2 research outputs found

    The Importance of Unprotected Areas as Habitat for The Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis Desmarest, 1816) on Java, Indonesia

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    Protected areas play important roles for protecting many endangered species in Indonesia. However, very limited information regarding roles of protected areas and non-protected areas for supporting the habitat of less-concerned carnivores in Java, leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis). We aim to assess the relative roles of non-protected areas for the habitat of this cat on the highly fragmented and populated island of Java. We develop species distribution modelling, using Maxent by integrating various sources of presence data of this species and environmental data. Our finding confirms that leopard cat can life in various habitat types but mainly patchy forest areas. While most of the protected areas are suitable for the habitat of this smallest cat on Java, the non-protected areas provide much larger areas for its habitat (66.8 %). Our findings highlighted the importance of maintaining connectivity among habitat patches in non-protected areas, habitat protection using current government policy on high conservation value forest and essential ecosystems areas. Pentingnya Kawasan Non Lindung sebagai Habitat Kucing Hutan (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis Desmarest, 1816) di Jawa, IndonesiaIntisariKawasan lindung memainkan peran penting dalam melindungi banyak spesies yang terancam punah di Indonesia. Walaupun demikian, informasi mengenai peran kawasan lindung dan kawasan non lindung untuk mendukung habitat karnivora yang kurang mendapat perhatian di Jawa, kucing hutan (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai peran kawasan non lindung sebagai habitat kucing hutan di Pulau Jawa, pulau yang sangat terfragmentasi dan padat penduduk. Kami mengembangkan pemodelan distribusi spesies, menggunakan Maxent dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai sumber data kehadiran spesies kucing hutan dan data lingkungan. Temuan kami menegaskan bahwa kucing hutan dapat hidup di berbagai jenis habitat tetapi habitat utamanya adalah kawasan hutan yang agak terbuka. Meskipun sebagian besar kawasan lindung sesuai untuk habitat kucing terkecil di Jawa ini, kawasan non lindung justru menyediakan area yang jauh lebih besar untuk habitat kucing hutan (66,8 %). Temuan kami juga menyoroti pentingnya menjaga konektivitas antar habitat di kawasan non lindung dan perlindungan habitat dengan menggunakan kebijakan pemerintah saat ini tentang hutan Bernilai Konservasi Tinggi dan Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial

    Formulating the Direction of Community Land Use to Support the Conservation of Javanese Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Habitat at Petungkriyono, Central Java

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    The Petungkriyono forest is one of the few remnant tropical forests on the island of Java, particularly in Central Java. This forest is known for its high conservation value due to its abundance of biodiversity, particularly the endangered Javan gibbon or Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch). The Petungkriyono people, on the other hand, rely on upland agriculture and cultivation on steep slopes as a means of subsistence, which poses a threat to the Petungkriyono forest. This paper aims to formulate the direction of the community land use at the habitat of Javanese gibbon at Petungkriyono. The method used the Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis (SMCA). SMCA was applied to create the initial model of the zoning description of sustainable land use in Petungkriyono. The SMCA analysis process includes goal setting and conceptualization, data collection, analysis, field ground checks, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with the community and related parties. The result showed that considering the massive changes of land use at Petungkriyono almost 70% of the area is formulated for perservation and protection to support the conservation of Javan gibbon