150 research outputs found

    Size and structure of large (s,t)(s,t)-union intersecting families

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    A family \F of sets is said to be intersecting if any two sets in \F have nonempty intersection. The celebrated Erd{\H o}s-Ko-Rado theorem determines the size and structure of the largest intersecting family of kk-sets on an nn-set XX. An (s,t)(s,t)-union intersecting family is a family of kk-sets on an nn-set XX such that for any A1,…,As+tA_1,\ldots,A_{s+t} in this family, (βˆͺi=1sAi)∩(βˆͺi=1tAi+s)β‰ βˆ….\left(\cup_{i=1}^sA_i\right)\cap\left(\cup_{i=1}^t A_{i+s}\right)\neq \varnothing. Let \ell(\F) be the minimum number of sets in \F such that by removing them the resulting subfamily is intersecting. In this paper, for sufficiently large nn, we characterize the size and structure of (s,t)(s,t)-union intersecting families with maximum possible size and \ell(\F)\geq s+\beta. This allows us to find out the size and structure of some large and maximal (s,t)(s,t)-union intersecting families. Our results are nontrivial extensions of some recent generalizations of the Erd{\H o}s-Ko-Rado theorem such as the Han and Kohayakawa theorem 2017 which finds the structure of the third largest intersecting family, the Kostochka and Mubayi theorem 2017, and the more recent Kupavskii's theorem 2018 whose both results determine the size and structure of the iith largest intersecting family of kk-sets for i≀k+1i\leq k+1. In particular, we prove that a Hilton-Milner-type stability theorem holds for (1,t)(1,t)-union intersecting families, that indeed, confirms a conjecture of Alishahi and Taherkhani 2018. We extend our results to Ks1,…,sr+1K_{s_1,\ldots,s_{r+1}}-free subgraphs of Kneser graphs. In fact, when nn is sufficiently large, we characterize the size and structure of large and maximal Ks1,…,sr+1K_{s_1,\ldots,s_{r+1}}-free subgraphs of Kneser graphs. In particular, when s1=β‹―=sr+1=1s_1=\cdots=s_{r+1}=1 our result provides some stability results related to the famous Erd{\H o}s matching conjecture

    r-Dynamic Chromatic Number of Graphs

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    An rr-dynamic kk-coloring of a graph GG is a proper vertex kk-coloring such that the neighbors of any vertex vv receive at least min⁑{r,deg(v)}\min\{r,{\rm deg}(v)\} different colors. The rr-dynamic chromatic number of GG, Ο‡r(G)\chi_r(G), is defined as the smallest kk such that GG admits an rr-dynamic kk-coloring. In this paper we introduce an upper bound for Ο‡r(G)\chi_r(G) in terms of rr, chromatic number, maximum degree and minimum degree. In 2001, Montgomery \cite{MR2702379} conjectured that, for a dd-regular graph GG, Ο‡2(G)βˆ’Ο‡(G)≀2\chi_2(G)-\chi(G)\leq 2. In this regard, for a dd-regular graph GG, we present two upper bounds for Ο‡2(G)βˆ’Ο‡(G)\chi_2(G)-\chi(G), one of them, ⌈5.437log⁑d+2.721βŒ‰\lceil 5.437\log d+2.721\rceil, is an improvement of the bound 14.06log⁑d+114.06\log d +1, proved by Alishahi (2011) \cite{MR2746973}. Also, we give an upper bound for Ο‡2(G)\chi_2(G) in terms of chromatic number, maximum degree and minimum degree.Comment: 9 page

