6 research outputs found
Background: This study aim was to describe the epidemiology of intentional self-poisoning among students.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on self-poisoned
students admitted to Loghman-Hakim Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Variables studied included age, sex, substance abuse, personal history, familial history and the immediate precipitant for the suicide attempt.
Results: A total of 248 students (200 F and 48 M) studied. The mean age was 16.3±1.42 years. Self poisoning with a pharmaceutical agent was the most common attempt modality (87.5%). The most common precipitant for the suicide attempt was family conflict (54.4%), followed by romantic disappointment (29.4%). The most
common psychiatric disorders were adjustment disorder (84.3%). and depression (18.1%).
Conclusion: The emphasis in student suicide prevention programs must be on early identification of students at risk, and appropriate treatment of episodes of psychopathology
Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Second Version of the Taqwa (Piety) Questionnaire in Bahasa Melayu
The aim of the study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Bahasa Melayu version of the Taqwa (piety) questionnaire, used for the measurement of behaviour of Drug Dependency Syndrome (DDS), in Malay patients. A sample of 98 males with a psychiatric diagnosis (DSM-IV-R) as the DDS was randomly selected from Kajang Khafidz Polyclinic Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After receiving their agreement to attend the study, they completed the Taqwa (piety) questionnaire. The reliability was assessed by determining the Cronbach’s α to measure the consistency of related questions for all four dimensions (subscales), including individual, social, cognitional, and emotional Taqwa behaviour. In the next step to evaluate the composite reliability, convergent, and discrimination validity, a measurement model was determined via Conformity Factor Analysis (CFA) based on Partial List Square method (Smart- PLS Ver: 2M3). The reliability of four dimensions of the questionnaire was acceptable (α1=0.881,α2-0.862,α3=0.86,andα4=0.90)and correlated to each other. However, according to the CFA method, the items with low loading factor (<0.5) were excluded from each dimension. Item 24 and 35 that were related to individual Taqwa, and item 35 that belonged to emotional Taqwa were excluded from the analysis. The composite reliability and convergent, and discrimination validity were satisfied in all conformity factor loading that exceeded 0/05. The psychometric properties of the Taqwa questionnaire are acceptable, and the scale is a good instrument for assessing the Islamic attitude, beliefs, and behaviour of the Bahasa Melayu DDS patients
Acute effects of methadone on EEG power spectrum and event-related potentials among heroin dependents
Methadone as the most prevalent opioid substitution medication has been shown to influence the neurophysiological functions among heroin addicts. However, there is no firm conclusion on acute neuroelectrophysiological changes among methadone-treated subjects as well as the effectiveness of methadone in restoring brain electrical abnormalities among heroin addicts. This study aims to investigate the acute and short-term effects of methadone administration on the brain’s electrophysiological properties before and after daily methadone intake over 10 weeks of treatment among heroin addicts. EEG spectral analysis and single-trial event-related potential (ERP) measurements were used to investigate possible alterations in the brain’s electrical activities, as well as the cognitive attributes associated with MMN and P3. The results confirmed abnormal brain activities predominantly in the beta band and diminished information processing ability including lower amplitude and prolonged latency of cognitive responses among heroin addicts compared to healthy controls. In addition, the alteration of EEG activities in the frontal and central regions was found to be associated with the withdrawal symptoms of drug users. Certain brain regions were found to be influenced significantly by methadone intake; acute effects of methadone induction appeared to be associative to its dosage. The findings suggest that methadone administration affects cognitive performance and activates the cortical neuronal networks, resulting in cognitive responses enhancement which may be influential in reorganizing cognitive dysfunctions among heroin addicts. This study also supports the notion that the brain’s oscillation powers and ERPs can be utilized as neurophysiological indices for assessing the addiction treatment traits