30 research outputs found

    Analysis and Assessment of Essential Toxic Heavy Metals, PH and EC in Ishaqi River and Adjacent Soil

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    This research was conducted to determine content levels of heavy metal pollution.  Samples taken from Ishaqi River bank and adjacent agricultural soils area, in ten sites, distributed along 48 km of the Ishaqi River, north Baghdad. The evaluated metals were Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Chromium, Cadmium, Vanadium and Lead. PH and Electric Conductivity (EC) were measured to evaluate the acidity and (EC). Results showed that most site were contaminated with metals evaluated. Among these metals, Zn, Mn, Fe and Ni were consistently higher in all the samples (both river bank and adjacent soil) followed by PB, CU, V, Cd, Co and Cr. The level concentrations of river bank were almost higher than that of adjacent soil. As will be reported later, the concentrations of Nickel, Zinc, Manganese and Iron in river bank and agricultural adjacent soil were over the permissible levels. The average mean levels were (Ni 66.36 mg/kg, Zn 42.59 mg/kg, Mn 26.78 mg/kg, Fe 25.15 mg/kg) in river bank and (Ni 46.31 mg/kg, Zn 33.06 mg/kg, Mn 20.78 mg/kg Fe 16.28 mg/kg) in agricultural adjacent soil. Overall, Nickel had the highest concentrations in the ecosystem. Keywords: heavy metals, environmental pollution, river bank, adjacent soil, AAS

    Tracing and Analysis of Manganese, Nickel, Cadmium ,Copper, zinc , Lead And Aluminum Concentration and PH Values In Iraqi Chewing Gums

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    Evaluation of trace elements in Iraqi chewing gums are unavailable, particularly pollution of toxic elements, materials which change the values of PH in the Oral. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) were successfully employed to determine the concentration of 7 trace elements (essentially toxic and nonessential) and the PH, in thirteen different brands of chewing gum generally consumed in Iraq. Combined wet and dry digestion procedures were applied. Two types of heated graphite tubes were used, coated and uncoated tubes treated with tungsten solution. Result showed that Cu, Al and Zn were at very high levels in almost all brands whereas Mn was found to be high in brands A and O only. Keywords: Trace metals – heavy elements, Chewing gums - AAS-  Baghdad – Iraq

    Lead, Nickel, Copper, Cadmium and Zinc concentrations in airborne particulates and Lead in Blood, in Al- Tarmiayh city, north Baghdad-Iraq

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    The concentrations of lead, nickel, copper, cadmium and zinc in airborne particulates and lead in blood, have been measured in the area of Tarmiya, during a period of one year 2011.The air pollution levels caused by these elements are still in somehow comparatively medium or low. Concerning the Pb concentrations in blood from different groups of individuals, the levels do not exceed the safe limits. And we distinguish the groups of elements and stations by using multidimensional scaling (MDS)

    Anticancer Activity of New Di-Nuclear Copper (I) Complex

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    In-vitro biological activities of the free new H4L ( indole-7-thiocarbohydrazone) ligand and its Ni(II), Pd(II) , Pt(II), Cu(II), Ag(I), Zn(II) and Cd(II)  complexes are screened against two cancerous cell lines, that revealed significant activity only for [Cu2Cl2(H4L)2(PPh3)2]  after 72 h treatment by the highest tested concentrations. The Copper(I) complex was characterized by X-ray Crystallography and the NMR spectra, whereas it has been confirmed to have momentous cytotoxicity against ovarian, breast cancerous cell lines (Caov-3, MCF-7). The apoptosis-inducing properties of the Cu(I) complex have been investigated through fluorescence microscopy visualization, DNA fragmentation analysis and propidium iodide flow cytometry. Keywords: Cu(I) complex, biological investigation, anticancer activity & DNA fragmentation analysis

    Synthesis, Characterization, And Antibacterial Activities Of Manganese (II), Cobalt(II), Iron (II), Nickel (II) , zinc (II) And Cadmium(II) Mixed- Ligand Complexes Containing Amino Acid(L-Valine) And Saccharin

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    A new six mixed ligand complexes of some transition metal ions Manganese (II), Cobalt(II), Iron (II), Nickel (II) , and non transition metal ion zinc (II) And Cadmium(II) with L-valine (Val H ) as a primary ligand and Saccharin (HSac)  as a secondary ligands  have been prepared. All the prepared complexes have been characterized by molar conductance, magnetic susceptibility infrared, electronic spectral, Elemental microanalysis (C.H.N) and AA . The complexes with the formulas   [M(Val)2(HSac)2] M= Mn (II) , Fe (II) , Co(II) ,Ni(II), Cu (II),Zn(II) and  Cd(II) L- Val H= (C5H11NO2)  , C7H5NO3S   The study shows that these complexes have octahedral geometry; The metal complexes have been screened for their in microbiological activities against bacteria.  Based on the reported results, it may be concluded that the deprotonated ligand  (L-valine) to (valinate ion (Val-)  by using (Na OH) coordinated to metal ions as bidentate ligand through the oxygen atom of the carboxylate group(-COO-), and the nitrogen atom of the amine group (NH2), where the saccharin (H Sac) coordinated as a monodentate through the nitrogen atom. Keywords: L-Valine , mixed ligand complexes, Saccharin  , spectral studies , Antibacterial activities.