    On Coloring Properties of Graph Powers

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    This paper studies some coloring properties of graph powers. We show that Ο‡c(G2r+12s+1)=(2s+1)Ο‡c(G)(sβˆ’r)Ο‡c(G)+2r+1\chi_c(G^{^{\frac{2r+1}{2s+1}}})=\frac{(2s+1)\chi_c(G)}{(s-r)\chi_c(G)+2r+1} provided that Ο‡c(G2r+12s+1)<4\chi_c(G^{^{\frac{2r+1}{2s+1}}})< 4. As a consequence, one can see that if 2r+12s+1≀χc(G)3(Ο‡c(G)βˆ’2){2r+1 \over 2s+1} \leq {\chi_c(G) \over 3(\chi_c(G)-2)}, then Ο‡c(G2r+12s+1)=(2s+1)Ο‡c(G)(sβˆ’r)Ο‡c(G)+2r+1\chi_c(G^{^{\frac{2r+1}{2s+1}}})=\frac{(2s+1)\chi_c(G)}{(s-r)\chi_c(G)+2r+1}. In particular, Ο‡c(K3n+113)=9n+33n+2\chi_c(K_{3n+1}^{^{1\over3}})={9n+3\over 3n+2} and K3n+113K_{3n+1}^{^{1\over3}} has no subgraph with circular chromatic number equal to 6n+12n+1{6n+1\over 2n+1}. This provides a negative answer to a question asked in [Xuding Zhu, Circular chromatic number: a survey, Discrete Math., 229(1-3):371--410, 2001]. Also, we present an upper bound for the fractional chromatic number of subdivision graphs. Precisely, we show that Ο‡f(G12s+1)≀(2s+1)Ο‡f(G)sΟ‡f(G)+1\chi_f(G^{^{\frac{1}{2s+1}}})\leq \frac{(2s+1)\chi_f(G)}{s\chi_f(G)+1}. Finally, we investigate the nnth multichromatic number of subdivision graphs

    A Note on Chromatic Sum

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    The chromatic sum Ξ£(G)\Sigma(G) of a graph GG is the smallest sum of colors among of proper coloring with the natural number. In this paper, we introduce a necessary condition for the existence of graph homomorphisms. Also, we present Ξ£(G)<Ο‡f(G)∣G∣\Sigma(G)<\chi_f(G)|G| for every graph GG

    Extremal GG-free induced subgraphs of Kneser graphs

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    The Kneser graph KGn,k{\rm KG}_{n,k} is a graph whose vertex set is the family of all kk-subsets of [n][n] and two vertices are adjacent if their corresponding subsets are disjoint. The classical Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem determines the cardinality and structure of a maximum induced K2K_2-free subgraph in KGn,k{\rm KG}_{n,k}. As a generalization of the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem, Erd\H{o}s proposed a conjecture about the maximum order of an induced Ks+1K_{s+1}-free subgraph of KGn,k{\rm KG}_{n,k}. As the best known result concerning this conjecture, Frankl [Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2013], when nβ‰₯(2s+1)kβˆ’sn\geq(2s+1)k-s, gave an affirmative answer to this conjecture and also determined the structure of such a subgraph. In this paper, generalizing the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem and the Erd{\H o}s matching conjecture, we consider the problem of determining the structure of a maximum family A\mathcal{A} for which KGn,k[A]{\rm KG}_{n,k}[\mathcal{A}] has no subgraph isomorphic to a given graph GG. In this regard, we determine the size and the structure of such a family provided that nn is sufficiently large with respect to GG and kk. Furthermore, for the case G=K1,tG=K_{1,t}, we present a Hilton-Milner type theorem regarding above-mentioned problem, which specializes to an improvement of a result by Gerbner et al. [SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2012].Comment: Minor change

    Coloring Properties of Categorical Product of General Kneser Hypergraphs

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    More than 50 years ago Hedetniemi conjectured that the chromatic number of categorical product of two graphs is equal to the minimum of their chromatic numbers. This conjecture has received a considerable attention in recent years. Hedetniemi's conjecture were generalized to hypergraphs by Zhu in 1992. Hajiabolhassan and Meunier (2016) introduced the first nontrivial lower bound for the chromatic number of categorical product of general Kneser hypergraphs and using this lower bound, they verified Zhu's conjecture for some families of hypergraphs. In this paper, we shall present some colorful type results for the coloring of categorical product of general Kneser hypergraphs, which generalize the Hajiabolhassan-Meunier result. Also, we present a new lower bound for the chromatic number of categorical product of general Kneser hypergraphs which can be extremely better than the Hajiabolhassan-Meunier lower bound. Using this lower bound, we enrich the family of hypergraphs satisfying Zhu's conjecture

