19 research outputs found

    Fibromioma uterino gigante. Presentación de un caso

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    El útero es sitio de muchas afecciones benignas y malignas. El fibromioma uterino gigante es una afección benigna de muy escasa incidencia. Su resolución representa un reto para el equipo quirúrgico debido al gran volumen de la pieza quirúrgica y a las variaciones en la distribución de los órganos intraabdominales, originadas por el crecimiento uterino. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 43 años de edad, con antecedentes de padecer de asma bronquial y de hipertensión arterial, que acudió a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen de su abdomen y sangrado vaginal. Fue atendida por la especialidad de Cirugía General del Centro Médico de Diagnóstico Integral María Genoveva Guerrero Ramos, del Municipio Libertador, Distrito Capital, en Venezuela. Se le realizó histerectomía total abdominal, anexectomía bilateral y apendicectomía complementaria. El estudio histopatológico arrojó un fibromioma uterino gigante. La evolución posquirúrgica fue satisfactoria. Por lo poco común del caso se decidió su presentación

    Manejo del vólvulo de sigmoides en tres hospitales integrales comunitarios de la misión médica cubana en Bolivia

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    Fundamento: el vólvulo de sigmoides es una emergencia que se presenta con frecuencia en los hospitales del área andina sudamericana. Representa más del 50 % de todas las obstrucciones intestinales y aún mantiene altos índices de mortalidad.Objetivo: caracterizar el manejo del vólvulo de sigmoides. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de los pacientes con vólvulo de sigmoides que acudieron a tres hospitales integrales comunitarios de la misión médica cubana en Bolivia desde junio de 2006 hasta junio de 2007 y fueron atendidos por cirugía general. Se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos, diagnóstico operatorio, tipo y clasificación de la cirugía, operación realizada, evolución, complicaciones, uso de antibiótico-profilaxis, ingreso en sala de cuidados intensivos. La información se obtuvo del expediente clínico, informe operatorio y un modelo recolector de datos. Resultados: el vólvulo de sigmoides se presentó con mayor frecuencia en el hospital de Yapacaní, departamento de Santa Cruz; predominó el grupo de edades de 55 a 64 años y el sexo masculino; la enfermedad de Chagas estuvo presente en la mayoría de los pacientes; entre los síntomas predominaron la distención, el dolor abdominal y la detención de heces fecales. La descompresión, desvolvulación y el tratamiento quirúrgico fue la conducta tomada en todos los casos, la colostomía de Rankin-Mikulicz fue la más utilizada. No se reintervinieron pacientes, ni existió mortalidad. Conclusiones: la descompresión, desvolvulación y el tratamiento quirúrgico fue la conducta tomada en todos los casos; la colostomía de Rankin-Mikulicz fue la más utilizada. La mayoría de los pacientes evolucionaron de forma satisfactoria.</p

    Colecistectomía convencional abierta en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la litiasis vesicular

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    Fundamento: la colecistectomía es uno de los procedimientos de tratamiento quirúrgico que ha resistido el embate centenario de los años. Sigue siendo la vía adecuada cuando no se cuenta con tecnología avanzada. Objetivo: describir los resultados obtenidos con la colecistectomía convencional abierta, en el tratamiento de la litiasis vesicular. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de los pacientes operados de litiasis vesicular, durante el año 2012, en el Centro Médico Diagnóstico Integral María G. Guerrero Ramos, Distrito Capital, en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. La información se obtuvo del expediente clínico y un modelo recolector de datos. Se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, enfermedades asociadas, síntomas y signos, resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución y complicaciones. Resultados: fueron operados 147 pacientes; predominó el grupo de 41 a 60 años y el sexo femenino; el dolor en hipocondrio derecho y la intolerancia a los alimentos grasos y granos, fueron los síntomas y signos que prevalecieron. La cefazolina fue el antibiótico más utilizado. Los pacientes evolucionaron de forma satisfactoria, las complicaciones fueron mínimas. Conclusiones: la colecistectomía convencional abierta sigue siendo una opción favorable para el tratamiento de la litiasis vesicular, ante la ausencia de tecnología de avanzada

    Abdominal Wall Endometrioma. Report of Two Cases

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    Abdominal wall endometrioma is a condition rarely seen by surgeons. It represents a diagnostic challenge due to its similarity with other tumors. This entity occurs in fertile women and often appears two to five years after gynecological and obstetric surgical procedures. It must be considered when dealing with a cyclically painful nodule located in a laparotomy scar. The diagnosis is established by histological examination; most imaging tests determine the characteristics of the lesion, concomitant lesions and the intra-abdominal origin or location in the abdominal wall. The cases of two patients treated at the General Surgery Department of the María Eugenia González Comprehensive Diagnostic Center in the Capital District, Venezuela, are presented. Wide excision of the tissue and histological examination were performed, confirming the diagnosis. The postoperative course was uneventful. This case is presented given the rarity of this condition

    Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia. A Case Report

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    Diaphragmatic trauma is secondary to penetrating injuries and blunt abdominal and thoracic trauma. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon entity. Its diagnosis poses a real challenge to internists, surgeons and radiologists since it requires a high level of suspicion and appropriate use of diagnostic imaging. Surgical treatment is always needed. For these reasons, we present the case of a patient operated on due to a stab wound to the chest who was subsequently diagnosed with a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia on the left side of the chest. He underwent surgery again and had a successful postoperative recovery

    Complete Rectal Prolapse. Case presentation

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    Rectal prolapse is the invagination of rectal layers through the anal canal and its protrusion out of it. Its incidence is 2.5 per 100 000 inhabitants with a predominance of elderly women. It is a little known, chronic condition of benign course, whose clinical and endoscopic presentation is so variable that it can be confused with other entities such as a colorectal cancer or ulcerative colitis. For these reasons a case of complete rectal prolapse in an adult male patient is presented. The surgical management performed is discussed

    Complete Rectal Prolapse. Case presentation

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    Rectal prolapse is the invagination of rectal layers through the anal canal and its protrusion out of it. Its incidence is 2.5 per 100 000 inhabitants with a predominance of elderly women. It is a little known, chronic condition of benign course, whose clinical and endoscopic presentation is so variable that it can be confused with other entities such as a colorectal cancer or ulcerative colitis. For these reasons a case of complete rectal prolapse in an adult male patient is presented. The surgical management performed is discussed

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the small intestine. Case report and bibliography review

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor is an infrequent disease originated from the digestive tract nerve cells responsible for activating the contractions that propel alimentary content from the mouth to the anus. It represents less than 3% of digestive tumors, 25% of them appear in the small intestine. The most frequent symptom is pain or abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound and computed tomography with contrast are the most means used for diagnosis. It is usually diagnosed in patients older than 50 years. The treatment of choice is surgery and this will depend on the tumor clinical evolution. Because it is rare, it is presented a case of a 41-year-old patient of rural origin, with a history of apparent health, operated on for a stromal tumor of the small intestine. Immunohistochemical tests confirmed the diagnosis

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the small intestine. Case report and bibliography review

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor is an infrequent disease originated from the digestive tract nerve cells responsible for activating the contractions that propel alimentary content from the mouth to the anus. It represents less than 3% of digestive tumors, 25% of them appear in the small intestine. The most frequent symptom is pain or abdominal discomfort. Ultrasound and computed tomography with contrast are the most means used for diagnosis. It is usually diagnosed in patients older than 50 years. The treatment of choice is surgery and this will depend on the tumor clinical evolution. Because it is rare, it is presented a case of a 41-year-old patient of rural origin, with a history of apparent health, operated on for a stromal tumor of the small intestine. Immunohistochemical tests confirmed the diagnosis

    Characterization of patients operated of colorectal cancer. Cienfuegos, 2014 a 2016

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    Foundation: colorectal cancer is the most frequent among the neoplasias of the digestive tract. It is the second cause of death of oncologic etiology. Objective: to characterize patients operated of colorectal cancer. Method: study of serie of cases realized at the Cienfuegos Hospital from january 2014 to December 2016. Th variables analized were: age, sex, clinical manifestations, surgical technique used according to the tumor location, complications in the postoperative stage. Results: patients between 60 and 69 and 70 and 79 predominated , mainly male sex. Toxic habits and family history of cancer also prevailed. Tumors were more frequent in the rectum (higher rectum). In the colon tumors located o n the right were more frequent specifically in the cecum. The most usual colonic manifestations were bowel movement changes, cutaneous and mucus paleness and general syndrome, while in the rectum it predominated passing phlegm and blood through the anus. The most frequently used surgical technique was anterior Dixon reception for rectum and sigmoid and right hemi-colectomy for the right colon. The most frequent histological tumor type was adenocarcinoma and from them the moderated differentiated and and the tumoral stage was IIA, for tumors in the colon so as in the rectum. There were more radical than palliative surgeries and there were more planned surgeries than emergency ones. The main complications presented were infections on the operated site and stercoral fistulas. Conclusion: colorectal cancer is more frequently found in the 6th and 7th life decades, associated with toxic habits and familial pathological antecedents of this type of cancer. An early and timely diagnosis allows and adequate staging and the use of more conservative techniques