120 research outputs found

    Somatosensory evoked potentials in acute renal failure: Effect of parathyroidectomy

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    Somatosensory evoked potentials in acute renal failure: Effect of parathyroidectomy. Effects of acute renal failure (ARF) on somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) were studied in rats. Cervical and cortical SEPs were measured both before and after bilateral ureteral ligation. A significant augmentation of amplitudes and an increase in latencies of the cortical SEP were observed in ARF. The peripheral nerve conduction velocities were unchanged. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in uremic rats were significantly elevated after the bilateral ureteral ligation. In previously parathyroidectomized rats, the bilateral ureteral ligation had no effects on amplitudes of SEP or serum PTH levels

    <書評>Samuel Bowles, The Moral Economy : Why Good Incentives are No Subsitute for Good Citizens

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    Yale University Press, 201

    ミキ キヨシ ノ キョウドウ シュギ ニ ツイテ シンニホン ノ シソウ ゲンリ ト ゾクヘン キョウドウ シュギ ノ テツガク キソ ヲ メグッテ

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    哲学者・三木清が書いたとされる「新日本の思想原理」(1939)および「 新日本の思想原理 続編―協同主義の哲学的基礎 」(1939)の二つの冊子を取り上げ、これを批判した蓑田胸喜の「昭和硏究會の言語魔術」(1940)と突き合せた。三木に対する諸評価を再考する端緒とした。三木は、人が「技術」によって環境に働きかけ、自らが意図した形あるものを作り出すこと、「技術」による創造という「形の思想」によって「協同主義」を基礎づけた。「形の思想」を元に、協同体の在り方を唯物論、観念論、認識論、実在論、有機体説などから検討し、全体主義と自由主義を総合・統一する「協同主義」を見いだした。そこには、共産主義は直接的には入っていない。東洋思想と西洋思想を総合・統一する「協同主義」は、個人と社会・国家、世界、歴史の真の調和をはかるもので、共産主義や唯物論ではなかったし、戦争肯定論でもなかった。蓑田のような一元論者で国体論者からの批判はあるものの、三木を、「転向者」・戦争推進論者とみなしたり、国体破壊論者と評価してしまうわけにはいかない。研究ノー

    A Study of ‘The Economic Ethics of Corporatism’ by Kiyoshi Miki : Logic and Ethics

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    研究ノート1940年9月に、「昭和研究会」の名前で三木清が出した「協同主義の経済倫理」を取り上げ、「協同主義」思想の論理の上に、どのように経済倫理を構築しようとしたのか検討した。検討にあたっては、国粋主義者からの批判を参照した。三木の「協同主義」における経済倫理が、アダム・スミスの分業論に基礎づけられており、自由主義経済を支える功利主義を焼き直したものであることが判った。功利主義を超えるような倫理はなかったことになる。三木は、スミスと同じように、利己心の下にある人と社会の相互性から、倫理・道徳が社会的に創生されると考え、新たな倫理の姿を求めたものの、自由主義の倫理を超えることができなかった。This paper is a study of ‘The Economic Ethics of Corporatism’ by Kiyoshi Miki (1897–1945), which he published in September 1940 under the name Showa Study Group (Shōwa kenkyūkai). It examines how he attempted to build an economic ethic on the logic of ‘corporatism’ (kyōdōshugi) and refers to criticisms directed at him from ‘ultranationalists’ (kokusuishugisha). This paper finds that the economic ethics of Miki’s corporatism is based on Adam Smith’s (1723–1790) theory on the division of labour and is a reworking of the utilitarianism that underpins liberal economics. This implies that there was no ethics that went beyond utilitarianism. Miki, like Smith, believed that ethics and morality are socially created from the mutuality between people and society under the basis of self-interest, and although he sought a new form of ethics, he could not go beyond the ethics of liberalism

    Production of asari (Manila) clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, during the period of harvest decrease in the 2000s in the Banzu tidal area, Tokyo Bay

