7 research outputs found

    Isalonactis, a new genus of Roccellaceae (Arthoniales) from southern Madagascar

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    AbstractThe new genus and speciesIsalonactis madagascariensisis characterized by a crustose, non-corticate, often sorediate thallus containing psoromic acid, tiny white pruinose ascomata with a thalline margin, an inconspicuous excipulum, a pale brown hypothecium, 3-septate hyaline ascospores and curved filiform conidia. Phylogenetic analyses using nuLSU andRPB2sequences placeIsalonactisin theRoccellaceae, close to the generaLecanactisandChiodecton. The new species was collected on sheltered siliceous rocks in the dry landscape of the Isalo Massif (S Madagascar).Dermatiscum thunbergiiis newly recorded from Madagascar.</jats:p

    Four new species of Arthothelium (Arthoniales, Ascomycetes) from Africa and Socotra

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    Abstract: Four species of Arthothelium from Africa and Socotra are described as new to science: Arthothelium atrorubrum from Madagascar, characterized by irregularly rounded blackish ascomata with a deeply red hypothecium and submuriform ascospores; Arthothelium aurantiacopruinosum from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, characterized by black, irregularly rounded to stellate, orange pruinose ascomata and muriform ascospores with two larger terminal cells; Arthothelium frischianum from Madagascar, characterized by brownish-black minute irregular ascomata with remnants of thallus and muriform ascospores with one larger terminal cell; Arthothelium miesii from Socotra (Yemen), characterized by a thick thallus, immersed, stellate to cerebriform, brownish, greyish pruinose ascomata and submuriform ascospores. A key to all reported species of Arthothelium from tropical Africa (South Africa excluded) and Socotra is provided