8 research outputs found

    Clinical and Socioeconomic Factors Associating with Opium Poisonings in Children and Adolescents

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    Background: Use of opium and derivatives is one of the major health, psychosocial and socioeconomic problems and can lead to complications for societies. The present study aimed to assess clinical and socioeconomic factors associated with the poisonings by Opium and its Derivatives (O&D) in children and adolescents. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out to review the recorded clinical information of children and adolescents admitted to the pediatric emergency department of the Ali Ibn Abi Talib Hospital due to acute poisoning by O&D during a seven-year period since 2014. Demo-economic information was taken from the patient’s guardians at the time of discharge. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS 20 considering 0.05 as the significant level. Results: From among 227 poisoned children, 50.7% were female and 75.8%, 8.8% and 15.4% were in age groups of <8 year, 8-12 and 12-18 years, respectively. About 42.7% of the children poisoned by industrial substances, compared to the traditional substances. Respectively, 87.7%, 11% and 1.3% of the children were poisoned accidentally, intentionally, and due to family challenges or schooling problems. Variables of the children’s gender, age, and father’s age were associated with self-poisoning. The samples’ heart rate, blood pressure and seizure were affected by the type of narcotic. Conclusion: Overall, the majority of poisoned children were girls and young. Those with very young and very old parents had more tendency to self-poison due to family challenges. Types of narcotic substances significantly correlated with irregular changes in the size of the pupil, heart rate, blood pressure and seizure

    Association between Enuresis and Body Mass Index in Schoolchildren

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    BackgroundAutomatic release of urine at any time of a day during sleep beyond the age of five years defined enuresis as a health disorders in children. The etiology of enuresis is still not clearly understood. Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator to evaluate the growth trend of individuals in a population for any specific age group. Evaluation of obesity in children is important and provides an opportunity to identify the problem and prevent disease progression. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of enuresis and the association with BMI.Materials and MethodsThe study was a cross-sectional survey based on specific age group population to determine the prevalence of enuresis conducted on the schoolchildren in Zahedan, Iran during December 2015 and February 2016. A random, multistage sample of 2,000 students was taken from fifty schools in five districts of Zahedan city and filled out some easy questions such as age and gender along with measuring weight and height. Body Mass Index categorized after calculation accordance with the formulae of BMI= Height (kg) / Weight (m) 2. The classification of BMI was accordance with  percentiles  of  underweight in less than the 5th percentile, healthy level from the 5th to less than 85th percentile, overweight from the 85th to less than the 97th percentile and obese equal to or greater than the 97th percentile.ResultsThe prevalence of enuresis was 17.18% for boys and 11.82% for girls, and the overall prevalence was 140 in 1000. Enuresis and non- enuresis population were different in mean of BMI (15.51±3.92 versus 17.69±5.11), so that this differential were statistically significant (

    The Rate of Addiction in Parents of Children with Congenital Heart Disease Compared with Healthy Children

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    BackgroundCongenital heart diseases (CHD) are the most common congenital anomaly in children and also the leading cause of mortality from congenital anomalies. Various factors including smoking, drinking alcohol and addiction play role in development of congenital heart diseases. This study was conducted with the aim of investigation of the prevalence of addiction in parents of children with congenital heart disease compared with healthy children.Materials and MethodsThis was a case-control study conducted on 320 children with congenital heart disease aged 6 months to 16 years and 320 healthy children as control group. Children referring to Ali Asghar hospital or who were hospitalized in Imam Ali Hospital were included in the study and their demographic characteristics and their parents were collected. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.ResultsAverage age of diseased and healthy children was 4.08 ± 4.11 and 3.59 ± 2.36, respectively. The rate of addiction of father, mother and parents of children with congenital heart disease was higher than those of children in control group. The most common congenital heart disease was ventricular septal defect (VSD).ConclusionIn overall, this study showed addiction rate of parents in children with congenital heart disease was higher

    Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Diseases in Zahedan, Iran

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    BackgroundLife expectancy has increased in congenital heart diseases (CHD) patients and the interest has risen considering the quality of life (QOL). The study aimed to compare patients and proxy-parents reports on CHD children' QOL.Materials and MethodsThis cross-sectional study performed on 165 CHD patients aged 2-18 years during 2016 using Pediatric Quality of Life 3.0 (PedsQL™ 3.0) inventory. PedsQL™ 3.0 has same dimensions with different question for various age groups. The internal consistency of the inventory scales and subscales was assessed by means of Cronbach’s alpha. Scales with reliability ≥ 0.70 were recommended.ResultsThe overall mean score of QOL was significantly higher in parents’ perceived (51.78±10.87) compared to children’s perceived (48.61±11.25) (t= -2.615, P=0.009). The anxiety was significantly higher (56.23 ±17.93 vs. 47.31± 17.96) in parents’ perceived compared to children (t= -2.281, P=0.025). The cognition has been perceived significantly better by children than parents’ (51.22±15.76 vs. 41.53± 13.15). Children with simple diseases had higher score of quality of life (53.09±13.44) compared with those children with complex diseases (42.73±18.23) (t=2.786, P=0.007) for 2-4 years age in parents' perceived. The mean scores in heart problem scale were 46.74±13.64 and 61.14±18.17 and for the communication scale were 28.49±13.87 and 41.77±20.23 for pre and post operated children respectively for the age group of 5-7 years in parents' perceived.ConclusionResulted no impacts by two clinical (types of diseases and operation) factors on CHD patients' Health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Therefore should be considered more clinical factors to detect the gap in QOL in CHDs

    The perception of primiparous mothers of comfortable resources in labor pain (a qualitative study)

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    Background: Natural delivery is the most painful event that women experience in their lifetime. That is why labor pain relief has long been as one of the most important issues in the field of midwifery. Thus, the present study aims to explore the perception of primiparous mothers on comfortable resources for labor pain. Materials and Methods: In the present study, qualitative content analysis technique was used. The participants had singleton pregnancy with normal vaginal delivery. These women referred to the Imam Javad Health Center within 3–5 days after delivery for screening thyroid of their babies. Results: During the content analysis process, five themes emerged that indicated the nature and dimensions of the primiparous mothers' perception of comfortable resources. These themes were: “religious and spiritual beliefs,” “use of analgesic methods” (medicinal and non-medicinal), “support and the continuous attendance of midwife and delivery room personnel,” “family's and husband's support during pregnancy and in vaginal delivery encouragement,” and finally “lack of familiarity with the delivery room and lack of awareness about structured delivery process.” Conclusions: The results showed that mothers received more comfort from human resources than from the environment and modern equipment. Despite the need for specialized midwife with modern technical facilities, this issue shows the importance of highlighting the role of midwife and humanistic midwife care. Therefore, considering midwives and the standardization of human resources in health centers are more important than physical standardization. This will result in midwife interventions being performed with real understanding of the patients' needs

    Incidence of Congenital Heart Diseases Anomalies in Newborns with Oral Clefts, Zahedan, Iran

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    Background Oral cleft is the most common orofacial congenital anomaly among live births. This anomaly at birth is one of the main causes of children disability and mortality.  Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common anomalies in oral clefts.  This study aimed to assess the incidence of congenital heart diseases anomalies in newborns with oral clefts. Materials and Methods This study performed on 48,692 live born to estimate incidence of oral clefts from 1 st December 2013 to 31 th November 2015 from three general hospitals in Zahedan, The capital city of the Sistan & Baluchestan  province, Iran. All oral cleft patients were under echocardiography to diagnosis the incidence of CHD as associated anomaly. The collected data were processed using SPSS-16. Results The results of the analysis showed that the incidence of cleft lip was higher in boys than girls, while the cleft palate was higher in girls. Lip/palate cleft was higher for boys.  Oral clefts patients accounted of 102 (0.2%) with incidence rate of 2.095 per 1000 lives. Of 102 patients 19 (18.62%), 39(35.24%) and 44(43.14%) were oral lip, oral palate and both respectively. The incidence of CHD in patients with oral clefts was 26.5%, while the incidences for cleft lip, cleft palate and both were 15.79%, 20.51%, and 36.36% respectively. Conclusion From the study concluded that the rate of CHD among children with oral clefts was high compared with the healthy children.  Strongly is suggested the echocardiography for these patients to have early diagnostic of CHD to manage any life-threatening

    Evaluation of Growth Status in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: A Case- Control Study

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    Background: Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are prone to malnutrition and growth retardation. This study aimed to compare growth status between children with CHD and healthy children.                Materials and Methods: This case–control study included 310 children with CHD and 300 healthy children matched in age and gender. CHD patients grouped according to cardiac diagnosis: group 1 (n=5), cyanotic patients with pulmonary hypertension; group 2 (n=22), cyanotic patients without pulmonary hypertension; group 3 (n=43), Acyanotic patients with pulmonary hypertension; and group 4 (n=240), Acyanotic patients without pulmonary hypertension. Anthropometric measurements of weight (Kg), height (cm), and head circumference (cm) were measured and recorded for both case and control groups.  Descriptive and analytical statistics were performed using the by SPSS version 21.0. Results: Weight and head circumference were significantly lower in CHD children compared to healthy children (