    Polycondensation of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid with Some Prepared Diamines Derived from Amino Acids or Antibiotic

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    Many condensed polymers [A1-A7] were prepared via reaction of (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic  acid = EDTA), with different prepared imide-diamines  by modification  [ modification of  amino acids and antibiotics  (B1-B7)] Imide-diamines were prepared by chlorination of  L-amino acids such as [ L-Histidine, L-Alanine, L-Valine, L-Glycine and  L-Aspargine ] or selected antibiotics such as [Cephallixine monohydrate and  Amoxilline ] with thionyl chloride at 0°C, then reacted with ammonia to obtain imide-diamines [B1-B7] . The physical properties of all prepared condensed polymers [A1-A7], new prepared diamines [B1-B7] were studied and characterized by  FT -IR spectroscope   to certify the structural formulas. The thermal analysis (TGA, DTA) were studied, and the intrinsic viscosities were measured at 30°C using Ostwald viscometer. Keywords: polymerization, thermal analysis (TGA, DTA), diamines and Viscosity Measurement

    Synthesis, Physico-Chemical and Antimicrobial Activities Co(II),Ni (II) ,Cu(II), Zn(II),Cd(II) and Hg(II) Mixed- Ligand Complexes of L- Alanine and Trimethoprim Antibiotic

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    The Co (II), Ni (II) ,Cu(II), Zn(II) ,Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes of mixed of amino acid (L-Alanine ) and Trimethoprim antibiotic were synthesized. The complexes were characterized using melting point, conductivity measurement and determination the percentage of the metal in the complexes by flame (AAS). Magnetic susceptibility, Spectroscopic Method [FT-IR and UV-Vis]. The general formula have been given for the prepared mixed ligand complexes [M(Ala)2(TMP)(H2O)] where  L- alanine (abbreviated as (Ala ) = (C5H9NO2) deprotonated primary ligand, L- Alanine ion .= (C5H8NO2-) Trimethoprim (abbreviated as  (TMP ) = C10H11N3O3S M(II) = Co (II),Ni(II) ,Cu(II), Zn(II) ,Cd(II) and Hg(II). The results showed that the deprotonated L- Alanine by KOH (Ala- K+) act as uni nagative bi dentate  ligand , was coordinated to the metal ions through the oxygen of the carboxylic group (-COO-), and the nitrogen of the amine group (-NH2) while Trimethoprim antibiotic act as  mono dentate ligand , was coordinated to the metal ions through the nitrogen of the pyrimidine group. Keywords: Trimethoprim antibiotics , L- Alanine) complexes & Antibacterial activit

    Synthesis ,characterization and antibacterial activity of mixed ligand complexes of some metals with 1-nitroso-2-naphthol and L-phenylalanine

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    The mixed ligand complexes of Mn(II),Fe(II),Co(II),Ni(II),Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd (II) with 1-nitroso-2-naphthol (C10H7NO2), symbolized (NNPhH)] and amino acid L-phenylalanine( C9H10NO2), symbolized (phe H),  were synthesized and characterized by: Melting points, Solubility, Molar conductivity. determination the percentage of the metal in the complexes by flame(AAS), Molecular weight determined by  Rast’s Camphor method, susceptibility measurements, Spectroscopic Method [FT-IR and UV-Vis], And Program  [Chem office– CS .Chem.– 3D pro 2006] was used for draw compounds . The results showed that the deprotonated   two  ligands acts as a bidentate ligand ,  (phe-) was coordinated to the metal ions through the oxygen  of  the  carboxylic  group  and  the nitrogen of the amine and  the 1-nitroso-2-naphthol ligand was coordinated to the metal ions through the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The electronic absorption spectra and magnetic susceptibility measurements of the complexes indicate octahedral geometry for all the complexes. Key words: phenyl alanine , amino acid) Complexes ,  1-nitroso-2-naphthol  ,mixed ligands   and Antibacterial     Activitie

    Preparation, Characterization, and Antibacterial Properties of mixed ligand Complexes of L-leucine and Sulfamethoxazole with Mn(II),Co(II),Ni(II),Cu(II),Zn(II),Cd(II)and Hg(II) ions

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    The research includes the synthesis and identification of the mixed ligands complexes of M+2 Ions  in general composition  ,[M(Leu)2(SMX)] Where L-leucine(C6H13NO2)symbolized (LeuH) as a primary ligand and Sulfamethoxazole (C10H11N3O3S)symbolized (SMX)) as  a secondary  ligand . The ligands and the metal chlorides were brought in to reaction at room temperature in(v/v) ethanol /water as solvent containing NaOH. The reaction required the following [(metal: 2(Na+ Leu-): (SMX)] molar ratios with M(II) ions, Were  M(II) = Mn(II),Co(II),Ni(II),Cu(II),Zn(II),Cd(II)and Hg(II). The UV–Vis and magnetic moment data revealed an octahedral geometry around M(II), The conductivity data show a non-electrolytic nature of the complexes. The antimicrobial activities of ligands and their mixed ligand complexes were screened by disc diffusion method. Keywords: Sulfamethoxazole(antibiotic), L-leucine, Mixed ligand, Metal complexes, Antimicrobial activity

    Synthetic, Spectroscopic And Antibacterial Studies Of Fe(II),Co(II),Ni(II),Cu(II),and Zn(II)Mixed Ligand Complexes Of Nicotinamide And Cephalexin antibiotics

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    Mixed  ligand complexes of bivalent metal  ions, viz; M= Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) of  the composition [M(Ceph)(NA)3]Cl  in 1:1:3  molar  ratio,  (where  Ceph = Cephalexin  and NA = Nicotinamide have  been  synthesized and  characterized  by  repeated  melting  point  determination, Solubility, Molar conductivity, determination  the percentage of  the metal  in  the  complexes  by  flame(AAS),  FT-IR, magnetic  susceptibility  measurements  and  electronic  spectral  data.  The   ligands and  their metal complexes were  screened  for  their antimicrobial activity against  six bacteria(gram +ve) and (gram -ve). Key words:(Cephalexin antibiotics,Nicotinamide ,mixed ligand) Complexes,Antibacterial activities, and spectral studie