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    In Tokyo Bay, the harvestable quantity of asari (Manila) clams Ruditapes philippinarum has been decreasing since the late 1990s. We conducted a field investigation on clam density in the Banzu culture area from April 1988 to December 2014 and collected records spanning January 1986 to September 2017 from relevant fisheries cooperative associations to clarify the relationship between the temporal variation in stock abundance and the production activities of fishermen. The yearly variation in clam abundance over the study period was marked by larger decreases in the numbers of larger clams. A large quantity of juvenile clams, beyond the biological productivity of the culture area, may have been introduced as seed stock in the late 1980s despite the high level of harvestable stock. The declines in harvested quantity began in the late 1990s and may have been caused by decreases in harvestable stock despite the continuous addition of seed stock clams. The harvested quantity is likely to be significantly dependent upon the wild clam population, even within the culture area, as the harvestable quantity was not correlated with the quantity of seed stock introduced during the study period. These declines in harvested quantity may have resulted from a decreasing number of operating harvesters due to the low level of harvestable stock and consequently reduced profitability. Two findings were emphasized. A certain management style, based on predictions of the contributions of wild and introduced clams to future stock biomass, is essential for economically-feasible culturing. In areas with less harvestable stock, actions should be taken to maintain the incomes of harvesters while avoiding overexploitation, even if the total harvest quantity decreases

    CPL on/off control of an assembled system by water soluble macrocyclic chiral sources with planar chirality

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    Herein, we report the synthesis and planar chiral properties of a pair of water-soluble cationic pillar[5]arenes with stereogenic carbons. Interestingly, although units of the molecules were rotatable, only one planar chiral diastereomer existed in water in both cases. As a new type of chiral source, these molecules transmitted chiral information from the planar chiral cavities to the assembly of a water-soluble extended π-conjugated compound, affording circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). The chirality transfer process and resulting CPL were extremely sensitive to the feed ratio of the chiral pillar[5]arenes owing to the combined action of their planar chirality, bulkiness, and strong binding properties. When a limited amount of chiral source was added, further assembly of the extended π-conjugated compound into helical fibers with CPL was triggered. Unexpectedly, larger amounts of chiral source destroyed the helical fiber assemblies, resulting in elimination of the chirality and CPL properties from the assembled structures

    Safety of Silk-elastin Sponges in Patients with Chronic Skin Ulcers: A Phase I/II, Single-center, Open-label, Single-arm Clinical Trial

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    Background: Although traditional wound dressings such as collagen scaffolds promote granulation tissue formation, the efficacy of these dressings in chronic wounds is limited because of high susceptibility to bacterial growth. Biomaterials that can be applied to chronic wounds should have an anti-bacterial function. We previously reported that administering a silk-elastin solution that forms moisturizing hydrogels to wound surfaces of diabetic mice reduced bacterial growth and promoted granulation tissue formation compared with control or carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogels. We hypothesized that silk-elastin promotes wound healing in human chronic wounds by suppressing bacterial growth. Methods: An open-label, clinical case series was conducted with a prospective, single-arm design at Kyoto University Hospital in Kyoto, Japan. In this study, 6 patients with chronic skin ulcers of any origin (2 < ulcer area (cm2) < 25) on their lower extremities were included; patients with critical ischemia were excluded. Silk-elastin sponges were applied and covered with a polyurethane film without changing the dressing for 14 days. Inflammation triggered treatment discontinuation due to fear of infection. The primary study endpoint was adverse events, including inflammation and infection. Results: Poor hydrogel formation, possibly due to continuous exudation, was observed. No serious adverse events were noted. Two patients discontinued treatment on day 6 and day 7, respectively, due to inflammation, but they were not infected. The other 4 patients completed the 14-day silk-elastin sponge treatment without infection. Conclusion: Silk-elastin sponge is safe for chronic skin ulcers, and its ability to promote wound healing should be determined by confirmatory clinical trials