    On the random version of the Erd\H{o}s matching conjecture

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    The Kneser hypergraph KGn,kr{\rm KG}^r_{n,k} is an rr-uniform hypergraph with vertex set consisting of all kk-subsets of {1,…,n}\{1,\ldots,n\} and any collection of rr vertices forms an edge if their corresponding kk-sets are pairwise disjoint. The random Kneser hypergraph KGn,kr(p){\rm KG}^r_{n,k}(p) is a spanning subhypergraph of KGn,kr{\rm KG}^r_{n,k} in which each edge of KGn,kr{\rm KG}^r_{n,k} is retained independently of each other with probability pp. The independence number of random subgraphs of KGn,k2{\rm KG}^2_{n,k} was recently addressed in a series of works by Bollob{\'a}s, Narayanan, and Raigorodskii (2016), Balogh, Bollob{\'a}s, and Narayanan (2015), Das and Tran (2016), and Devlin and Kahn (2016). It was proved that the random counterpart of the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem continues to be valid even for very small values of pp. In this paper, generalizing this result, we will investigate the independence number of random Kneser hypergraphs KGn,kr(p){\rm KG}^r_{n,k}(p). Broadly speaking, when kk is much smaller that nn, we will prove that the random analogue of the Erd\H{o}s matching conjecture is true even for extremely small values of pp.Comment: 11 page

    A Catlin-type Theorem for Graph Partitioning Avoiding Prescribed Subgraphs

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    As an extension of the Brooks theorem, Catlin in 1979 showed that if HH is neither an odd cycle nor a complete graph with maximum degree Ξ”(H)\Delta(H), then HH has a vertex Ξ”(H)\Delta(H)-coloring such that one of the color classes is a maximum independent set. Let GG be a connected graph of order at least 22. A GG-free kk-coloring of a graph HH is a partition of the vertex set of HH into V1,…,VkV_1,\ldots,V_k such that H[Vi]H[V_i], the subgraph induced on ViV_i, does not contain any subgraph isomorphic to GG. As a generalization of Catlin's theorem we show that a graph HH has a GG-free βŒˆΞ”(H)Ξ΄(G)βŒ‰\lceil{\Delta(H)\over \delta(G)}\rceil-coloring for which one of the color classes is a maximum GG-free subset of V(H)V(H) if HH satisfies the following conditions; (1) HH is not isomorphic to GG if GG is regular, (2) HH is not isomorphic to KkΞ΄(G)+1K_{k\delta(G)+1} if G≃KΞ΄(G)+1G \simeq K_{\delta(G)+1}, and (3) HH is not an odd cycle if GG is isomorphic to K2K_2. Indeed, we show even more, by proving that if G1,…,GkG_1,\ldots,G_k are connected graphs with minimum degrees d1,…,dkd_1,\ldots,d_k, respectively, and Ξ”(H)=βˆ‘i=1kdk\Delta(H)=\sum_{i=1}^{k}d_k, then there is a partition of vertices of HH to V1,…,VkV_1,\ldots,V_k such that each H[Vi]H[V_i] is GiG_i-free and moreover one of ViV_is can be chosen in a way that H[Vi]H[V_i] is a maximum GiG_i-free subset of V(H)V(H) except either k=1k=1 and HH is isomorphic to G1G_1, each GiG_i is isomorphic to Kdi+1K_{d_i+1} and HH is not isomorphic to KΞ”(H)+1K_{\Delta(H)+1}, or each GiG_i is isomorphic to K2K_{2} and HH is not an odd cycle.Comment: 8 page

    Graph Powers and Graph Homomorphisms

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    In this paper we introduce a fractional power. Then, we present some properties of it. In this regard, we show that if G and H are two graphs and 1 ≀ 2r+

    A Generalization of the Erd\"{o}s-Ko-Rado Theorem

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    In this note, we investigate some properties of local Kneser graphs defined in [8]. In this regard, as a generalization of the Erdo¨{\rm \ddot{o}}s-Ko-Rado theorem, we characterize the maximum independent sets of local Kneser graphs. Next, we present an upper bound for their chromatic number
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