and produce better strategies to make BIM an industry standard technology

    Adaptasi bangunan pencakar langit dalam persekitaran bersejarah

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    Pada masa kini pembinaan bangunan tinggi yang berlaku secara mendadak di serata bandar telah menimbulkan beberapa persoalan tentang bangunan terdahulu ataupun erti kata lain bangunan bersejarah. Sebahagian dalam pembinaan bangunan tinggi ini terdiri daripada perjabat berbilang tingkat, kediaman dan pembangunan bercampur yang sedang rancak dibina atau peringkat perancangan di pusat-pusat bandar mahunpun di pinggir bandar. Dalam penulisan ini, beberapa bangunan diambil sebagai kajian kes. Terdapat beberapa karateria asas yang perlu diambil kira sebelum pemilihan tapak bangunan tinggi dicadangkan. Dalam sesebuah persekitaran sejarah kebiasaannya mempunyai geografi ciri-ciri khas dengan persekitaran berbukit puncak yang tinggi, dan watak ini meningkatkan nilai latar langit (skyline) di sesebuah bandar. Latar langit ini sebahagian besarnya dipengaruhi oleh jisim (massing) bangunan-bangunan tinggi. Dalam perkembangan pembangunan pada hari ini, dapat dilihat bahawa bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi tidak berada dalam keadaan yang harmoni pada latar langitnya. Bangunan-bangunan tinggi memberi impak dan kesan negatif pada latar langit bersejarah kerana ciri-ciri topografi khas bandar. Penulisan ini membincangkan kriteria bangunan tinggi dalam persekitaran bandar warisan dan latar langit bersejarah di sesebuah bandar, dan mengupas elemen utama bagi penerapan nilai sejarah warisan pada bangunan tinggi dimana mampu membaiki kualiti rekabentuk rupabandar

    Keberkesanan sistem binaan berindustri (IBS) kerangka keluli dalam pembinaan rumah teres

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    Kajian ini adalah kajian yang bersifat kajian topikal yang mengkaji sistem pembinaan jenis binaan berindustri dan mengenal pasti kelebihan dan kekurangan sistem IBS kerangka keluli dalam pembinaan perumahan teres di Malaysia. Kajian selama enam (6) bulan yang amat singkat ini mempunyai skop kajian yang agak terhad. Matlamat akhir dalam penghasilan kajian ini adalah mengkaji kelebihan kekurangan pembinaan sistem IBS kerangka keluli dalam pembinaan rumah teres. Selain mengadakan kajian kes terhadap pengeluar sistem kerangka keluli IBS itu sendiri, pendapat pakar teknologi sistem keluli dan analisis kandungan kajian pustaka tentang pengetahuan serta pendedahan teknologi juga dianalisis. Hasil daripada aliran metodologi seperti kajian literasi, kajian kes dan juga temu ramah. Sistem kerangka keluli dalam pembinaan rumah teres tingkat dapat memberi kesan yang positif dalam menyelesaikan masalah seperti kos pembinaan dan juga tempoh pembinaan
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