9 research outputs found


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    Utilization of method CASA for evaluation of quality of semen in bulls-producers

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    The quality of semen sires significantly affect the results of artificial insemination of dairy cows. Indicators determining the biological value of sperm are sperm morphology and the state of the hereditary material in chromatin. It is revealed that depending on the degree of fragmentation of DNA in the chromatin of sperm, there are groups with a high degree of fragmentation is over 30%, the average from 10.01% to 30%, moderate 5,01% to 10.0% and the minimum is less than 5.0%

    Correlation between mitochondrial dysfunction of spermatozoa and their biological adequacy

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    One of the most significant indicators affecting male fertility is the sperm nuclear and mitochondrial DNA fragmentation index (DFI). DNA damage depends on biotic and abiotic factors, leading to oxidative stress (O.S.). This research aimed to investigate the relationship between mitochondrial dysfunction of spermatozoa and their biological adequacy. The research material was frozen-thawed sperm samples from the Ayrshire, Russian Black Pied Holstein, Russian Red Pied Holstein, Limousin, and Polled Russian breeding bulls. Assessments of mobility, morphology, and fragmentation index were performed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). It was found that there is a negative correlation between sperm activity and mitochondrial dysfunction with the correlation coefficient r = -0.24. The incidence of abnormal spermatozoa correlated with sperm dysfunction r = 0.77. The nDNA fragmentation index in chromatin varied from 0 to 25%. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021

    Biotic and abiotic factors of sperm ndna fragmentation in farm animals

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    Infertility and subfertility are among the global challenges of our time. Fertility in livestock farming is not only biologically important, it is also economically important. The aim of this study was to study the effect of these factors on sperm chromatin nucleus and to assess the impact of the fragmentation index degree on bull reproductive performance. The influence of abiotic factors such as ambient temperature, the level of geomagnetic activity and the biotic factor-infectious diseases of male reproductive organs-was studied. At high ambient temperatures (28-30°C), the proportion of sperm with damaged DNA increased by 70% compared to temperatures below 15°C. A Multivariate Analysis Of Variance (MANOVA) confirmed the influence of the geomagnetic activity factor on the degree of nuclear DNA fragmentation in bull sperm cells (level p<0.05). During the summer period, on days with increased geomagnetic activity, the Nuclear DNA fragmentation index in the samples studied was 20.5%. In some of the samples studied, this index exceeded 38% and the coefficient of variation for this index reached 44%. The proportion of sperm cells with abnormal movement also increased during geomagnetic activity. The content of such sperm cells reached 9.1% in bull semen ejaculates obtained during the winter period. More than 12% of sperm had non-progressive movement in summer semen obtained with a K-index ≥5.0, which was 83.8% higher than with a K-index ≤1.0. High geomagnetic activity and temperature and infection of the reproductive organs lead to pathological changes in spermatozoa, an increase in the proportion of spermatozoa with damaged nuclear DNA and a decrease in fertility. © 2021 Baylar Iolchiev, Natalya Volkova, Pavel Klenovitskiy, Vugar Bagirov, Neilia Khusnetdinova, Prytkov Yuri, Anna Tadzhieva and Anastasia Silanteva. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license

    Clinical and hematological parameters for selecting the optimal dose of the phytopreparation "deprim", containing an extract of the herb hypericum perforatum l., in husbandry

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    Only industrial technologies can provide a high level of profitability of pork production, which provides for year-round keeping of pigs in premises with maximum mechanization and automation of production processes. However, under such conditions, animals are exposed to a whole complex of stress factors, which negatively affects the state of the immune system. As you know, stress occurs when external environmental conditions do not correspond to the internal reserves of the body, which leads to its depletion and the development of a General adaptive syndrome, which is manifested by changes in the behavior of animals, their hormonal status and, especially, the development of immunodeficiency. This causes the development of alimentary anemia, delayed growth and development of piglets, decreased appetite, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis and bronchopneumonia, which brings significant losses to the pig industry. One of the modern directions of research in veterinary practice is the search for environmentally safe preventive means of stimulating nonspecific immunity, mainly of natural origin, and studying their impact on the state of resistance, preservation, growth and productivity of young animals. Among a large number of medicines, the best products are developed on the basis of natural components. Hypericum perforatum has a lot of medical properties. In this regard, we have studied the effect of various doses of the phytopreparation "Deprim", containing an extract of the herb Hypericum perforatum L., on the productivity and safety of piglets and the establishment of its optimal dose in pig farming. This manuscript shows that the use of "Deprim" herbal medicine in piglets in two courses at a dose of 5, 10 and 15 mg / kg of fat contributed to a significant increase in body weight. It was found that after 10 days of giving the herbal medicine, the body weight of animals in the 3 experimental group significantly increased (p<0.01) by 1.06 times, compared to the control group. After 20 days of the experiment, we also observed positive dynamics in the animals only in the piglets of the 3 experimental group – a significant (p<0.05) increase of 1.08 times compared to the control group. It should be noted that in animals of all experimental groups, a month after giving the animals a phytopreparation, its positive effect on the growth of live weight was noted. Thus, 60 day-old piglets of the first, second and third experimental groups had a significant increase in animal body weight of 1.04 (p<0.05); 1.10 (p<0.05) and 1.15 (p<0.001) times, respectively. The prospect of further research is to determine the lymphocytic profile (the content of B-and Tlymphocytes, types of the latter), as well as the level of proinflammatory cytokines in order to establish a more precise mechanism of action of the phytopreparation "Deprim" on the immune system of piglets. © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved